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Pharm AlternativeMed

Pharm Alternative

Vit C Defciency Scurvy
Nicotinic Acid/Nicotinamide Deficiency Pellagra
Folic Acid Deficiency Neural Tube Defect; Megaloblastic/Macrocytic anemia
Cyanocobalamin deficiency (VB12) Pernicious Anemia
Vit A deficiency Xerophthalmia, night blindness
Vit D deficiency tickets, osteomalacia
Vit E deficiency CNS, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy
Vit K deficiency defective coagulation, increased bleeding
Water Soluble Vitamins Asorbic Acid, Nicotinic Acid, Folic Acid, Cyanocobalamin
Ephedra uses wt loss, colds, fever, flu, HA, asthma, congestion
Ephedra SE N, Anxiety, HA, psychosis, Kd Stone, arrhythmias, sleep d/o, GI, urination
Garlic Use Cholesterol, HTN, CAD, GI CA
Garlic SE GI upset, allergic rxn, blood thinner, DI with anti-HIV meds
Ginger for stomach aches, N/Diarrhea
Glucosamine use OA - osteoarthritis
Glucosamine SE GI, drowsy, sleep d/o, HA, sun sensitivity, bleed risk
Kava kava for anxiety, insomnia, menopausal sx
SE of Kava hepatic damage/failure, dystonia
Noni Joint pain, skin/CV disease, diabetes
Noni SE hyperkalemia, liver dz
Omega 3 decrease TG, lower risk of MI, arrythmia, CVA
Primrose oil For PMS, menopausal sx; SE - HA, GI
St John's Wort for depression, anxiety, sleep d/o; SE: light sensitivity, dry mouth, dizzy, GI, fatigue, HA, sex dysfunction
Saw Palmetto GU sx c enlarged prostate, chronic pelvic pain, bladder d/o; SE-GI, tender breast, sex dysfunction
Red Rice Yest lower cholesterol, SE similar to lovastatin
Chasteberry Use: decrease sex desire, PMS, Menopausal Sx, infertility, acne SE: GI, Acne, dizzy, hormone levels
Black Cohosh for hot flash, night sweat, vag dryness, menopausal sx; SE - HA, GI, wt
Length of time to stop herbals prior to procedure 2-3 weeks before procedure
when does FDA take action against unsafe supplements? after it reaches the market
Created by: emtdan85
Popular Pharmacology sets




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