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PHM 120 Renal su2012

Vasotec Enalapril
Enalapril ACE inhibitor
Vasotec, Enalapril Hypertension
Altace Ramipril
Ramipril ACE Inhibitor
Altace, Ramipril Hypertension
Monopril Fosinipril
Fosinipril ACE Inhibitor
Monopril/Fosinipril Hypertension
Prinivil/Zestril Lisinopril
Lisinopril ACE Inhibitor
Prinivil/Zestril/Lisinopril Hypertension
Cozaar Losartan
Losartan ACE Inhibitor
Cozaar/Losartan Hypertension
Benicar Olmesartan
Olmesartan ACE Inhibitor
Benicar/Olmesartan Hypertension
Lotensin Benazepril
Benazepril ACE Inhibitor
Lotensin, Benazepril Hypertension
Acupril Quinpril
Quinpril ACE Inhibitor
Acupril, Quinpril Hypertension
Vitamin D Ergocalciferol
Ergocalciferol Vitamin
Vitamin, Ergocalciferol Renal Failure for calcium
Triamterene/HCTZ Antihypertensive combinations
Dyazide, Maxzide Triamterene/HCTZ
Dyazide, Maxzide - Triamterene/HCTZ Fluid retention and high blood pressure
Nitrofurantoin Urinary anti-infectives
Furadantin, Macrobid, Macrodantin, Nitro Macro Nitrofurantoin
Furadantin, Macrobid, Macrodantin, Nitro Macro/ Nitrofurantoin treatment of urinary tract infections
Trimethoprim Urinary anti-infectives
Primsol, Proloprim, Trimpex Trimethoprim
Primsol, Proloprim, Trimpex / Trimethoprim treatment of bladder infections
Sulfisoxazole Sulfonamides
Gantrisin, Gantrisin pediatric, Truxazole / Sulfisoxazole helps keep bacteria from growing in the body, treatment of bladder infections,ear infections or meningitis
Uroxatrol alfuzosin
Cardura Doxazocin
Flomax Tamsulosin
Hytrin Terazocin
Terazocin,Tamsulosin,Doxazocin,alfuzosin Antiadrenergic agents/alpha adrenergic blockers
Hytrin,Flomax,Cardura,Uroxatrol BPH/ Bening prostatic hypertrophy
Cipro Ciprofloxin
Cipro/Ciprofloxin Quinolones/Antibiotic
Cipro/Ciprofloxin Acute or chronic bacterial infection of the the prostate gland/UTI's
Levaquin Levofloxacin
Levaquin/levofloxacin Quinolones/Anitbiotic
Levaquin/levofloxacin Acute or chronic bacterial infection of the the prostate gland/UTI's
Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium
Elmiron/pentosan polysulfate sodium genitourinary tract agents
Elmiron/pentosan polysulfate sodium Bladder pain from cystis
Pyridium phenazopyridine
Pyridium/phenazopyridine genitourinary tract agents
Pyridium/phenazopyridine Anesthetic effect on urinary tract
Renagel Sevelamer
Renagel/Sevelamer Chelating agents
Renagel/Sevelamer Phosphate binder/helps prevent hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the body)
Vesicare Solifenacin
Solifenacin Antispasmotic
Vesicare/Solifenacin overactive bladder
Detrol Tolterodine
Tolterodine Antispasmotic
Detrol/Tolterodine bladder spasms, fewer SE than with Oxybutynin
Avodart Dutasteride
Dutasteride Androgen Inhibitor
Avodart/Dutasteride treats baldness in men, shrinks the prostate
Proscar, Propecia Finasteride
Finasteride Androgen Inhibitor
Proscar/Finasteride blocks enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT
Diovan Valsartan
Pyridium Phenazopyridine
Lasix Furosemide
Viagra Silendafil
urecholine Bethanechol
Hydrodiuril HCTZ
Cialis Tadalafil
Urispas Flavoxate
Ditropan oxybuyrin
Caverject Alprostadil
Levitra Vardenafil
Zaroxlyn Metolazone
Valsartan ARB
Phenazopyridine Anestetic effect on urinary tract
Silendafil Erectile Dysfunction
Alprostadil Erectile Dysfunction
Tadalafil Erectile Dysfunction
Bethanechol Bladder spasms
Furosemide Diurectic loop pill
Vardenafil Erectile Dysfunction
Flavoxate Bladder spasms
HCTZ Fancy Fluid Pill
Oxybutyrin Decreases urinary frequency
Diovan/Valsartan erectile dysfunction
Metolazone Diurectic water pill
Viagra/Silendafil erectile dysfunction
Caverject/Alprostadil Erectile Dysfunctions
Pyridium/Phenazopyridine Anestetic effect on urinary tract
Cialis/Tadalafil erectile dysfunction
Lasix/Furosemide Edema, Blood pressure
Urecholine/Bethanechol Bladder spasms
Levitra/Vardenafil erectile dysfunction
Urispas/Flavoxate Bladder spasms
hyrdodiuril/HCTZ Edema, antihypertensivr
Ditropan/Oxybutyrin Decrease urinary frequency
Klor-con Potassium chloride
Zaroxyln/ Metolazone Edema, helps body to prevent absorbing too much salt
Potassium Chloride Electroylte
Klor-con/Potassium Chloride potassium replacement supplement
Hytrin/Terazocin Hypertension
Hytrin Terazocin
Terazocin Antiadrenenergic agent
B6/Pyridoxine Renal Failure
Pyridoxine Vitamins
B6 Pyridoxine
B9/Folic Acid Renal Failure
B9 Folic Acid
Folic Acid Vitamin
Infed/Iron Dextran Iron Product
Infed helps prevent hyprocalcemia
Iron Dextran Iron Dextran
Eporon Erythropoietin
Eporon/Erythropoietin Antianemic Agent
Erythropoietin Given to patients with kidney failure to treat anemia
Created by: bigbren
Popular Pharmacology sets




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