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Peds Cog Skills

Normal Development of Cognitive Skills

AgeSensorimotor PeriodCognitive Milestones
1-2mos Reflexive Stage (1mo) Closely associates all sound w/mvmnt. Uses abdomen to breathe, displays rhythmic breathing patterns at rest. Explores environment by mouthing obj. Stops all act/experiences a chage in breathing patterns while focusing on obj or person. Smoother tracking.
3-5mos Primary Circular Reactions (2-4mos) Repeats reflexive sensorimotor patterns for pleasure Hand on bottle & finds mouth. Transitions from watching own hands 2 mouthing hands. Increases variety of sounds;less nasal crying. Concept of obj permanence. Transitions from searching 4 only dropped obj to partly hidden ones. Pats bottle when feeding.
6mo Secondary Circular Reactions (5-8mos) Begns showing voluntary mvmnt patterns. Repeats actions that create pleasurable sensations. Primitive awareness of cause and effect. Call out for attention. Repeats sounds. Increase varied sounds. Increases dissociation of sounds from mvmnt. Understands concept of cause/effect & repeats certain patterns of action to achieve a particular result.
7-9mos Circular Reactions (2-4mos) Puts objs into containers. Copies mvmnts (banging objs). Begins searching for objs in containers. Responds to "NO". Explores spatial concept such as in/out & on/off by experimenting with different mvmnts while playing.
10-12mos Coordination of secondary Schemata (9-12mos) Begins participation in obj permanance problem-solving act, begins decentralized thinking Shows desire for (I) in motor development/skills. Follows simple directions. Uses obj to reach goal in (I) problem-solving act.
13-18mos Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18mos) Begins tool use, serches for new schemes Trial/error problem solving. Uses obj conventionally/begins to group. Uses speech to name, refuse, call greet, protest/ express feelings.
19-24mos Inventions of New Means Through Mental Combinations (18-24mos) Shows insight,uses tools purposefully, mental representation, develops stability to use mental presentation follows 2-step directions, understands obj permanance/engages in systematic searching. Speech used as means of communication.
Birth to 37-40wks of gestation Reflexive Stage Begins dispay of primitive reflexes. Doesn't differentiate between self/objs or between sensation/action. Uses entire body during vocalizations. Uses abdomen to breathe. Become quite in response to voice. Slowly tracks moving obj.
Created by: 100000007924890
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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