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Principles of pharmacology

The process by which one substance is absorbed, or taken in and incorporated, into another, as when the body converts food or drugs into a form it can use. Absorption
To give a drug directly by injection, by mouth, or by any other route that introduces the drug into the body. Administer
A drug or drug product that is categorized as potentially dangerous and addictive and is strictly regulated by federal laws. Controlled Substance
To distribute a drug, in a properly labeled container, to a patient who is to use it. Dispense
The biochemical process of transporting a drug from its administration site in the body to its site of action. Distribution
The amount of a drug given or taken at one time. Dosage
The amount of a drug given or taken at one time. Dose
The therapeutic value of a procedure or therapy, such as a drug. Efficacy
The elimination of waste by a discharge; in drug metabolism, the manner in which a drug is eliminated from the body. Excretion
A drug's official name. Generic Name
The purpose or reason for using a drug, as approved by the FDA. Indication
Information provided by a drug, including FDA-approved indication and the form of the drug. Labeling
A popular term for an opioid and term of choice in government agencies; Narcotic
A natural or synthetic drug that produces opium-like effects. Opioid
Pertaining to medical drugs. Pharmaceutical
The study of what drugs do to the body: the mechanism of action, or how they work to produce a therapeutic effect. Pharmacodynamics
The study of characteristics of natural drugs and their sources. Pharmacognosy
The study of what the body dose to drugs: how the body absorbs, metabolizes, distributes, and excretes the drugs. Pharmacokinetics
The study of drugs. Pharmacology
The study of how drugs are used to treat disease; also called clinical Pharmacology. Pharmacotherapeutics
To give a patient a prescription to be filled by a pharmacy. Prescribe
Physician's written order for medication. Prescription
A drug that can be legally used only by order of a physician and must be administered or dispensed by a licensed heath-care professional. Prescription Drug
The study of poisons or poisonous effects of drugs. Toxicology
A drug's brand or proprietary name. Trade Name
Created by: jhamil14
Popular Pharmacology sets




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