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Chapter 9

Pain that originates in an internal organ but is felt as cutaneous pain is called referred pain
Being aware of a sensation even after the stimulus has stopped is called an after-image
Becoming unaware of a continuing stimulus is called adaptation
The effect of a previous sensation on a current sensation is called contrast
The feeling of a sensation in the place the receptors were stimulated is called projection
Arterial pressoreceptors detect changes in blood pressure
The cranial nerve pair concerned with equilibrium is the acoustic; 8th
The cranial nerve pair concerned with hearing is the acoustic; 8th
The part of the ear that prevents sharp rises in pressure within the cochlea is the round window
The auditory bones, in order they vibrate, are the malleus incuse stapes
The first part of the ear that vibrates in response to sound waves is the eardrum; tympanic membrane
The brain creates one image from the slightly different images of the two eyes; this is called binocular vision
The visual areas of the cerebrum are in the occipital lobes
Dilation of the pupils is brought about by what nerve impulses sympathetic
Constriction of the pupils in bright light is brought about by impulses carried by the oculomotor nerves
The cranial nerve pairs for movement of the eyeball are the oculomotor abducens trochlear
Vitamin A is necessary for vision for the formation of rhodopsin
The lens of the eye bulges for near vision when the ciliary muscle contracts
The only part of the eye that adjusts to focus light rays is the lens
The first part of the eye that refracts light rays is the cornea
The optic disc of the eye is the site of the optic nerve
The optic nerve passes through the eyeball at a site called the optic disc
The fovea differs from the rest of the retina because there are no rods
The part of the retina that contains only cones is the fovea
The ganglion neurons of the retina form the optic nerve
The cells of the retina that form the optic nerve are the ganglion neurons
The photoreceptors that detect the different wavelengths or colors of light are the cones
The photoreceptors that detect the presence of light are the rods
The photoreceptors in the retina are the rods and cones
The function of the canal of Schlemm is to reabsorb aqueous humor
Aqueous humor is reabsorbed back into the blood through the canal of Schlemm
The part of the eye that helps keep the retina in place is the vitreous humor
The fluid of the eye that nourishes the lens and cornea is the aqueous humor
The part of the eye that contracts to change the shape of the lens is the ciliary muscle; body
The size of the pupil of the eye is regulated by the iris
The eyeball is moved up and down or side to side by the extrinsic muscles
The part of the eye that contains the receptors for vision is the retina
The cornea differs from the rest of the sclera in that the cornea is transparent
The most anterior part of the sclera of the eye is the cornea
The layer of the eyeball that forms the white of the eye is the sclera
The membranes that line the eyelids are the conjunctiva
The sensory area for the sense of taste is in the parietal lobe
The sensory area for the sense of smell is in the temporal lobe
The cranial nerve pairs for the sense of taste are the facial and glossopharyngeal
The cranial nerve pair for the sense of smell is the olfactory
The receptors for smell and taste have the general name chemoreceptors
The chemoreceptors for the sense of taste detect chemicals dissolved in saliva
The chemoreceptors for the sense of smell detect vaporized chemicals
Unconscious muscle sense is integrated by the what of the brain cerebellum
The sensory areas for conscious muscle sense are in the stretch receptors
The sensory areas for the cutaneous senses are in the parietal lobes
The cutaneous receptors for pain, heat, and cold are free nerve
The cutaneous receptors for touch and pressure are encapsulated nerve
Many of the sensory areas are located in the cerebral cortex
The function of sensory receptors is to detect changes
The part of a sensory pathway that feels and interprets the sensation is the sensory area
The part of a sensory pathway that consists of white matter in the spinal cord or brain is the sensory tract
The part of a sensory pathway that carries impulses to the CNS is the sensory neuron
The part of a sensory pathway that detects a change is the receptor
statement is NOT true of the characteristics of sensations Contrast is the difference between seeing and hearing
Pain that originates in an internal organ but is felt as cutaneous pain is called referred pain
The part of the sensory pathway that projects a sensation is the sensory area in the brain
Being aware of a sensation even after the stimulus has stopped is called after-image
Becoming unaware of a continuing stimulus is called adaptation
The feeling of a sensation in the area of the stimulated receptors is called projection
The effect of a previous sensation on a current sensation is called contrast
The vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves are both sensory for vagus and glossopharyngeal
Arterial pressoreceptors and chemoreceptors are located in these arteries aortic arch and carotid arteries
The arterial pressoreceptors detect changes in blood pressure
The arterial chemoreceptors detect changes in blood oxygen levels
The parts of the brain that regulate balance and equilibrium are the midbrain and cerebellum
The cranial nerve pair concerned with equilibrium is the acoustic
The function of the eustachian tube is to allow air in and out of the middle ear
Air pressure in the middle ear cavity is regulated by the eustachian tube
part of the ear that transmits vibrations to the hair cells in the organ of Corti is the fluid in the cochlea
The auditory bones, in the order they vibrate, are the malleus, incus, stapes
The part of the ear that transmits vibrations to the oval window is the stapes
The part of the ear that transmits vibrations to the malleus is the eardrum
The first part of the ear that vibrates in response to sound waves is the eardrum
The hair cells in the cochlea of the ear bend in response to sound wave vibrations
The hair cells in the utricle and saccule of the ear bend in response to gravity
The hair cells in the semicircular canals of the ear bend in response to motion
The receptors that respond to gravity are located in this part of the ear utricle and saccule
The receptors that detect motion are located in this part of the ear semicircular canals
The lobes of the cerebrum that contain the visual areas are the occipital
Constriction of the pupil, as in bright light, is brought about by the oculomotor nerves
The cranial nerve pair for vision is the optic
The chemical in rods that breaks down when light strikes it is rhodopsin
The part of the retina that contains only cones is called the fovea
The receptors in the retina that detect the presence of light are the rods
The receptors in the retina that detect color are the cones
The part of the eye that helps keep the retina in place is the vitreous humor
The site of reabsorption of aqueous humor is the canal of Schlemm
The aqueous humor of the eye nourishes the lens and cornea
The fluid of the eye that nourishes the lens and cornea is aqueous humor
The fluid of the eye that contains lysozyme to inhibit bacterial growth is tears
The part of the eye that produces tears is the lacrimal gland
The part of the eye that keeps dust out of the eye is the eyelashes
The fovea of the eye is the area of best color vision
The part of the eye that is the area for best color vision is the fovea
The optic disc of the eye is the site of the optic nerve
The part of the eye where the optic nerve passes through is the optic disc
The part of the eye that forms the optic nerve is the ganglion neurons
The ciliary muscle of the eye changes the shape of the lens
The part of the eye that contracts to change the shape of the lens is the ciliary muscle
The iris of the eye regulates the size of the pupil
The part of the eye that regulates the size of the pupil is the iris
The part of the eye that light waves pass through first is the cornea
The part of the eye that moves the eyeball from side to side is the extrinsic muscles
The part of the eye that absorbs light within the eyeball to prevent glare is the choroid layer
The part of the eye that contains the receptors for vision is the retina
The part of the eye that forms the white of the eye is the sclera
The part of the eye that lines the eyelids is the conjunctiva
The layers of the eyeball, in order from the outermost, are sclera, choroid, retina
The cranial nerve pairs for the sense of taste are the facial and glossopharyngeal
The cranial nerve pair for the sense of smell is the olfactory
The chemoreceptors for the sense of taste detect chemicals dissolved in saliva
The chemoreceptors for the sense of smell detect vaporized chemicals in the nasal cavities
Proprioceptors are the receptors for muscle sense
The part of a sensory pathway that feels and interprets the sensation is the sensory area
The part of a sensory pathway that consists of white matter in the spinal cord or brain is the sensory tract
The part of a sensory pathway that carries impulses to the central nervous system is the sensory neuron
The part of a sensory pathway that detects a change is the receptor
The function of sensory receptors is to detect changes and generate impulses
Created by: Erickson_ashley



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