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anthropology notes

E. Darwin stressed the importance of selective breeding
the first hominid movement beyond africa was associated with homo erectus
regular stone tool making originated with homo habilis
proponents of the multi-regional hypothesis stress the importance of gene flow
taxonomic lumpers see reality as few broad species
grasping tails are only found among new world monkeys
gloger's rule relates climate and skin color
broca's area is associated with language
which population may not have originated in africa? homo floresiensis
according to the replacement hypothesis, modern h. sapiens emerged in many locales. false
h. sapiens was the first species to ritually bury its dead true
genetic drift favors the most adaptive traits false
some modern humans carry Neanderthal genes true
genetic drift is a random process true
radiocarbon dating is totally useless for the study of the earliest hominids true
according to Mendel, genes remain discrete rather than blending with each other true
most primate species are/were arboreal true
today, there are more species of apes than monkeys false
neanderthal survival was limited by small brain size false
chimps are more closely related to us than they are to gorillas true
cladogenesis always involves breeding isolation true
two (or more) species can merge to form new species false
Lamarck argued that mutations occur because they are needed true
Australopithecines possessed more sexual dimorphism than we do true
In band societies, young adult females move to new bands while males stay at home false
call systems normally reinforce non-verbal communication true
unlike bands, tribal leadership is usually full-time false
wild chimps make and use crude tools true
Kanzi was taught by savage-rumbaugh to communicate with humans via sign language false
the typical Baka society has about 200 members false
socialization tends to promote ethnocentrism true
the relatively rapid population growth in food producing societies is due, in part, to reduced concern for birth spacing true
history was possible first in mesopotamia true
chiefdoms are often warlike but lack professional soldiers true
All chiefdoms have redistribution true
the sumerians possessed a base-20 math system false
typically, a chiefdom consists of several villages united under a single leader true
homo sapiens was responsible for the first stage of the food producing revolution true
the earliest writing system of the sumerians was phonetic false
most chiefdoms have lived by farming
reciprocity first appeared in bands
wild chimps lack languages
the sumerian "knowledge explosion" was made possibly by occupational specialization
What is not found in all human societies? food production
in chiefdoms, leaders tend to be general purpose
neolithic food producing societies began to emerge about how many years ago? 11,000
proponents of the integrationist theory of state formation view states as raising the living standard for everyone
kinesic communication includes facial expressions
in band societies, a central value is normally that of sharing
for the Yanomamo, cross cousins are normally acceptable marriage choices true
the Inuit experienced both depopulation and relocation true
after the initial wars, the major cause of death among native Tasmanians was starvation false
the Xingu project took place in Peru false
the wounded knee massacre victimized the northern Paiutes false
genocide was the main policy in U.S. Indian boarding schools false
all revitalization movements have pathways true
mary's father's sister's son is Mary's parallel cousin false
Nunavut is now an independent nation false
For the Yanomamo societies, a girl belongs to her father's lineage true
for the Yanomamo, alliances are the one long term and stable intertribal relationship false
the cherokees were the first ethnic group relocated under the Indian Removal Act false
Yanomamo women change their lineage membership upon marriage false
the ghost dance assumed that non-indians would disappear true
the Xingu project attempted to develop the native economy with a gradual introduction of money, wages, trade, etc. false
the Leahy brothers were Christian missionaries among the highland tribes of New guinea false
patrilineages normally contain roughly equal numbers of males and females true
the ghost dance originated among the Choctaws false
the Yanomamo practice endocannibalism as a way of showing respect for their dead true
lineages are only found in pre-state societies false
prior to colonialism, Tasmania was occupied by mutually hostile chiefdoms false
most Yanomamo marriages are examples of tribal exogamy and lineage endogamy false
cultural survival attempts to aid native peoples by easing them int the world economy true
after initial hostilities, Tasmanian aboriginal cultures were able to "rebound" in the 20th century false
Created by: cmahoney1193
Popular Anthropology sets




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