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Exam Review

exclusionary rule evidence that is obtained illegally may not be used in trial.
Mapp V. Ohio exclusionary rule applied to state courts as well as federal courts.
Roe V. Wade right to privacy accompanied a woman's decision to abort her baby in the 1st trimester
police power is the power of each state to protect and promote health, safety, and welfare of the public
14 th Amendment "no person can not denied life, liberty, or property with out due process of law."
4 th Amendment no right of search and seizure unless there is probable cause.
Search warrant what a police officer must obtain from a judge to search your home...with some exceptions such as plain view, protective sweep, and automobiles
Probable cause the standard by which an officer or agent can make an arrest
Gideon vs. Wainwright states must appoint attorneys for poor felons
5 th Amendment protects: self-incrimination, no double jeopardy SIncrimination= you have the right to remain silent when the police is arresting you Double jeopardy= you can not be tried for the same crime unless it violates state and federal laws.
6 th Amendment protects: attorney, speedy and public trial, and impartial jury You have the right to seek counsel The court has to try you in 100 days and the hearings must be public to promote fairness. Defendants have the right to change location and challenge jurors.
8 th Amendment protects: no excessive bail and cruel/ unusual punishment cannot be so excessive that the person cannot pay for it and may not be deny bail... and prevents torture
Miranda V. Arizona citizens must be informed of their rights at the time of arrest.
Bill of Rights guarantees personal freedom which the states ratified the Constitution just so this would be added in 1791 protected people against the acts of the federal gov't.
1st Amendment freedoms freedom of speech and press freedom of religion (no official religion/ favor over religions) and (people can believe what they want but can not have actions that threatens the common good of individuals)
Establishment clause no favor of one religion to another or gov't may not have an official religion
Free exercise Clause each person may believe what they want but there is a distinction between belief and action
Peyote Case : Oregon V. Smith Supreme Court did not allow the use of Peyote for a Native American Ritual but Congress passed the Freedom Restoration Art which in turn allowed them to allow the ritual
Abington V. Schmepp SC striked down a law in Pennsylvania that required Bible- reading and Lord's Prayer in schools
Everson V. Board of Education SC upheld bus transportation of parochial school students b/c it was a safety measure intended to benefit the students not the schools
What type of state aid is allowed in private schools? it has to be secular primary purpose is not advance nor inhibit religion must avoid excessive entanglement with religion
Seditious Speech incitement to resist lawful authority which is not protected in the first amendment
Defamatory Speech is not protected by the first amendment because someone makes a statement that gives a person a negative image and can cause monetary damages.
Libel and Slander Libel= false and malicious use of the printed word. Slander= false and malicious use of a spoken word. for a public figure they must prove that : 1 the charges are false 2. they did damage 3. they acted with malice. private figure is the first two.
Schenck V. US---clear and present danger test A socialist is arrested for urging others to resist the draft and the SC upheld his conviction b/c he was posing a danger to the gov't and or overthrow
How did the SC rule on speech in the late 1960s? SC usually ruled for the freedom of speech for the individuals.
Texas V. Johnson flag burning is protected by the 1st amendment because it was part of his 'symbolic speech' and or 'political speech'
Miller V. California material is obscene if the ave. person applying is to community standards finds it appeals to interests of the community, lacks serious literay , artistic or scientific value , and depicts patently offensive sex.
Tinker V. Des Moines Mary Beth Tinker could wear a black armband to protest war/ b/c it did not disrupt the educational process
Sheppard V. Maxwell Sheppard had a retrial because of impartial jury that was bombarded with press abt. the case and stories that pointed to Sheppard
Shield Law 30 states had passed this law to protect reporters and their sources but this is not a federal law.
How and why can the gov't regulate assemblies? they make rules covering the time, place, and manner of assemblies to protect public.
Original jurisdiction right to hear the case first
Appellate jurisdiction case is appealed from a lower court, the court may uphold, overrule, or modify the decision of the lower court
US District Court has original jurisdiction one judge juries often determine verdict
US Court of Appeals has appellate jurisdiction three panel judge rules on points of law from lower court cases
US Supreme Court Hass appellate and original jurisdiction Nine justices Judges the constitutionally of federal and sometimes state laws Also interprets the meaning of federal statutes.
US Attorney prosecute people accused of violating federal laws, represents US in civil cases
Writ of certiorari order by the court directing lower court to send up the records of a case they will hear.
Written briefs documents that argue one side of the case amicus curiae briefs are filed by groups who are not parties to the case but have an interest in its outcome
Oral Arguments Come in 2 week sessions lawyers have only 30 min limit per side justices may interrupt by asking questions
Conferences meet wed & fri-- Supreme Court meets in secret they consider cases heard in oral arguments chief justice presides and speaks first presentations made in order of seniority 1/3 of decisions are unanimous
Judicial Review the process by which the actions of the legislative and executive branch are under review by the Supreme Court
President appoints , Senate conforms all federal judges judges are appointed for life, removed only by impreachment
Judicial Restraint the belief that the Court should uphold all federal and state laws except those that clearly violate some part of the Constit. judges interpret it as the Founding Fathers
Judicial activism the court should actively use judicial review to interpret and enforce the Constit. Judges may use their power to correct injustices in other branches of gov't refuse to do.
Majority Opinion chief justice assigns the writing of the opinion which will become law
Dissenting Opinion disagrees with the majority opinion and may later become the majority opinion
Why do the Supreme Court hear a case? it is controversial state courts have disagreed on it involves interpreting federal laws involves a state suing another state
How many votes are needed for a SC decision? at least 5 votes
Sandra Day O' Connor first woman appointed to the supreme court. the tie breaker vote
Bowers V. Hardwick sexual liberty is not protected in the Constit. therefore Gerogia anti-sodomy law though 'unfair' is constitutional
Lawrence V. Texas SC striked down on a sodomy law in Texas and made same- sex activity legal
Demand the desire for an item and the ability to pay for it
Law of Demand when the price of a good or service goes up, quantity demanded goes down when the price of the good or service goes down, quantity demanded goes up
Supply the willingness and ability of producers to offer goods and services for sale
Law of Supply producers are willing to sell more of product at higher than at a lower price
Factors that effect demand income market size consumer expectations consumer tastes substitute goods complementary goods
Income a person's ability to buy goods changes as his or her income changes. as the incomes of the most consumers in a market change so does the total demand. normal goods=demanded more when income rises inferior goods= demanded less when consumer income rises
Market Size as number of consumers in an area changes, so does market size. demand for most goods changes as market size changes. rise in population leads to increased demand, decrease in population leads to decreased demand
consumer tastes consumer tastes change; products gain and lose popularity. consumer demand a greater amount of popular items at every price.
consumer expectations expectations about future price of items affect individual behavior expected rise or fall in price can decide whether to buy now or wait.
substitute goods products can be used in place of each others. if the price of the substitute drops, people buy it instead of original item if the price of original item rises people will buy the substitute
complementary goods rise in demand of one increases the demand for the other . if price of one product changes , demand for both changes in same way. if price of one rises, demand for both will drop.
elasticity of demand measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes/three factors affect elasticity of demand: availability of substitutes , proportion of income spent on good or service, whether product is a necessity or luxury
What type of products have elastic demand? movie tickets
What type of products have inelastic demand? gas, fillings
Federal Debt debt owned by the federal government / abt. 15 trillion today
Federal deficit an excess of the gov't spending over it's revenue / abt. 1.5 trillion today
Fiscal policy use of gov't expenditures and taxation to influence economy.
Major source of federal revenue -individual income tax -corporate income tax -estate tax -gift tax -customs duty -user fee
Individual income tax a progressive tax in which as rates go up so does taxable income
Progressive tax higher percentage rate of taxation on high-income earners than on low income earners ex. Ohio income tax and federal income tax
Regressive tax larger percentage of income from people with low incomes than from people with high incomes. ex. Social Security, sale tax, and property tax.
Tax deductions are allowed for each individual and child so larger families reduce their taxable income by a greater amount then do smaller families
Tax exemptions a reduction in the gross amount on which a tax is calculated. ex. interest paid on your house mortgage, state and local taxes, charitable contributions, certain medical expenses, and child care.
Major source of federal spending - Entitlements (Social Security / unemployment benefits) -Medicare -Medicaid -Defense Spending -Net Interest on the Federal Debt
Who makes the federal budget? Office of Management and Budget/ President
Who approves the federal budget? Congress approves it
Keynesian fiscal policy (Demand-side economics) the idea that during recession gov't should stimulate aggregate demand by increasing gov't spending. can lead to a stagnate economic b/c it can be slow growing and have unemployment and inflation
Who used Keynesian economics? FDR during the Great Depression
Arthur Laffer (Supply Side Economics) provides incentives to the producers and focuses on cutting the cost of production to increase aggregate supply...favor cutting individual and corporate taxes and encourage people to save and invest more. however savings declined and success dep. on Laf.C
Who used supply side economics? Reagan used this.
Entitlements(mandatory spending) social welfare programs with specific requirements ...and anyone who meets the eligibility requirements receives the benefits regardless of income level. these are required by law.
Discretionary spending must be authorized by congress every year such as defense, highways construction and maintenance of national parks.
When did the US last have a surplus? between the years of 1998 and 2001
Monetary policy involves Federal Reserve actions that change the money supply in order to influence the economy. such as open market operations, adjusting the reserve requirement, and adjusting the discount rate.
Federal Reserve Bank central bank of the US, called the Fed an independent organization within the gov't. its duties is to hold private bank reserves, control loanable funds and money supply. assure stability( issue and circulation of money) lend money to private banks & go
Expansionary monetary policy( easy money policy) plan to increase the money in circulation/ is called easy money b/c it puts more money into circulation by making it easier for borrowers to secure a loan..The Fed goes this to buying bonds,decrease rr, decreas dr. buy to boast
Contractionary monetary policy (tight money policy) plan to reduce the amt. of money in circulation/ called tight b/c it is designed to reduce inflation by making it more difficult for bus. and indiv. to get loans. selling bonds, increase rr, increase dr. sell to slow.
Which of these polices would the FED use during a recession? Expansionary Policy--FED buys gov't securities to boast the economy
Which of these polices would the FED use during an inflation? Contractionary b/c sells gov't securities to slow down the economy.
Inflation a sustained rise in the general price level of a sustained fall in the purchasing power of money
Recession a prolonged economic contraction lasting two or more quarters (six months or more)
Discount rate the interest rate that the FED charges when it lends money to other banks
Reserve Requirement the fraction of a bank's deposits , determined by the FED that must be kept in the reserve so that it can loan out money
Open Market operations FED's sale and purchase of fed. gov't securities; the monetary policy tool most used by the FED to adjust the money supply
Budget a plan for home to save and spend your income--can help you focus your limited financial resources on what's most important to you. Det. Income/Track Exp./Cat. Exp./Fix V Flex/Spending Plan
Savings Account come in three types Standard, Money Market Acct. and CD.
Checking Account are for immediate expenses and help you manage expenses and pay bills. need a minimum balance.
Money Market Account pays higher interest and allows you to write a limited number of checks but requires a higher minimum balance.
Overdraft a check or other withdrawal for more than the existing acct. balance
ATM give you access to your bank account in which you can withdraw money, deposit cash/checks , and transfer money bet. linked accounts. with an ATM card.
Stock share of ownership in a corp. common stocks has the most risk but have the bigger potential return. along with blue-chip stocks
Bonds a contract a corporation issues that promises to repay borrowed money plus interest on a fixed schedule
mutual funds an investment company that gathers money from individual investors and uses the money to purchase a range of financial assets
401 K plans lets workers invest money for retirement and defer taxes.
Pension plan are controlled by employeers and are payments after retirement
How do you compound investment? start early, buy and hold, diversify
Loan borrowed money that is usually repaid with interest
APR the length of the loan and how often you make payments
Finance charge the total amount of interest that you will pay on a loan plus any service charges
Credit card interest rates rates may be fixed or variable
Credit Report statement by a credit bureau that derails a consumer's credit record this includes information on your employment, bank accounts. and credit history. its determines good credit risk.
Deductible an amt. you pay before insurance pays on a loss
Insurance premium payment for insurance protection
Car Liability insurance pays for damage to other vehicles and medical expenses for people in those vehicles b/c of your neglig.
Renter's insurance protects your personal property within your apartment
1040 tax forms anyone who has more than $1500 in interest income or anyone who wants to itemize their deductions must use this
1040 EZ tax form simple form for those who don't make very much
Lease a contract for renting an apartment for a specified period of time
Created by: kaysummer200
Popular American Government sets




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