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Pharm II - Week 6


What is a vaccine? Whole or partial microorganism that leads to antibody production and active immunity. Can have live (Attenuated) and killed/avirulent versions
True or false: tetanus is a vaccine. False. It is a toxoid. A bacterial toxin that has been rendered nontoxic, leading to antibody production
What's the difference between active and passive immunization? Active lasts weeks-months. Passive has manufactured antibodies which provide immediate effects and last as long as antibodies live.
Out of all the industralized countries in the world, US ranks ___ among other nations regarding vaccination Very poor
Which state has the highest opt-out rate in US? WA. :(
Jenny McCarthy walks into your clinic and talks about vaccines to your client. What sort of myths will you have to correct? 1) vaccines causing autism, 2) over-vaccinating hurts children's immune systems, 3) vaccines cause diabetes, 4) scientists unsure about safety of vaccines, 5) aluminum in vaccines is highly toxic, 5) healthy unvaccinated adults don't need vaccines
You are working as a float nurse. Throughout the week, you have all sorts of pts. Which ones would you NOT administer a live vaccine to? Pts with HIV, chemotherapy, transplants, routine GC treatment
True or false: if someone is allergic to eggs, they can only have something called vaccine desensitization to avoid anaphylaxis False. There is an egg allergy algorithm. Go review it.
All immunizations require consent of individual or parent. Along with consent, what else must be given? Vaccination information sheets
Because a healthcare facility needs consent of an indinvidual to vaccinate, a health professional has the ability to decline immunization Yes. Employment status may be questionable though
True or false: pregnant women are considered immune compromised, therefore they are not given live vaccine True
Which vaccines are given live? Varicella, rotovirus, intranasal flu mist, MMR
Mild reactions to vaccines are common, such as... Redness, soreness, fever, discomfort
Serious vaccine reactions are ____, but include ___ and ____ Rare; anaphylaxis and encephalopathy
Which vaccines are given SQ? MMR, polio varicella. (Too many to list for IM. Just know SQ and eliminate from there)
List two time-sensitive vaccines Pneumococcus (for those >65 yrs. old or with chronic respiratory disease). Shingles/Zoster (over 60 yo)
True or false: When given IM, the flu vaccine is an attentuated vaccine False. Given inactivated virus
True or false: protection against the flu begins 1-2 weeks after injection, so try to get your flu shot early! True
What are some uncommon ADE of flu shot? Fever, maliase, myalgia lasting 1-2 days
True or false: flu shot will give you the flu or flu-like symptoms False
Who should be given a flu vaccine? Everyone over 6 months, especially health care providers
True or false: the leading cause of pregnant women's deaths, second only to domestic violence, is the flu True
Created by: choel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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