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Tx DM Part II


Causes of hypoglycemia excessive insulin, ↑work or exercise, delay omission of a meal, illness w/ vomiting, fever or diarrhea
S/S hypoglycemia fatigue, excessive hunger, tachy, diaphoresis, paresthesia, mentation deficits
Tx of hypoglycemia of a conscious patient oral glucose15-20 gm (chew), food (OJ), meal or snack, liquid best (MR in 15 mins)
Tx of hypoglycemia of an unconscious pt glucagon 1mg sq, im, iv (response 5-20min MR x 1 or 2 prn) OR IV dextrose
Sick day tx for DM type 2 usually ok, may need to ↓ sugar intake d/t continuous elevated BG levels
Sick day tx for DMT1 continues nl insulin regimen, use supplemental rapid-acting insulin based on BG results
When do we give additional insulin w/ DM1 sick pts if ketonuria develops, sugar solns to maintain BG may be used
Reasons for weird BG in sick DM1 pts caloric intake ↓, insulin sensitivity ↓, so pts MUST monitor frequently
What would ↓ mortality in ICU DM pts w/ AMI tight glucose control
What medication should we hold with a hospitalized pt metformin
Goal of BP with DM <130-80
Note DB goals for HTN below
Preferred HTN agents ACE and ARBs (others include BBs, Diuretics, CCBs)
When do we use satins to lower LDL in DM pts >40 w/o CVD but >1 other but 1 or more RF for it
CVD lipid goal <100 Optional to be <70
Why would we use niacin in DM tx for high lipids to help ↑ BG
Primary prevention with aspiritn 75-162mg/day for ppl 10 yr RF >10%, or men >50, women>60 w/ 1 major risk factor
Major risk factors for CVD FHx M 55 F 65, smoking, HTN, albuminuria, dyslipidemia
Secondary prevention w/ aspirin Hx of CVD
ASA allergy prevention medication clopidogrel 75mg
When do we combine these up to 1 yr post ACS
When is ASA NOT recommended adults w/ low CV risk (10 yr risk <5%) or men <50, F<60 wo RF’s
What do we need to tell EVERY pt STOP SMOKING
Microalbuminuria spilling small proteins into urine 30-200mcg/mg creatinine,
What is a well established marker for CVD risk microalbuminuria
When do we start an ACEi or ARB if microalbuminuria is present even if normotensive
How do we estimate CrCl croft-gault equation (140-age)xLBM/72 x SCr LBM: 50+(2.3 x (60-ht) or 45.5 +(2.3 x (60-ht)
How often should we do finger stick glucose, and A1C 1-6xday, and every 3-6m, 3 if not at goal
Goal for microalbuminuria <30, > than is predictive of nephropathy
F/U for lipids yearly, or every 2 if stable
Lipid goals LDL <100, HDL >40 M >50F, TG < 150
Foot exam frequentcy every visit
CV autonomic neuropathy yearly , and p ted,
Vaccinations for DM pts Flu every fall, pneumovax (1 >2, or >64 and 1st vaccine was >5 years ago, also Chronic syndromes: nephrotic, CRD, immunocomprimised, Hep B per CDC
Current percentage of adults of have A1C < 7 57.1%
How many have achieved all A1C, BP, and TC goals 12.2%
3 labs indicative of prediabetes FPG 100-125, OGGT: 140-199, A1C: 5.7-6.4
What should wt loss be to prevent DM 7% total body wt, PA 150m/week,
When do we consider metformin BMI >35, Age <60, Women w/ prior GDM
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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