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Grad Pharm


Acyclovir HSV drug. Viral TK first phosphorylates.
Cidofovir HSV drug. Doesn't need viral TK. Less specific
AZT Azidothymidine. AZT-PPP Inhibits RT. Also causes chain termination
NNRTI Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Noncompetitive inhibitor. High resistance.
Protease Inhibitor HIV drug. Stops protease needed to cleave viral proteins to activate them
Pleconaril For Rhinovirus. Block viral uncoating and attachement to epithelial cells.
Bephenium Antihelminthic. block reuptake of ACh. Spastic paralysis
Pyrantel inhibits ACh esterase. Spastic Paralysis
Piperazine Flaccid paralysis. Mechanism Unclear
Metronidazole nitroaromatic group accepts electron. Produces radical species that causes DNA damage in anerobes.Through Nitroso compounds
Pentamidine Anti Trypanosome. Actively pumped into parasite.
Difluoromethylmithine (DFMO) irreversibly binds to ornithine decarboxylase. Enzyme has long halflife in trypanazome
Aspirin Nonselective COX inbibitor. irreversible
Ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethacin Non selective COX inbibitor, reversible
Celecoxib, rofecoxib, valdecoxib Selective COX2 inhibitor. Rofecoxib, and valdecoxib show cardiovascular risk
Estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, quinestrol Agonist of estrogen
Tamoxifen Antagonist of estrogen, for ER positive breast cancer
Enclomephene Treatment for infertility. contraceptive activity
19-nortestosterone, norethindrone, norethnodrel Agonist of progestin. Hormone repalcement therapy
Mifepristone RU486 Antagonist of progestins. Abortions
testosterone agonist of androgen
finasteride, flutimide antagonist of androgen
hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone agonist of adrenalcorticosteroids
Rituximab chimeric antibody with human constant region and mouse variable. targets and kills B-cells with CD20. for lymphoma
Dipyridamole Adenosine deaminase inhibitor. Anti platelet agent
Ticlopidine P2Y12 antagonist. Noncompetitive irreversible binding to receptor. neutropenia
Clopidogrel Plavix. less neutropenia P2Y12 antagonist
Prasugrel improve on plavix, but higher bleeding risk.
Ticagrelor reversible P2y12 antagonist. More bleeding. good efficacy.
Abciximab GPIIBIIIa receptor antagonist humanized mouse antibody
Eptifibatide GPIIBIIIa antagonist. RGD cyclic peptide
Tirofiban small molecule RGD mimic
Vorapaxar PAR1 (Thrombin receptor antagonist)
Heparin antithrombin inactivation of Factor Xa. No oral bioavailibility
Warfarin Vitamin K dependent process. Many indirect effects. Block glutamic acid carboxylation. Slow
Rivaroxaban inhibitor factor xa. orally bioavailible. long t1/2
Dabigatran direct thrombin inhibitor. orally bioavailible
Streptokinase Fibrinolytic. Binds to plasminogen and activates it. For MI. Large dose needed.
Altepase Recombinant tissue Plasminogen activator (tPA). Serine protease. Short halflife.
Created by: awesam
Popular Pharmacology sets




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