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English SAT Word-S2

For BP English

Crux Main point; the heart of the matter
Torpid Dormant; inactive; lethargic
Imbue to fill; as with a strong dye or feeling
Succor assistance; relief
Mottle to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or color
Quell to extinguish; to put down or suppress by force
Crony A close friend or companion
Inaugurate begin; induct into
Obviate eliminate the need for something; make unnecessary
Asinine silly; stupid
Benighted being in a state of intellectual darkness; ignorant unenlightened
Disconceit to disturb, upset or frustrate by throwing into disorder
Hiatus a gap or interruption in continuity; a break
Cataract a large waterfall; an eye abnormality
Inure to get used to something undesirable; harden
Jetsam objects discarded overboard to lighten a vessel
Annex To add or attach
Sublime Impressive; inspiring awe; majestic
Opulence Luxury; wealth; riches
Estrange To alienate; treat as a stranger, or to turn an affection to indifference
Morose Depressed
Morass anything that hinders, traps, or overwhelms; low-lying, soggy ground
Despondent Feeling hopeless or depressed
Predilection A preference for something
Insolvent Unable to pay bills; bankrupt
Placate To appease; pacify; mollify
Reticent quiet; uncommunicative
Incorrigible Impossible to correct, control or discipline
Indict Charge with a crime; accuse
Pithy To the point; concise
Enmity Hostility; deep-seated hatred
Obtrude To impose oneself or ideas on others; to stick out
Extraneous Unnecessary; irrelevant
Portend To warn as an omen; forecast
Agog Highly excited by eagerness
Extricate To free from a trap or difficult situation; to disentangle
Culpable Guilty; blameworthy
Bequest Something left to someone in a will
Indolence Lazy
Hamper To prevent the free movement, action, or process of
Candor Honesty; frankness
Evince To show or demonstrate clearly
Nettle To irritate; vex
Polarize To break up into opposing factions or groups
Bandy To trade; to give back and forth; to exchange
Torrid Intensely hot; burning; passionate; rapid
Jocular Joking; playful; jesting; witty
Bombastic High sounding; use of language without much real meaning
Apex The highest point; peak
Blight Decay; disease; widespread death
Tome A large book
Bevy A group of animals; an assembly
Plucky Brave and spirited; courageous
Exemplar A model or original
Supine Lying on the back with the face turned upwards
Balk To stop short and refuse to proceed
Bovine Of relating to or resembling a cow
Quail To shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage
Panache Dashing elegance of manner or style
Boor A rude person; someone that is unrefined
Doleful Sorrowful; melancholy
Inaugurate begin; induct into
Magnanimous Big-hearted; generous; forgiving; noble
Despot Absolute ruler
Inchoate Not yet fully developed
Vapid Dull; boring; lacking flavor or spark
Apex The highest point
Malign To say evil or harmful things about someone; defame
Quaff To drink heartily
Gastronomy The study of good eating
Esoteric Known to, or understood by, a limited group of people
Espouse To adopt; to support
Sardonic Humorous; but humor tinged with sarcasm or disdain; cynical
Salubrious Promoting health
Recant Take back something you've said; to withdraw a statement
Cupidity Excessive greed; especially with money
Brouhaha An uproar
Respite Delay; postpone; a brief interval of rest
Penguid Fat
Forbearance Patience
Captivate To surrender under certain conditions
Battery Any large group of related things
Chastise To discipline; to criticize severely
Redolent Strongly scented; fragrant
Ratify Approve by formal vote; confirm
Judicious Wise; making good decision
Indigent Poor
Extol Praise
Palliate To make seem less serious; to mitigate
Dour Severe; gloomy; stern
Depravity Extreme wickedness
Cajole To fool with flattery or false promises; coax; deceive
Dexterity High level of skill, especially with the hands; adroitness
Slake To quench, to satisfy a craving
Rife Abundant; great in number of amount
Slough Discard; cast off; shed
Perspicacity Mental sharpness; keen insight; shrewdness
Disconcert To disturb upset, or frustrate by throwing into disorder
Belie To give an impression that is opposite of the way things really are
Iconoclast One who attacks or overthrow tradition
Desultory Lacking a plan; aimless
Prodigious Enormous in size, quantity, degree; marvelous, amazing
Created by: HolyHandGrenade
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