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Pharmacology CH 1,2


Three types of drug sources 1. natural plants ex opium purple fox glove 2. chemical synthesis 3 genetic egineering
5 drug classifications theurapuetic- what it does physiological how it does body system where it works prescription or otc Chemical type barbituates, dermatologic
pharmacokinetics physiologic processing of drugs
how does the body process drugs liver->metabolizes the kidneys excrete
pharmacodynamics physiological response to drug
agonist effect produced
antagonist effect blocked
synergists effect enhanced
indicated and contraindicated indicated means should be given contraindicated means should not be give maybe allergy
hypersensitivity produced from previous taking of the drug
idiosyncrasy unpredicable and is unique to you genetic
duration the time between the drug from time of onset til disappearance
onset from administration til effects seen
parenteral given injected
bolus given all at once throuugh iv
reconsitited mixed
orders that can be given in or standing verbal stat by surgeons preference card
prn given as needed but with a limit
3 characteristics of side effect unpredicatable expected unavoidable mild
FDA food and drug administration ensures quality of drugs and safety
DEA drug enforcement agency regulates controlled subtances
Class 1 high abuse no medical use marijuana, lsd, and herion
Class 2 high abuse approved meds codeine,morphine, fentanyl, opium, cocaine
Class 3 moderate abuse approved anabolic steriods, limeted codiene preps like tylenol 3
Class 4 limited abuse barbituates
Class 5 low abuse minimal risks antitussives, antidiarrheals, limited narcotic
Osha protects workers and sharp standards
CDC promotes public safety and health writes sharps protocol for injuries
Testing 2 species both genders before humans
3 clinical testings 1. clinical pharmacology group of 18-45 dose that is toxix, 2. clinical investigation determines dose few people 3 clinical trials before marketing
Created by: AndreaWoods
Popular Pharmacology sets




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