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DSST Env.Sci. Chp. 6
vocab. for DSST Env.Sci. from Environmental Science by Karen Arms
Question | Answer |
acid precipitation | highly acidic rain, sleet, or snow that results from the release of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen into the air from burning fossil fuels |
acid shock | sudden influx of acidic water caused by melting acidic snows that rush into lakes and streams, killing large numbers of fish and amphibians and affecting the offspring of others |
air pollution | condition in which the air contains substances harmful to living things |
asbestos | mineral that separates into long, threadlike fibers; frequently used for insulation |
bronchial asthma | chronic disorder of the bronchial tubes characterized by wheezing and difficulty in breathing |
catalytic converter | device attached to the exhaust system of automobiles to clean exhaust gases before they leave the car |
chronic bronchitis | recurring inflammation of the mucous lining of the bronchial tubes |
Clean Air Act | act passed by U.S. Congress that gave the EPA authority to regulate automobile emissions |
emphysema | swelling of the lung tissue due to the permanent loss of elasticity or destruction of the alveoli |
hydrocarbon | compound, such as methane, that is composed of hydrogen and carbon and vaporizes at normal temperatures |
particulate | very small, separate particles, as in soot and ash |
pH | number measure of the acidity or basicity of a substance |
primary pollutant | pollutant put directly into the air by human activity, such as soot from smoke |
radon gas | gas produced naturally in the Earth by the decay of uranium |
secondary pollutant | pollutant that forms when a primary pollutant or a naturally occurring substance, such as water, comes into contact with other primary pollutants and a chemical reaction takes place |
sick-building syndrome | condition of buildings with particularly poor air quality; frequently caused by sealed windows and poor air circulation |
smog | air pollution over urban areas that reduces visibility; combination of the words smoke and fog |
thermal inversion | atmospheric condition in which the air above is warmer than the air below, sometimes trapping pollutants near the Earth’s surface |
V0Cs (volatile organic compounds) | chemical compounds that form toxic fumes |