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Tx DM Part I


What is DM associated w/ abnl carb, fat, and protein metabolism
What are post effects of DM blindness, end stage renal dz, HD, and stroke
Why are new cases of DM2 increasing d/t lifestyle, ethnicity, and age
What ↓ complications in DM pts strict glucose control
Tx goals for DM reduce LT micro/macrovascular complications, prevent acute complications of ↑BG: DKA, HHS, minimize hypoglycemic episodes, maintain QOL, educate pt on DM
Glycemic goals for DM A1C <7%, FPG: 70-130, 2 hr PP: < 180
What do we check if the pt’s report and A1C doesn’t match up meter, additional tx, (Don’t assume they r lying)
Non-pharm management of DM Pt ed, lifestyle changes:
All the levels of DM tx pt ed on dz process and PA, nutritional management, medications, monitoring BG, preventing acute/chronic complications
Lifestyle changes necessary for DM control nutrition, self monitoring, PA, adherence to medications
Why does physical activity help? improves insulin sensitivity, may improve glucose tolerance
What four biological components lead to DM ↓ insulin secretion, ↓ glucose use in peripheral tissues, ↑ glucose made in liver, sugar absorption in the gut
What drugs stimulate insulin secretion sulfonylureas, and meglitinides
What drugs ↑ glucose uptake thiazolidendione
What drugs ↓ gluconeogenesis in the liver Biguanides
What drugs block sugar absorption in the gut a-Glucosidase inhibitor
What is the initial therapy for BM a Biguanide: metformin
When is metformin CI Cr >1.5 or 1.4 in F, also HOLD with contrast
What will ↑ peak of metformin by 60% cimetidine
Trade name for metformin Glucophage
Two other additional therapy after the metformin insulin and sulfonylurea
MOA of sulfonylurea and names Enhance insulin secretion Glipizide Glyburide, Glimepiride
AE’s of sulfonylureas hypoglycemia, wt gain, nausea
AE’s of metofrmine GI disturbances, rare but can occur: lactic acidosis
AE’s of insulin hypoglycemia, pain at injection site, atrophy/hypertrophy of sq fat tissues, wt gain
How are SUs eliminated liver CYP substrate but metabolites are renally eliminated
What are the “tier 2” drugs Thiazolidinedione and Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists (GLP-1)
MOA of thiaxolidinedione and name reduce insulin resistance, Pioglitazone: Trade: actos
AE’s of TZD wt gain, fluid retention, hepatotoxicity
What will ↓ BG w/ TZD the administration of insulin and SU
Monitoring of TZD ALT d/t hepatotox
MOA of GLP-1 potentiates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, slow stomach emptying, ↓ hunger
Two names of GLP-1 Exenatide, Liraglutide
Black box warning on GLP-1 thyroid tumor in RODENTS, also pancreatitis
Why would we add GLP-1 used in pts taking metformin and/or SU to improve glucose control
What drugs delay glucose absorption Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (never monotherapy)
What drugs are similar to sulfaureas and y Glitinides, stimulates insulin release from B-cells
Diff b/w Sulfonyureas and GLitinides Glitinides: Faster onset, shorter duration, covers CHO meals
SE’sof Glitinides Wt gain, Hypoglycemia, Nausea, HA
Fxn of amylin ↓ BG after eating, secreated by the pancreas
Repaglinide Prandin: a glitinide
Pramlintide symlin: amylin agonist
What must we adjust w/ the start of pramlintide ↓ insulin dose d/t ↓ Glucose absorbtion
What are DPP-4 inhibitors they enhance endog incretin activity by inhibiting breakdown of DPP-4, ↑ glu-med insulin secretion, ↓ glucagon secretion
Names for DPP-4 inhibitors “gliptins” Sitagliptin, Saxagliptin, Linagliptin
AE’s for gliptins generally well tolerated, may interfere w/ immune fxn? URI?
When do we adjust the gliptin dose in pts w/ moderat-severe renal insufficiency (also note w/ Digoxin, may ↑ dose)
MOA for dopamine receptor agonist ↑ insulin sensitivity (Bromocriptine: cycloset)
AE’s of Bromocriptine Dizziness/syncope, N, fatigue, HOTN, rhinitis (LT safety unknown)
Do we start w/ combo products?? NO:D
Commone combinations Glyburide/metformin, Pioglitazone/Metformin, Rosiglitzone/glimepiride, Sitagliptin/metformin
When do we dose (time of day) oral agents 30 min before meals, (qday? Then before 1st meal of the day)
Two initial steps in tx DM ↓wt, ↑ activity, metformin
What is the best at lowering A1C insulin
Initial dose of metformin 500mg qday, after 5-7 days, ↑ to 850mg qday or 500mg bid
Maximum effective dose of metformin 1000mg bid (but often 850mg bid is used)
What may limit the dose of metformin that will be used GI side effects
What is the 1st choice of pharm therapy metformin (generic)
Fxns of insulin stimulates glucose uptake, inhibits HGPm inhibits lipolysis, proteolysis, and ↑ protein synthesis
Usual sorce of insulin human MC, some use animal: beef or pork
Where do we store the insulin in the refrigerator (kept at RT if used w/I 30 days)
When should pt’s not use their insulin discolored, particles clumped in the bottle, past expiration date or not refridgerated >1m
How and where is insulin administered SQ, 90 degree angle, in the abd, arm, thigh, buttocks
What is the ONLY IV form of insulin regular
Why can’t we give insulin PO stomach acids will disenegrate prior to action
AE’s of insulin hypoglycemia, pain at site, atrophy or hypertrophy of SQ fat
Starting dose for DM1 and DM2 pts for insulin 1: .5-.6U/kg/day, 2: .2U/kg/day
Usual maintnence dose for insulin .5-2U/kg/day in divided doses (50% basal 50% prandial insulin)
F/U while starting insulin at least weekly until dose is established
Three types of dosing regimens Minimal, Conventional, Intensive
What type is inappropriate for type 1 DM minimal (only dosed 1-2 times/day of NPH)
Conventinal insulin dosing NPH 2 times daily (morning, supper) and Regular breakfast and supper (can mix)
Intensive dosing for insulin 3-4 injections w/ 50% basal and 50% short acting
What is the % of short acting for each meal 20% B, 15%l, 15%S
What is CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (basal insulin 24/7 w/ bolus prior to meals and snacks)
Temporary remission of hyperglycemia in some newly diagnosed pts w/ T1 or transient ↓ need for exogenous insulin honeymoon phase
Relative resistance to insulin during morning hours dawn phenomenon
Rebound hyperglycemia following an episode of hypoglycemia somogyi effect
Effects of decongestants on BG can raise BG, (pseudophedrine_ use nasal sprays short term
What simple analgesics can be used in DM APAP and IBU fine, use aspirin in low doses (<8/day)
What should we remember on cough preperations w/ DM syrup? Sugar?. Decongestants? Cough drops; sugar?
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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