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PTCB National Licnese B and G and Classification Names

Brand NameGeneric NameClassification
Elavil amitriptyline TCA
Effexor venlaflexine SSRI
Eldepryl sellegiline MOAI
Desyrel trazodone Ad
Zyprexa olanzapine Ap
Halodol haloperiol Ap
Vistaril hydroxyzine Ah
Aventyl nortriptyline TCA
Prozac fluoxetine SSRI
Paxil paroextine SSRI
Zoloft sertraline SSRI
Buspar buspirone Aa
Xanax alprazolam Benzodiazepines
Ativan lorazepam Benzodiazepines
Serax oxazepam Benzodiazepines
Traxene clorazepate Benzodiazepines
Librium chlordiazepoxide Benzodiazepines
Lodine etodolac NSAID
Ansaid flurbiprofen NSAID
Motrin ibuprofen NSAID
Oruvail ketoprofen NSAID
Toradol ketotorolac NSAID
Relafen nabumetone NSAID
Feldene piroxicam NSAID
Celebrex celecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Bextra valdecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Ultram tramadol Analgesic
Ultracet tramadol-(APAP) Analgesic
Voltaren diclofenac NSAID
Lodine etodolac NSAID
Ansaid flurbiprofen NSAID
Motrin Ibuprofen NSAID
Oruvail Ketoprofen NSAID
Toradol Ketorolac NSAID
Relafen Nabumetone NSAID
Feldene Piroxicam NSAID
Celebreax Celecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Bextra Valdecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Ultram Tramadol Analgesic
Ultracet Tramadol-(APAP) Analgesic
Ketalar Ketamine Anesthetic
Diprivan Propofol Anesthetic
Pentothal Thiopental Barbitute
Versed Midazolam Benzodiazepine
Zemuron Recuronium Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Norcuron Vecuronium Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Americaine Benzocaine Local Anesthetic
Xylocaine Lidocaine Local Anesthetic Antiarrhythmic
EMLA lidocaine prilocaine Local Anesthetic
Marcaine bupivacaine Local Anesthetic
Novocaine procaine Local Anesthetic
Duragesic fentanyl Narcotic Analgesic
Epitol Tegretol-carbamazepine Anticonvulsants
Dilantin phenytoin Anticonvulsants
Depakote divalproex Anticonvulsants
Neurontin gabapentin Anticonvulsants
Klonopin clonazepam Anticonvulsants
Symmetrel amantadine antiparkinson antivirals
Cognetin benztropine antiparkinson agent
Sinemet carbidopa levopdopa antiparkinson agent
Eldypryl selegiline antiparkinson agent
Strattera atomoxetine ADD
Adderall dextroamephetamine, amphetamine ADD
Concert metadate, ritalin, ritalin SR ADD
Tagamet cimetidine anti-ulser
Pepcid famotidine anti-ulser
Zantac ranitidine anti-ulser
Aciphex raberprazole anti-ulser
Protonix pantoprazole anti-ulser
Actigall ursodiol gallstone dissolution
Reglan metoclopramide anti-diarrheal
Colace docusate sodium stool softener
Lomotil diphenoxylate/atropine antiemetic
Kytril granisetron antiemetic
Compazine prochlorperazine antiemetic
Tigan trimethobenzamide antiemetic
Lioresal baclofen Muscle Relaxant
Soma carisoprodol Muscle Relaxant
Flexeril cyclobenzaprine Muscle Relaxant
Robaxin methocarbamol Muscle Relaxant
Norflex orphenadrine Muscle Relaxant
Bayer(Many) aspirin(acetyslicylic) Non Narcotic Analgesic
Tylenol acetaminophen (APAP) Non Narcotic Analgesic
Zyloprim allopurinol Anti gout
Indocin indomethacin NSAID
Rheumatrex methotrexate DMARD
Imuran azathioprine DMARD
Enbrel entanercept DMARD
Voltaren diclofenac NSAID
Lodine etodolac NSAID
Ansaid flurbiprofen NSAID
Motrin ibuprofen NSAID
Oruvail ketoprfen NSAID
Toradol Ketorolac NSAID
Relafen nabumetone NSAID
Feldene piroxicam NSAID
Celebrex celecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Bextra valdecoxib COX-2 inhibitor
Ultram tramadol Analgesic
Ultracet tramadol-(APAP) Analgesic
Duragesic fentanyl Narcotic Analgesic
Ketalar ketamine Anesthetic
Diprivan propofol Anesthetic
Pentothal thiopenthal Barbitute
Versed midazolam Benzodiazepine
Zemuron recuronium Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Norcuron vecuronium Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Americaine benzocaine Neuromuscular Blocking Agent Norcuron
Xylocaine Lidocaine Local Anesthetic Antiarrhythmic
EMLA lidocaine prilocaine Local Anesthetic
Marcaine bupivacaine Local Anesthetic
Novocaine procaine Local Anesthetic
Methadose methadone Narcotic Analgesic
Tylenol #3 acetaminophen-codeine Narcotic Analgesic
Lortab, Vicodin, Norco hydrocodone- acetaminophen Narcotic Analgesic
Dilaudid hydromorphine Narcotic Analgesic
Demerol meperidine Narcotic Analgesic
MS Contin,Duramorph morphine Narcotic Analgesic
OxyContin oxycodone Narcotic Analgesic
Endocet,Percocet,Tylox oxycodone-acetaminophen Narcotic Analgesic
Percodon,Indocain oxycodone-ASA Narcotic Analgesic
Imitrex sumatriptan Triptan
Maxalt rizatriptan Triptan
5/325 Norco
5/500 Vicodin
7.5/500 Lortab
7.5/750 Vicodin ES
DiFLUCan FLUConazole
Lamisil Terbinafine
ZoVIRax AcycloVIR
Symmetrel Amantadine
Famvir Famciclovir
Videx Didanosine
Retrovir Zidovudine (AZT)
ViramuNE NEvirapine
Crixivan Indinavir
Zerit Stavudine
Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Septra, Septra DS Sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim
Macrobid, Mactodantin Nitrofurantoin
AMOXil, Trimox AMOXicillin
Created by: Rodney C
Popular Pharmacology sets




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