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WJEC German Vocab T

Letter T

Tabak tobacco
Tablette tablet
Tafel blackboard
Tag day
Tageskarte day ticket/menu of the day
täglich daily
Tal valley
tanken to fill up (on petrol)
Tankstelle petrol station
Tankwart petrol station attendant
Tante aunt
tanzen to dance
Tapete carpet
Tasche bag
Taschendieb mugger
Taschenrechner calculator
Tastatur computer keyboard
Tee tea
teilen to share
Telefon telephone
Telefonzelle phone box
Telefon abheben to answer the phone
Telefonbuch telephone book
telefonieren to telephone
Telefonkarte telephone card
Telefonnummer telephone number
Teller plate
Temperatur temperature
Teppich carpet
Terrasse terrace
teuer expensive
Theater theatre
Themse Thames river
Thermometer thermometer
Tier animal
tippen to type
Tisch table
Tochter daughter
Toilette toilet
Ton tone
Torte cake
Tourismus tourism
tragen to carry/to wear
Traube grape
traurig sad
treffen to meet
Treppe stairs
trinken to drink
Trinkhalle drink's hall
trocken dry
Trompete trumpet
Tropfen tear
tschüss bye
tun to do
Tür door
turnen to do gymnastics
Turnhalle gym
Tüte bag
typisch typical
Created by: missgardner
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