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Tx Thyroid Disorders


What stimultates the hypothalamus, inhibits? circadian rhythms, cold, acute psychosis I: severe stress and ↑T4/T3
What inhibits the ant pit corticoids, somatostatin, dopamine and ↑ T4, T3 levels
What inhibits and stimulates the thyroid gland iodine does both
Subjective signs of hypothyroidism dry, cold, wt gain, constipation, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, depression
Physical signs of hypothyroidism course skin and hair, cold skin, periorbital puffiness, brady, speech is slow and hoarse, muscle cramps, myalgia, stiffness, muscle weakness
Gold std thyroid test TSH
What would lower TSH dopamine, dopamine agonists, clucocorticoids, recovery from severe illness
What are Anti-TPO abx present in autoimmune hypothyroidism, predicts more rapid progression to worsening hypothyroidism
Nl levels of TSHR-Sab undectable: present in Graves’ dz
Sequelae of hypothyroidism hypercholestermia, ↑ diastolic BP, dementia-like symptoms, fetal risks, myxedema coma
What are fetal risks of low thyroid miscarriage, developmental impairment
What are signs of myxedeeema coma CNS and resp depression, CV instability, f & e imbalances
Pharm therapy goals for hypothyroidism replace missing thyroid hormones, relieve sxs, achieve stable euthyroid state, prevent neuro sxs
MC use for thyroid replacement levothyroxine (synthetic T4)
AE’s of levothyroxine excessive doses→HF, angina, MI allergic reactions, but rare, (MC w/ animal derived), ↓ bone density w/ excessive doses
DI w/ levothyroxine ↓ effect of PHT, cholestyramine absorption, ↑ oral hypoglycemic requirements, ↓ absorption w/ chronic acid suppression therapy
↑ effects of levothyroxine increased effects of oral anticoags
↑ tox effects of levothyroxine TCAs may ↑ toxic potential of drugs
3 Drugs that ↓ TH production lithium, iodine-contating meds, amiodarone
Drugs that ↓ TH absoption ferrous sulfate, calcium products (Sucralfate, Cholestyramine, colestipol, aluminum-containing antacids)
Drugs that ↑ metabolism of thyroxine rifampin, phenobarbital, CMZ, warfarin, oral hypoglycemic
Drugs that ↑ thyroxine F furosemids, mefenamic acid, salicilates
When during the day do we dose thyroxine first thing in morning on empty stomach, wait 30 mins prior to eating
Why ↓ absorption of thyroxine Ca++, iron, fiber
What does initial dose depend on patient age, presence of associated d/os, severity and duration of hypothyroidism
Refer down below for thyroxine dosing Yup
How do we monitor thyroxine TSH, sometimes T4
What is T4 useful for monitoring useful in detecting non-adherance (not appropriate for routine monitoring)
How often do we F/U check levels q 6-8 weeks until euthryoid state, then 6-12m thereafter
Pt signs for thyrotoxicosis nervousness, emotional liability, easy fatigability, heat intolerance, proximal muscle weakness, wt loss w ↑appetite, anorexia in elderly, palpitations, irregular bowels and menses
Physical signs of hyperthyroidism warm, smooth, moist skin, fine hair, oncholysis, lid lag, tachy, systolic ejection murmur, widened PP, gynecomastia, fine tremor, ↑ DTRs
Therapeutic outcomes for tx of hyperthyroidism relieve sxs, reduct TH production to nl levels, prevent LT adverse sequelae
Two antithyroid agents propylthiouracil & methimazole
How do antithyroid agents work block oxidation of iodine in thyroid gland (↓ TH production of T3 and T4),
What DON”T antithyroid meds do inactivate circulating T3 and T4
Additional action of propylituracil (PTU) inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
Minor AE’s of above pruritic maculopapular rash, arthralgias, fevers, benign transient leucopenia,
Major AEs agranulocytosis, lupus-like syndrome (after 6,), GI intolerance, hepatotox
Black box warning w/ PTU severe liver injury: usually reserve for pts who can’t tolerate other tx
3 mainstays of tx antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, surgery
Rapid, effective tx surgery, especially in pts w/ lg goiters, but most complications
Probs w/ radioactive iodine or surgery permanent hypothyroidism
Radioactive iodine 131I
How do we individualize thyroid tx type, severity, pt age and gender, existence of nonthyroidal conditions, responsive to previous therapy
What are symptomatic txs for hyperthyroidism BB’s and iodides
MOA of iodides block conversion of T4 to T3 and inhibit hormone release
Indications for iodides need for rapid ↓ in TH, preop, or used in pregnancy
AE’s of iodides sialadenitis, conjunctivitis, acneform rash,
Precautions for BB use older pt’s or pre-exhisting HD, COPD, asthma
Indications for BBs prompt control of sxs, HR, BP
1st therapy for hyperthyroidism BB’s, short term in pregnancy
Tx of choice for pregnant women PTU
d/o radioactive iodine is used for graves’ multinodular goiter, toxic nodules, relapses from antithyroid drugs
indications for thyroid surgery pregnant, children w/ major AE’s to drugs, toxic nodules in pts <40, large goiters w/compression sxs, severe dz and can’t tolerate recurrence (cosmetics)
seriously complications w/ thyroid surgery temporary or permentant hypoparathyroidism or laryngeal paralysis
what must the pts be prior to surgery euthroid pre op w/ antithyroid drugs or iodides
why to avoid thyrotoxic crisis
surgery preparations PTU or methimazole until chemically euthyroid, Iodides 500mg/day x 10-14 days prior to surg, to dec thyroid, levothyroxine to maintain euthhyroid
S/S thyroid storm high fever, tachy, tachypnea, dehydration, delirum, com and GI disturbances
what is precipatated for the thyroid storm infx, trauma, surgery, radioactive iodine tx, sudden withdrawl from antithyroidism drugs
Tx of thyroid storm BB, IV or oral iodide, Lg dose of PTU (3-4 divided doses), supportive care, IV hydrocortisone
Dx thyroid d/o CP and labs
Tx hypothyroidism levothyroxine
tx hyperthyroidism antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine ablation, surgery
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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