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CA Flash Stack
Computer Applications flash cards
Question | Answer |
Columns | Appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the worksheet window. |
Rows | Appear horizontally and are identified by numbers on the left sid eof the worksheet window. |
Range reference - example | (A1:F1) |
###### | Numbers extend beyond a cell's width |
3 ways to enter data in a cell | Enter, tab, anter button in formula bar |
Wildcard (find/replace) | *(asterisk) |
Default magnification | 100% |
Print tab | Enables you to select the number of copies to print, a printer, the parts of the worksheet to print, and the way the printed worksheet will look. |
What happens if you try to close a worksheet that has not been saved? | You are promted to save the file |
Autofit | Determines the best width for a column or the best height for a row, based on its contents |
Explain how to resize the width of several columns at once | Select the columns you want to resize, then use the pointer to click and drag the right edge of one of the selected column headings |
How are numbers displayed in a cell | Right aligned |
Merge & Center | Centers cell contents across several columns |
Theme | Preset collection of design elements, including fonts, colors, and other effects |
Wrapped text | With wrapped text, the row height will automatically adjust to show all the lines of thext. Text wraps within a cell like in word processing document, rather than spilling over into the next cell. |
How do you insert a row in an Excel spreadsheet? | Click the row number to select the row where you want the new row to appear, then click the insert button |
Landscape orientation | Wider than they are long |
Potrait orientation | Longer than they are wide |
Header | text that prints in the top margin of each page |
Footer | text that prints at the bottom margin of each page |
Identify three ways to enter a formula into a cell | Enter, tab, enter button on the formula bar |
Show an example of multiplication | A1*7 |
Show an example of division | A1/2 |
Show an example of exponentiation | A1^3 |
Order of evaluation | The sequence used to calculate the value of a formula |
What is the order of operations when executing an Excel formula? | Inner most parentheses are evaluated first, moving outward |
Control + (grave accent) | Used to switch between showing formulas and showing formula results in a worksheet |
Show an example of the SUM function | SUM(F1:F10) |
Title slide | Introduces your presentation to your audience |
Transition | Refers to the way each appears on the screen |
Animation | An effect you can apply to text, objects, graphics, or pictures to make those objects move during a slide show |
Name three color printing options | color, grayscale, pure black and white |
How many slides per page can be printed using the "handouts" option? | 2-9 slides per page |
What is the PowerPoint file extension | .pptx |
Placeholders | Placeholders are boxes with dotted borders that contain content and reside within a slide layout. All built-in slide layouts contain content placeholders |
Gow do you insert a table into a PP slide using the content slide layout | Click the insert table icom |
Access | A database management syestem |
Database | Acollection of objects |
Datasheet | the table display its data in rows and columns |
How do you move from one field to the next in Datasheet view? | Shift + Tab |
Best fit | Automatically resizes the column to the best width for the data contained in the column |
How are fields rearranged in Datasheet view? | By clicking and dragging them to a new location |
What is the purpose of print preview | To check the print settings prior to printing |
Field selector | A small bar or box that you press to select an entire column in datasheet |
Show an example of a field name | Address |
Show an example of a "field value" for the field identified above | 1255 Dogwood Road |
Define "primary key" and give an example | A unique identifier for each record in a table. Example: Student number |
Design grid | the top half of the table window |
Field properties pane | by opening a query object |
Simple query wizard | An easy way to create a query. It asks you what data you want to see by letting you select options in dialog boxes |
One to many relationship | one record in the first table can match many records in the second table |
Primary table | the "one" sid eof two related tables in a one-to-many relationship. Example: you have one mother and she has many children. In this case, the mother "mother" is primary |
Related table | the table containing 'many" records |
Referential integrity | A set rules to ensure that there are matching values in the common field used to form the relationship |
Bound Control | used to display, enter, and update data |
Control | listing ID label and the listing ID text box |
Control layout | is a container that groups together the controls in a form so that you can change them as a group |
Datasheet tool | creates a form that looks just like a datasheet |
Detail section | sreates a detail section with controls that display one record at a time |
Field list pane | contains the tables in the database and displays the fields they contain |
find | option for finding data in a database quickly |
form | is a database object that displays data from one or more tabels or quries in a format that has a similaer appearance to a paper form |
form footer section | displays info at the bottom of each form |
unbound control | used to display info,lines,rectangles,and pictures |
form header section | displays info at the top of each form |
form tool | creates a simple form that includes all the fields in the selected table or query |
form view | search record in the recourd source |
form wizard | helps you create a form by letting you select option in dialog boxes to pecity the form record source and layout |
layout view | view controls in the form and data from the record source at the same time |
multiple items tool | creates a form that lists all the fields in a datasheet format |
record source | table or queries that provide the data to be displayed in a form |
splitform tool | creates a form using all the fields in the selected table or query and splits the window into 2 panes |
theme | formats the form and its controls using a predefined color, font, and design scheme |
CTRL + HOME | takes you to cell A1 |
CTRL + END | takes you to the last cell that has data |
page up | takes you up one window |
And operator | selects records that match all of or more conditions in a query |
Auto filter | is a menu that opens when you click the arrow on the right side of a field selector |
Calculated field | when a field displays a value that is calculated using other fields in query |
common field | is a field thet appears in both tables, has the same datatype, and contains the same values |
condition | is a way of telling the query with data you are interested in seeing |
expression | field names are enclosed in brackets which require a field name |
Filter | temporarily displays record in a datasheet based on the condition that specify |
Filter by form | when you need to display record that contain one or more values based on the values stored inone or more fields |
filter by selection | select a field value or part of a fild value in a datasheet, and click the selection button in the select and find group |
foreign key | when it is used in a relationship |
multiple query | queries that are base don more than on table |
relationship | two tables that are designed to contain a common field |
or operator | selects record thet match at least one of 2 more conditions in a query |
query | is a database object that lets you ask database about the data it contains |
sort | view values from ascending or descending order from a to 2 |
subdatasheet | contains the related records in the orders table |
total row | counts the # of values in a column |
alphanumeric data | a combination of #'s and text |
autonumber | automatically adds a unique # to the primary key field for eacch record in the table |
blank database template | creates a database with an empty table unit |
default value property | enters the same field value in a field everytime a new record is added to the table |
datatype | determines the kind of data that you can enter in the field |
description property | in a design grid is an option field |