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GI Drugs.

glycopyrrolate -Anticholinergic -Robinul-V -preanesthetic agent -sialogue
atropin -Anticholinergic -preanesthetic agent -treat bradycardia and used as an antisialogue
aminopentamide -Anticholinergic -Centrine -treats tenesmus & vomiting
propantheline -Anticholinergic -Pro-Banthine -treats tenesmus & vomiting
methscopolamine -Anticholinergic -treats tenesmus & vomiting
bismuth subsalicylate -Protectants -Corrective Mixture -coats intestinal mucosa and reduces production of prostaglandins
kaolin/pectin -Protectant/adsorbant -Kaopectolin -bacteria & toxins are absorbed into the gut and protects inflammed intestinal mucosa
activated charcoal -Adsorbant -Liqui-Char -absorb certain ingested toxins
diphenoxylate -Opiate/Narcotic Analgesic -Lomotil -controls diarrhea by decreasing both intestingal sectretion & flow of feces & increases segmental contractions
loperamide -Opiate/Narcotic Analgesic -Imodium -controls diarrhea by decreasing both intestingal sectretion & flow of feces & increases segmental contractions
probiotics -seeds GI tract with beneficial bacteria i.e yogurt
metronidazole -Flagyl -antidiarrheal -treats anaerobic bacteria
lactulose -Osmotic Laxatives -Cephulac -increases h2o content in feces, increases bulk and stimulates peristalsis
sodium phosphate with sodium biphosphate -Osmotic Laxative -Fleet Enema -solution added directly into colon to increase h2o content in feces and increase bulk, stimulates peristalsis
physllium hydrophilic mucilloid -Bulk Forming Laxative -Metamucil -absorb h2o into intestines, increase fecl bulk, & stimulates peristalsis
magnesium sulfate -Osmotic Laxative -increases h2o content in feces, increases bulk and stimulates peristalsis
docusate sodium -Emollient -Colace -stool softener, lubricant, & wetting agent
petroleum products -Emollient -Laxatone -stool softener, lubricant, & wetting agent
acepromazine -Phenothiazine derivative -PromAce -inhibit dopamine in CRTZ=decreasing stimulation to vomit -lowers seizure threshold
chlorpromazine -Phenothiazine derivative -Thorazine -inhibit dopamine in CRTZ=decreasing the stimulation to vomit -lowers seizure threshold
dimenhydrinate -Antihistamine -Dramamine -controls vomiting due to motion sickness, vaccine reaction, or inner ear problems
diphenhydramine -Antihistamine -Benadryl -controls vomiting due to motion sickness, vaccine reaction, or inner ear problems -mostly used for vaccine reaction
meclizine -Antihistamine -Antivert -controls vomiting due to motion sickness, vaccine reaction, or inner ear problems
metoclopramide -Procalnamide derivative -Reglan -block CRTZ to increase movement through GI tract
ondanestron -Serotonin Receptor Antagonist -Zofran -blocks release of serotonin to help control vomiting
maropitant citrate -Neurokinin Receptor Antagonist -Cerenia -treats actue vomiting & motion sickness
apomorphine -Morphine Derivative -centrally acting, induces vomiting in 5-20 mins -antiemetic of choice for dogs
xylazine -Alpha 2 agonist -Rompun -centrally acting, induces vomiting as a side effect of its sedation properties -antiemetic of choice for cats
ipecac syrup -peripherally acting, induces vomiting in 10-30 mins
hydrogen peroxide -peripherally acting, home remedy to induce vomiting
magnesium hydroxide -Antacid -used to treat rumen pH in ruminants and as a laxative
aluminum/magnesium hydroxide -Antacid -acid neutralization
cimetidine -Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist (H-2 blockers) -Tagament -prevents acid reflux by competitively blocking H2 receptor of parietal cells in stomach
ranitidine -Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist (H-2 blockers) -Zantac -prevents acid reflux by competitively blocking H2 receptor of parietal cells in stomach
famotidine -Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist (H-2 blockers) -Pepcid -prevents acid reflux by competitively blocking H2 receptor of parietal cells in stomach
sucralfate -Mucosal Protective -Carafate -covers ulcers &protects it from stomach acid and pepsin
misoprostol -Prostaglandin Analogs - Cytotec -suppresses gastric secretions & increas mucus production in GI tract
omeprazole -Proton Pump Inhibitors -Prilosec -allows stomach and esophagus to heal by inhibiting hydrogen ion transport into the stomach so it cant secrete HCl
cisapride -Serotonergic Agent -treatment of constipation. gastroesophageal reflux, and ileus
pancrealipase -Enzyme Supplements -Viokasse-V -given to help with digestion of fats, starch, and protein
cyproheptadine -Appetite Stimulating -Periactin -promotes appetite by inhibition the serontonergic receptors
diazepam -Appetite Stimulant -Valium -promotes appetite by inhibition the serontonergic receptors in cats
Created by: ErinDav
Popular Pharmacology sets




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