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Ch 6 Cerebellum
Neuro Cerebellum Notes
Question | Answer |
Cerebellum functions | Maintains fine control and coordination of complex & simple movements |
Can cognitive function proceed without the cerebellum? | Yes, but movements lack precision |
Where are cerebellar s/sx located? | Ipsilateral to side of lesion |
Inferior cerebellar peduncle carries info where? | From medulla to cerebellum |
Afferent fibers enter Inferior cerebellar peduncle from where? | Olivocerebellar fibers; Dorsal spinocerebellar tract; Cuneocerebellar fibers; Vestibulocerebellar fibers; Trigeminal sensory nuclei; Reticular nuclei |
Olivocerebellar fibers originate where? | Inferior Olive |
Cuneocerebellar fibers deal with what structures? | Upper extremities |
What is the function of vestibulocerebellar fibers? | maintain coordination & balance |
Trigeminal sensry nuclei function | Facial coordination |
Efferent tracts of the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle | Cerebellovestibular & Cerebelloreticular |
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle connects what? | Pons to Cerebellum |
Afferent tracts of middle cerebellar peduncle | Pontocerebellar fibers |
Efferent tracts using middle cerebellar peduncle | NONE |
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle connects what structures? | Midbrain & Cerebellum |
Afferent tracts of the superior cerebellar peduncle | Trigeminothalamic fibers (signals to tongue); Ventral spinocerebellar tracts; Tectocerebellar fibers |
Efferent tracts of superior cerebellar peduncle | Cerebellthalamic; Cerebellorubral |
What is the relationship of the cerebellum to the 4th ventricle | Directly caudal to ventricle; cerebellum is like the ventricle's roof |
What separates the occipital cortex from the cerebellum? | Tentorium Cerebelli |
Primary subdivisions of the cerebellum | Flocculonodular (Archicerebellum); Anterior (Paleocerebellum); Posterior (Neocerebellum) |
Flocculonodular/Archicerebellum deals mostly with what system? | Vestibular |
Anterior/Paleocerebellum eals mostly with what? | Spinocerebellar & Trigeminocerebellar paths |
Instead of gyri/sulci, the cerebellum has what? | Folia |
Where is the vermis located? | Midline of cerebellum |
What fibers are directly & indirectly excited by cerebellar inputs? | Purkinje cells |
Which cerebellar neurons are excited by cerebellar inputs & inhibit Purkinje cells? | Intrinsic cerebellar neurons |
How many deep cerebellar nuclei are there? | 4 |
The deep cerebellar nuclei provide cerebellar output to what & is it excitatory or inhibitory? | Provide output to extracerebellar targets; Excitatory; All outputs have to go through 4 DCN before they get out |
What are some extracerebellar targets? | Vestibular & reticular nuclei; Red nucleus; Thalamus; Inferior Olive |
Corticopontocerebellar Pathway | Conveys control; Inputs originate in all 4 cerebral lobes; Crossed system (rt cerebrum->lt cerebel); synapse in pontine nuclei before cerebellum; Inferior olivary nucleus-redundancy |
Cerebro-olivocerebellar pathway | Inputs originate in all 4 lobes of cerebrum; Synapse in bilateral inferior olives before crossing; this is a backup to corticopontocerebellar system |
Cerebroreticulocerebellar Pathway | Conveys control from cerebral cortex; inputs originate in sensory-motor areas; Synapse in reticular formation before continuing to cerebellum |
Vestibular nerve/nuclei Pathway | Conveys info of head position/movement; originates in utricle, saccade, semi-circular canals; goes to flocculonodular lobe (midline) |
Ventral/dorsal spinocerebellar pathway | conveys info from mm/joints; Originates in mm spindle, GTOs & other joint receptors; Destined for cerebellar cortex |
Cuneocerebellar pathways | convey info from mm/joints of UEs; originates in mm spindle, GTOs, other jt receptors; destined for cerebellar cortex |
What are the efferent cerebellar pathways? | Globose-emboliform rubral; Dentatothalamic; Fastigial |
Globose-emboliform rubral tract | Ipsilateral motor activity; originates in globose/emboliform nuclei; goes to contralateral red nucleus, then via crossed rubrospinal tract to AHCs in SC; double-crossed (ipsilateral s/sx); between dentate & fastigial |
Dentatothalamic Tract | Ipsilateral motor activity; Destined for contralateral VL thalamus then contralateral cerebral cortex, back to contralateral cerebellum; Double-crossed (ipsilateral s/sx); Finer mvmts of distal limbs; Cerebellum->red nucleus->cerebral cortex |
What is the most important efferent cerebellar pathway (for humans)? | Dentatothalamic Tract |
Fastigial Vestibular Tract | Most medial (trunk, pelvis, midline structures); Ipsilateral extensor mm tone (stand up straight); Goes to ipsilateral/contralateral vestibular nuclei, then via vestibulospinal tract to AHCs; Fastigial nucleis->tectum & VL thalamus (ipsi) & to retic form |
Fastigial Vestibular Tract pt 2 | Inputs end in flocculonodular lobe & vestibular nuclei; What one side does, other side vestibular system decreases to tell brain where input comes from |
Integration of cerebellum & cerebrum for movement | Motor assn cerebrum-intent to perform; Lat. cerebellum- early phases of mvmt planning; Intermediate cerebellum via pontine nuclei & peripheral receptors in moving body parts- progress of ongoing mvmt |
Integration of cerebellum & cerebrum for cognition | Cerebellar with thalamocortical projections to pre-frontal cerebral cortex- planning ahead, learning new motor program |