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AICP Years
Question | Answer |
Established in 1879 to survey and classify all public domain lands | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) |
1903 Pelican Island, FL by Theodore Roosevelt | First National Wildlife Refuge |
Established in 1916 to conserve and preserve natural resources, parks, and historic sites | National Park Service |
Established in 1927 to bring water from the Colorado River to southern California | Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California |
Created in 1933 to provide work for unemployed youth and to conserve the nation’s natural resources | Civilian Conservation Corps |
Created in 1933 to provide for unified and multipurpose rehabilitation and redevelopment of a particular area | Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) |
America’s most famous experiment in river-basin planning | Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) |
1934- Regulated the use of the range in the West for conservation purposes | Taylor Grazing Act |
Created in 1939 to assist in the preparation of a comprehensive plan for public works | Natural Resources Planning Board |
Developed in 1941 on the Columbia River in central Washington state | Grand Coulee Dam |
Largest concrete structure in the United States | Grand Coulee Dam |
Regional plan comparable in its scope to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) | Columbia Basin Project |
Main project of the Columbia Basin Project in 1941 | Grand Coulee Dam |
Purposes of this project are irrigation, electric power generation, and flood control in the Pacific Northwest | Grand Coulee Dam |
First Earth Day | April 22, 1970 |
Launched in 1972 to acquire high-resolution images of the earth’s surface to identify, evaluate, develop, and conserve the planet’s natural resources | Earth Resources Technology Satellite (Landsat) |
Nickname for Earth Resources Technology Satellite | Landsat |
Created a fund in 1902 from the sale of public land in the arid western states to supply water there through the construction of water storage and irrigation works | U.S. Reclamation Act |
Nickname for U.S. Reclamation Act | Newlands Act |
Established in 1905 to encourage the wise use of forest resources | U.S. Forest Service |
Act that created the Soil Conservation Service (now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service) in 1935 | Soil Conservation Act |
Act in 1935 administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture | Soil Conservation Act |
Act that made the prevention of soil erosion a national responsibility | Soil Conservation Act 1935 |
Act that established a Service to conduct soil erosion surveys and implement erosion measures | Soil Conservation Act 1935 |
Act that prohibited development, settlement, road building, and all forms of mechanized transport within the boundaries of protected wilderness areas | Wilderness Act 1964 |
Act that established a National Wilderness Preservation System in 1964 of federally owned land designated by Congress as wilderness areas | Wilderness Act |
National Environmental Policy Act YEAR | 1969 |
Established a broad national framework for environmental protection in 1969 | National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) |
Act that requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) | National Environmental Policy Act 1969 |
Act that acknowledged the importance of open and public decision-making process in environmental decisions | NEPA 1969 |
May evaluate the social, cultural, educational, or economic environment in which a planning action will take place to examine potential consequences | NEPA 1969 |
Term that refers to implementation of a NEPA process | Environmental Analysis |
Required for every federal or federally funded state or local action that has potential to significantly harm the environment | Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) |
NEPA step after Environmental Assessment (EA) | Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) |
Describes a proposed action and the need it will address, the alternative measures considered, and the likely environmental impacts of the proposed action and the alternatives | Environmental Assessment (EA) |
Lengthy NEPA document | EIS |
Brief NEPA document | EA |
Clean Air Act YEAR | 1970 |
EPA YEAR | 1970 |
Coastal Zone Management Act YEAR | 1972 |
Clean Water Act YEAR | 1972 |
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) YEAR | 1972 |
Endangered Species Act YEAR | 1973 |
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) YEAR | 1974 |
Energy Policy Conservation Act YEAR | 1975 |
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act YEAR | 1976 |
Toxic Substances Control Act YEAR | 1976 |
Land Ordinance of ____ | 1785 |
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (SZEA) YEARS | 1924, 1926 |
Standard City Planning Enabling Act YEAR | 1928 |
Indian Reorganization Act (Wheeler-Howard Act) YEAR | 1934 |
Housing Act that established the basis for urban renewal YEAR | 1949 |
Hosing Act that established section 701 planning grants to local governments YEAR | 1954 |
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act YEAR | 1966 |
National Flood Insurance Act YEAR | 1968 |
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act YEAR | 1988 |
Empowerment Zones (Enterprise Zones) YEAR | 1994 |
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) YEAR | 2000 |
Disaster Mitigation Act YEAR | 2000 |
Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook YEAR | 2002 |
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) YEAR | 1980 |
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) YEAR | 1984 |
Telecommunications Act YEAR | 1996 |
Years Grand Central Station Constructed Between | 1903-1913 |
First subway YEAR | 1897 |
First Off-street parking requirements YEAR | 1923 |
First limited access highway YEAR | 1926 |
Los Angeles County Plan of Highways YEAR | 1940 |
Los Angeles County Freeway Plan YEAR | 1943 |
Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) YEAR | 1955 |
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act YEAR | 1956 |
Urban Mass Transportation Act YEAR | 1964 |
Energy Policy Conservation Act YEAR | 1975 |
Americans with Disabilities Act YEAR | 1990 |
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) YEAR | 1991 |
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) YEAR | 1998 |
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) YEAR | 1977 |
Telecommunication Act YEAR | 1996 |
Vieux Carre YEAR | 1921 |
First historic preservation ordinance YEAR | 1931 |
Washington DC plan YEAR | 1710 |
World’s Columbian Exposition YEAR | 1893 |
Regional Plan for New York City and Its Environs YEAR | 1929 |
New York World’s Fair YEAR | 1939 |
New York City Tenement House Law YEAR | 1879 |
Hull House in Chicago founded YEAR | 1889 |
Tenement House Law YEAR | 1901 |
First national conference on city planning YEAR | 1909 |
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) created YEAR | 1934 |
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) created YEAR | 1938 |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) YEAR | 1970 |
Gautreaux started YEAR | 1976 |
Federal Home Loan Bank system created YEAR | 1932 |
Home Owners Loan Corporation expired YEAR | 1954 |
National Housing Act YEAR | 1934 |
Wagner-Steagall Housing Act YEAR | 1937 |
Housing and Home Finance Agency created YEAR | 1947 |
Agency predecessor to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | Housing and Home Finance Agency |
Nickname for 1949 Housing Act | Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill |
Urban Renewal YEARS | 1949-1973 |
Housing Act YEAR that made federal funds available for comprehensive planning at the metropolitan, regional, and state level | 1959 |
Housing Act YEAR that included federal funding for home rehabilitation loans (Section 312) and housing assistance for moderate-income households | 1964 |
Housing and Urban Development Act YEAR that created HUD | 1965 |
Civil Rights Act YEAR | 1968 |
Housing and Urban Development Act YEAR that enacted the New Communities Act | 1968 |
HUD Act YEAR | 1970 |
Section 8 Housing established YEAR | 1974 |
Housing and Community Development Act YEAR that instituted CDBG program, | 1974 |
Emergency Housing Act YEAR | 1975 |
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) created YEAR | 1986 |
Tax Reform Act YEAR | 1986 |
Stewart B. McKinney Act YEAR | 1987 |
Fair Housing Amendments YEAR | 1988 |
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) YEAR | 1990 |
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight established YEAR | 1992 |
CDBG program instituted YEAR | 1974 |
HOPE VI program established YEAR | 1992 |
Housing and Community Development Act YEAR that established a program to help expand the supply of affordable housing with supportive services for the elderly (Section 202) | 1992 |
HUD Multifamily Housing Disposition Rule YEAR | 1994 |
Housing Opportunity Extension Act YEAR | 1996 |
Manufactured Housing Improvement Act YEAR | 2000 |
First department store YEAR | 1868 |
Pullman, Illinois constructed YEARS | 1880-1884 |
California State Land Settlement Act YEAR | 1917 |
Norris, Tennessee planned YEAR | 1933 |
U.S. Resettlement Administration established YEAR | 1935 |
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act YEAR | 1966 |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) YEAR | 1991 |
Homestead Act YEAR | 1862 |
Farmland Protection Policy Act YEAR | 1981 |
Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) system developed YEAR | 1981 |
Federal Forest Legacy Program YEAR | 1990 |
Federal Farm and Ranchland Protection Program YEAR | 1996 |
Plan of Chicago YEAR | 1909 |
New York City Zoning Code YEAR | 1916 |
First full-time planner employed by an American city YEAR | 1916 |
First president of the ACPI YEAR | 1917 |
First regional planning commission established in U.S. (Los Angeles) YEAR | 1922 |
Cincinnati Plan adopted YEAR | 1925 |
First regional planning agency created (Atlanta) YEAR | 1949 |
Census established blocks covering the entire nation for the first time YEAR | 1990 |