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Neoplasm key terms

Neoplasm for Pathophysiology

hemostasis stopping of bleeding/blood clotting
hematocrit refers to the proportion of cells (erythrocytes) in blood & indicates the viscosity of the blood
plasma clear yellowish fluid remaining after cells have been removed
hematopoiesis various blood cells develop from a single stem cell
erythropoietin hormone originating from kidneys stimulates erythrocyte production in red bone marrow
oxyhemoglobin bright red color which distinguishes arterial blood from venous blood
deoxyhemoglobin is dark or blue red in color & found in venous blood
ferritin/hemosidrin (iron) stored in the liver
hemolysis destruction
leukopoiesis production of white blood cells
diapedesis movement thru an intact capillary
coagulation clot formation
agglutination clumping
morphology size & shape
leukocytosis increase WBC
leukopenia decrease WBC
reticulocyte immature non-nucleated RBC
pallor pale face
dyspnea difficulty breathing
tachycardia rapid heart rate
stomatitis ulcers in the oral mucosa
microcytic small cell
hpyochronic less color
achlorhydria lack of hydrocholoric acid in the stomach
glossitis inflammation of the tongue
syncope fainting
pancytopenia decreased numbers of erythrocytes, luekocytes & platelets in the blood
neutropenia reduction in circulating neutrophils
erythrocytosis increase in RBC (that occurs in response to prolonged hypoxia)
Created by: jklincoln
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