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Garvin Congress Test


Burkean Dilemma Govern to interests of constituency or whole country in Washington
Judicial Review Not originally power of Supreme Court - Madison v Bradbury (1803)
Legislative Veto Delegating bills to subcommittee, check back with congress. Unconstitutional, but still practiced.
17th Amendment (1913) Direct nomination of Senators, changed senate to look like House (connected to public).
Evolution of Congress Size, Workload, Conflict with Prez, Partisan/Individual interests, Professionalism, committees
Malapportionment Unequal populations in districts
Gerrymandering Drawing districts to benefit a candidate. Can draw to benefit a political party/incumbent, but not to disadvantage a group.
Minority-Majority Districts Gerrymandering that makes a district ethnically homogeneous. Can be segregation or beneficial - electing similar congressman.
Johnson-Feingold (2010) Johnson=inexperienced, but beat 17-yr incumbent Feingold b/c swept up in Repub. sweep in 2010.
Serious Candidates $$$, experience, influence to raise more $$$.
Citizens United (2010) Gave Individuals unlimited spending rights to help a candidate (parallel campaigns)
Buckley v. Valeo (1976) Can limit contributions, but not spending. Personal spending not limited.
1932 Democratic Party takes power from the Republicans in response to the Depression. Sudden Party Realignment.
1994 Slow, gradual shift for the Southern Democrats shifting to the Republican party. ->partisanship
Rayburn Homestyle (TX) example: suit/tie at congress, but chewed tobacco, wore overalls at home.
1910 Removed Speaker of House from rules committee, no appointing rules members. Lessened power of speaker.
1925 Seniority System: gave committee chairs to most senior members. Increased power of chairmen.
1974 Started voting in secret ballots for Chair appointments, prohibited not hearing a bill. Still powerful chairs, but can be voted out. Stronger speakers now: O'Neill & Boehner.
Multiple Referral Sending a bill to multiple committees to which it applies. Civil Rights Bill, sent to where will succeed (Party Leadership Power)
Supermajority 3/5 of senate needed to vote cloture - end filibuster. (60 votes)
Germane Related to a bill. In House, amendments have to be germane. not in senate.
Logrolling Promising to vote for each others' bills to benefit small/unimportant projects - NO LYING.
Margolis-Mevinsky (1993-94) Promised to vote for Clinton's health care bill, but didn't want to be called on. Forced to vote, not re-elected.
Obama's disconnect (2008 vs 2010) People didn't want more gov't action, just want jobs. Lots of gov't spending, but ppl didn't see improvement. Public expectations too high. Clash between agenda and campaign promises.
Created by: mwright555
Popular American Government sets




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