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A fragment of the vocabulary words appearing. (Class second quarter)

Abject cast down, spiritless
Aesthetic sensitive to beauty
Alacrity a cheerful briskness
Auspicious lucky, promising, favorable
Blatant obvious, obtrusive
Capitulate surrender on terms agreed upon, yield
Cogent persuasive, brilliantly compelling
Conjecture supposition, opinion
Cursory hurried, rapid, superficial
Decorous proper, becoming, suitable
Diffident shy, timid
Disdain despise, think him unworthy
Docile obedient, manageable, unresisting
Equanimity composure, calm temper, evenness of mind
Facade front, false exterior
Facetious inappropriately witty
Fastidious particular, meticulous, hard to please
Fatuous silly, complacently foolish
Flaunt display, show off, boast of
Furtive sly, stealthy, shifty
Glib thoughtlessly, talkative, suspiciously, fluent
Gregarious good mixer, enjoy meeting people
Harangue noisy, pompous speech
Idiosyncrasy oddness, eccentricity
Illicit unlawful, furtive
Importune insistently, begged, persistently urged
Incredulous skeptical, disbelieving
Inexorable inflexible, unyielding
Invective abuse, angry reproach
Loquacious talkative, garrulous
Ludicrous laughable, ridiculous
Martinet strict discipline
Maudlin weakly sentimental
Nebulous vague, hazy
Obsequious servily attentive, fawning
Ostracize banned from social and political favor
Panacea cure-all
Pander to provide gratification to another's vice
Placate appease, pacify
Prodigious huge, monstrous, mighty
Prolific inventive, fertile, productive
Propensity leaning, bent, natural inclination
Prudent wisely cautious
Redundant overly wordy
Surreptitious without proper authority, by sly, clandestine
Taciturn reserve, habitually silent
Truculent fierce, savage, cruel
Vacillate hesitate, waver, change
Created by: orangedawg
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