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Pharm Communications

Stack #92362

Pharmacy Communications Seg. 1
Hippa 1. Only Share 2. Information 3."protected health information" 4.Incidental Exposure 1. Only share with other provider what is necessary to provide patient care. 2. Take all precautions to ensure confidentiality. 3. Any individually identifiable health info. 4. OK if efforts have been made: pass codes, private spots, locked cabinets.
Obra Patient Counseling Requirements: 1. Legal duty.. 1. Counsel all medicaid pts. in order 2 receive federal funding. Most states mandated it then.
Obra Pt Counseling Requirements-2 2. Discuss with pt or pt's care provider.. Rx name and dexceip; doseage form, route, & duration of therapy; spec. prec. for prep., admin., or use; storeage info.; common severe side effects/interaxs/contraindxs and how to handle; self-monitoring; missed doses; refills
Obra Pt Counseling Requirements-3 3.Reasonable efforts must be made to obtain... 4. DUR... 3. Pts name, address, phone #, DOB, gender, significant med hx (disease states, allergies, med rxns), current med list-including OTC's, & any other relevant factors, i.e. relig./cultural restrictions, occupation 4. Drug Utitilization Reviews mandated.
Factors which inhibit or intere with transfer of info in the basic transactional model. Process awareness involves both communicators perceptions of the other and suroundings. Internal Factors: Needs, intentions, feelings, expectations, beliefs, attitudes External Messages: words, intonations, gestures facial expressions, appearances The Setting: other people, noise, lighting, space
Summarize SELF AWARENESS and PROCESS AWARENESS Self-awareness refers to each sender's awareness of his/her own internal factors and external messages. Process awareness refers to awareness of the setting/envt., & of how intended mesgs can be misperceived due to inherent probs w/mess. encoding/decoding
Linear application Oriented (LAO) Communication Model vs. Transactional Communication model The Transactional model takes into acct both parties' perceptions and feelings in the interaction. The LAO model focuses on 1 party's comm. process, i.e. 1 Pharmacist applying the steps.
LAO STEPS and the RELATED SKILLS: 1. Observe and identify: 1a. Question: 1. Be sensitive to influences of nonverbal behavior and setting. 1a.Use appropriate interviewing skills.
LAO STEPS and RELATED SKILLS contd. 2. Assess/Determine: Interpret barriers to comm and resulting effects. Interpret influences on comm and resulting effects. assess needs. Determine goals for action to be taken. Interpret feedback. Evalutate how well needs have been met in previous and present encounters.
LAO Steps and Related Skills contd. 3. Inform/Counsel 4. Confirm/Clarify 3. Confirm/reinforce pts knowledge. Clarify or add to pts knowledge. Correct pts knowledge if necessary. 4. Solicit feedback. Be receptive to feedback.
LAO Steps and Related Skills contd. 5. Contract/Negotiate * Question 5. Engage in conflict resolution. Develop mutually acceptable goals for future action. * Back to the Assess/Determine step as necessary.
Barriers to communication in the Pharmacy: ENVIRONMENT: PHARMACIST: Pharmacist behind a counter, no place to talk, noise, distractions/crowds, px barriers (drive- throughs, glass windows) Pharmacist could be lacking in knowledge or be unfamil with counseling techniques. Attitude.
Barriers continued.. Patient issues: Financial and Time issues: Pt is ill, possibly emotional, may have cultural or relig. issues and/or language barriers. They want lowest cost. We want ins. co to pay us. We all want the process to be speedy. Tons of paperwork, etc,etc...
Overcomming Barriers: Counseling: Feedback: Awareness: Pharmacists need to INITIATE counseling. Comms caring & helps with understanding. Giving/requesting feedback helps take out nonverbal ambiguity and opens comm channels. Process and self awareness are essential. Also need 2 work on the envir/pers issues
TERMINOLOGY: ACTIVE LISTENING Conscious effort. Active receiving and understanding info. Devoted attention and data processing. Listening and responding to what's implicitly expressed as well as explicitly commd.
TERMINOLOGY: CLARITY OF EXPRESSION CONGRUENCY OF BEHAVIOR Use of terminology appr. to the client's lev of comp as well as the effective use of pitch, rate, volume, and timing of communication. Consistency between 1's verbal and NV behavior and uniformity of behavior over time.
TERMINOLOGY FEEDBACK: GENUINENESS: NONJUDGEMENTAL ACCEPTANCE: Addtl info provided by or sought fr another person to augment prev knowledge, clarify uncertainties, guide further statements/actions. Presentation of 1's self w/o defensiveness/phoniness. Acc and respect w/o judging/labeling.
NVB 1.NVB is more powerful than words..... 2. NVB contributes between _______ to ______ percent of all we comm? 1. communicates our feelings louder than words. gives context to content. 2. 55-95%
NVB: 3 COMPONENTS 1. Kinesics 2. Proxemics 3. Paralinguistics 1. Study of body mvmts. use open posture, eye contact, appr. expres. 2. St of our personal space. 4 zones: intimate 0-18"; personal to 4'; social to 12'; public > 12' 3. Rate, tone, pitch, volume. Nonverbal yet verbal.
3 COMPONENT OF TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS MODEL: 1. Parent: Any external situation in which the little person feels that he is dependent to the pt that he isn't free to question or explore, produces data which is stored in the PARENT. 1. Taught concept of life as perceived from 1st 3-5yrs. of life. 2 sides: punishing (moral authority-cut and dry) and nurturing parent (respect, responsability, nurturing). Many "always" or "never" rules. came from source of security, so recorded as truth
3 COMPONENTS OF TA contd.. 2. Child: Since the little person has little vocab, most of his rxns are feelings. he can't see any connection between cause and effect and this produces frustration (I'm Not OK; parent is OK) Child is based on recordings of internal events in response to ext events up to age 5. Still mostly fr parents. Encompasses "felt" concept of life. The not OK feelings occur even w/loving well-meaning parents. Situation, not intent creates NOK state.
3 COMPONENTS OF TA contd.. 1-2. Parent / Child The recordings of the PARENT are necessary if the little person is to survive px and socially. Apparently the PARENT & CHILD "stop recording" with most of the ongoing experiences serving as reinforcement of these recordings of "do's and don'ts." "Psychological realities" which are brought out by playing back past episodes. These aren't "roles."
3 COMPONENTS OF TA contd.. 3. ADULT: Adult encompasses the "thought" concept of life. Little P has found that he is able to do something which grows fr his own awareness and original thought. Based on the little P's own data processing/gathering. Begins with locomotion (10 mo.). 1 of the most imp functions is examining the data of a)the PARENT, to see whether it is applicable; & b)the CHILD, to see whether the feelings are appropriate to the present, or are archaic responses to the archaic PARENT.
3 COMPONENTS OF TA contd.. The GOAL: The goal isn't for us to delete PARENT or CHILD data, but to feel free to examine it. ADULT functions in "probability estimating." Continually checking the old data to see if it's good. If no conflict btwn what was taught & what's real, we're "good/OK."
TA LIFE POSITIONS/ATTITUDES (table in notes p.16) 1. CHILD: 2. PARENT: 3. ADULT: 1. The child's positions are either "I'm not OK-You're OK," or "I'm not OK-You're not OK." 2. The parent's position is "I'm OK-You're not OK." 3. The adult's position is "I'm OK-You're OK."
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI): The Five Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence and their Related Competencies: Two components 1. PERSONAL COMPETENCE, which includes SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-REGULATION, and MOTIVATION; determines how we manage ourselves. 2. SOCIAL COMPETENCE, which includes EMPATHY and SOCIAL SKILLS, determines how we handle relationships.
EI 1. SELF-AWARENESS Knowing one's internal states, preferences, resources, & intuitions. The 3 competencies include EMOTIONAL AWARENESS-seeing 1's emotions & their effects, ACCURATE SELF-ASSESSMENT-knowing 1's strengths & limitations, & SELF-CONFIDENCE-worth & capability
EI PERSONAL COMPETENCE dimension 2: SELF-REGULATION Managing 1's internal staates, impulses, and resources. 5 Competencies: SELF-CONTROL, TRUSTWORTHINESS, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS-taking responsability for personal performance, ADAPTABILILTY-flexibility, & INNOVATIONS-comfort w/novel ideas/approaches.
EI: PERSONAL COMP contd... 3. MOTIVATION Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals. 4 competencies: ACHIEVEMENT DRIVE-striving to meet/improve a std of excellence, COMMITMENT-aligning w/goals of the group/org., INITIATIVE, & OPTIMISM-persistence despite obstacles/setbacks.
EI: SOCIAL COMPETENCE SOCIAL COMPETENCE includes EMPATHY & SOCIAL SKILLS 4. EMPATHY: Awareness of others' feelings needs, and concerns. 5 Competencies: UNDERSTANDING OTHERS, DEVELOPING OTHERS, SERVICE ORIENTATION-meeting customers' needs head-on, LEVERAGING DIVERSITY-seeking & dealing w/diverse peoples, & POLITICAL/ ORGANIZATIONAL AWARENESS-reading group emotions and power relationships
EI SOCIAL COMPETENCE 5. SOCIAL SKILLS involves adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others. 8 Competencies: INFLUENCE-effect. persuasive tactics, COMMUNICATION, CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP-inspire & guide, CHANGE CATALYSIS-initiating & managing change, ABILITY TO BOND, COLLABORATION/ COOPERATION-toward shared goals, & TEAM CAPABILITIES-drives team 2 goals.
Created by: smj45280
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