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SAT vocabulary ~

Gadfly A person who annoys others
Gaff A hook
Gainsay To deny; to contradict
Gait Manner of walking
Gala Festive
Galaxy A group of stars; any large and brilliant assemblage of persons
Gall Bitterness
Gallant Polite; noble
Galvanize To stimulate; to startle into sudden activity
Gambit Strategy; an opening one uses to advantage
Gambol To frolic; to romp about
Gamut The whole range or extent
Gape To stare with open mouth
Garble To distort
Gargantuan Gigantic; huge
Garish Tastelessly gaudy
Garland A wreath of flowers
Garner To gather; to acquire
Garnish To decorate; to trim
Garrulous Talkative
Gauche Awkward; tactless
Gaudy Flashy; showy
Gaunt Thin and bony; bleak and barren
Gazebo An open structure with an enjoyable view
Gazette Newspaper
Gelid Very cold; frozen
Genealogy Family history
Generate To produce; to originate
Generic General; not specific; pertaining to a class
Genesis Origin; beginning
Genial Warm; friendly
Genocide Killing of a race of people
Genre An art form or class
Genteel Polite; refined
Gentry Upper class people
Genuflect To kneel; to bend the knee
Germane Relevant; fitting
Gerontology The study of older people and their problems
Gesticulation Lively or excited gesture
Ghastly Horrible; dreadful
Ghoul Grave robber; ogre
Gibberish Silly, unintelligible talk
Gibbet Gallows from which criminals are hanged
Give To scoff; to ridicule
Giddy Dizzy; flighty; whirling
Gild To cover with gold
Gingerly Carefully; cautiously
Gird To encircle
Gist Main point; essence
Glazed Glassy; smooth; shiny
Glean To gather patiently and with great effort
Glee Joy
Glib Fluent; smooth
Glissade A skillful glide over snow or ice in descending a mountain
Glitch A malfunction; an error
Gloaming Twilight; dusk
Gloat To look at or think about with great satisfaction
Glower To frown; to stare angrily at
Glum Sad; gloomy
Glutinous Gluey; sticky
Glutton One who eats or drinks too much
Gnarled Knotty; twisted; roughened
Gnome A legendary dwarf-like creature
Goad To encourage; to spur on
Gorge A deep valley with steep sides; to eat or to swallow greedily
Gory Bloody
Gossamer Light; flimsy; fine
Gothic Medieval; mysterious
Gouge To dig out; to swindle or overcharge
Gourmand A glutton; a person who eats excessively
Gourmet An expert of fine food and drink
Gradient A slope; a ramp
Granary A storehouse for grain
Grandiloquent Pretentious; speaking in a pompous style
Grandiose Impressive; showy
Graphic Giving a clear and effective picture
Grapple To grip and hold; to struggle
Grate To grind to shreds; to irritate
Gratify To please; to satisfy
Gratis Without payment; free
Gratuitous Free of cost; unnecessary
Grave Serious; somber
Gregarious Sociable; friendly
Grievous Causing grief or sorrow; distressing
Grim Fierce; stern
Grimace A distorted face; an expression of disapproval
Grime Dirt
Gripe Complaint
Grisly Horrible; gruesome; ghastly
Grit Stubborn courage
Gross Extreme; vulgar
Grotesque Absurd; distorted
Grotto A cave
Grovel To lower oneself to please another
Grudging Resentful; reluctant
Grueling Exhausting
Gruff Rough or harsh in manner
Guile Deceit; trickery
Guileless Sincere
Guise A false appearance
Gull To trick; to deceive
Gullible Easily deceived; too trusting
Gumption Courage and initiative
Gustatory Pertaining to the sense of taste
Gusto Hearty enjoyment
Gusty Windy; stormy
Guttural Pertaining to the throat
Gyrate To rotate; to spin
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