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Useful Phrases
Question | Answer |
dw i'n hoff o | I'm fond of |
dw i wrth fy modd gyda | I love |
dw i'n dwli ar | I love |
mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn | I have an interest in |
fy hoff___ydy | my favourite____is |
fy nghas___ydy | my least favourite_____is |
dw i'n casau | I hate |
mae'n gas gen i | I hate |
dw i' ddim yn siwr am | I'm not sure about |
mae'n well gen i__na__ | I prefer__to__ |
mae__yn well na__ | __is better than__ |
mae__yn fwy__na__ | __is more__than__ |
yn fy marn i | in my opinion |
i mi/i fi | to me/for me |
dw i'n meddwl bod | I think that |
dw i'n credu bod | I believe that |
dw i o'r farn bod | I'm of the opinion that |
credaf bod | believe that |
mae'n wir bod | it's true that |
mae rhai'n dweud bod | some say that |
mae___yn awgrymu bod | ___suggests that |
mae'n siwr bod | it's sure that |
yn ôl | according to |
heb | without |
y ddau | either |
wedyn | then |
byth | never |
bron | almost |
i ddechrau | to start |
yn ogystal â hyn | as well as this |
er mwyn | in order to |
wedi dweud hynny | having said that |
ar un llaw | on one hand |
ar y llaw arall | on the other hand |
heb os nac oni bai | without a doubt |
er hynny | however |
beth bynnag | anyway |
mae'n dibynnu | it depends |
yn bellach | further |
yn ffodus | fortunately |
yn anffodus | unfortunately |
yn enwedig | especially |
wrth gwrs | of course |
yn wir | indeed |
petawn i'n | if I were |
mewn ffordd | in a way |
o dro i dro | from time to time |
ar y foment | at the moment |
i ddod i gasgliad | to come to a conclusion |
i orffen | to finish |
ddoe | yesterday |
neithiwr | last night |
gynnau | earlier |
echddoe | night before last |
llynedd | last year |
wythnos diwetha' | last week |
mis diwetha' | last month |
Dydd Llun diwetha' | last Monday |
drwy'r amser | all the time |
yn aml | often |
bob dydd | every day |
bob Dydd Iau | every Thursday |
am | at |
o | from |
tan | til |
yn ystod | during |
dros | over |
heddiw | today |
heno | tonight |
rwan/nawr | now |
eleni | this year |
wythnos yma | this week |
mis yma | this month |
Dydd Llun yma | this Monday |
weithiau | somethimes |
nawr ac yn y man | now and again |
bob hyn a hyn | every now and then |
pan mae gen i amser | when I have time |
pan mae gen i 'fynedd | when I can be bothered |
pan dw i'n cofio | when I remember |
os dw i'n gallu | if I can |
os dw i eisiau | if I want |
os oes rhaid i mi | if I must/have to |
yfory | tomorrow |
nos yfory | tomorrow night |
wedyn | later |
blwyddyn nesa' | next year |
drannoeth | the next morning |
whythnos nesa' | next week |
mis nesa' | next month |
Dydd Llun nesa' | next Monday |
byth | never |
yn anaml | not often |
erioed | never |
bob yn ail Ddydd Iau | every other Thursday |
unwaith | once |
dwywaith | twice |
tair gwaith | three times |
cyn | before |
ar ôl | after |
ers | since |