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Pharm II - Week 10

Reproductive Drugs Part 1

During menopause, __% decrease of estrogen occurs. Some still produced by conversion of ___ 75%; androgens
Estrogen has the following effects: 1) develop/maintain F reproductive characteristics, 2) improves bone mass, 3) increases HDL/decreases LDL, 4) mixed effect on blood coagulation, 4) growth of uterine myo/breast develop in pg
When estrogen is given as a single therapy, risks are: Increase in breast, uterine, cervical, ovarian cancer. Potential cancers already forming. Increases risk of CV events
Estrogen also plays a role in ___ (neuro) Memory
Estrogen's therapeutic uses: Contraception, menopausal HRT
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators can do what to estrogen? Prototype known as... Block or activate estrogen. Tamoxifen prototype to inhibit cell growth in breast
Tamoxifen improves ___ and ___ but also increases risk of _____ Lipids, bone mass. DVTs
Progestins ____ endometrial lining and when progestin levels drop, then woman experiences __ Maintain; menses
During pregnancy, progesterone responsible for: Prevention of uterine contractions, slowing of peristalsis/constipation, suppression of immune response
Low progesterone has ____ risk of pregnancy loss High
Progestins are given therapeutically to do the following: (list 4) 1) Support fertility to get pg and stay pg; 2) birth control; 3) dysfunctional uterine bleeding; 4) adjunct in HRT estrogen replacement
Why is progestin given to help pregnancy? During pregnancy low doses can maintain endometrial lining for viable fetus. High doses are teratogenic however. Also used to prevent premature birth
True or false: progestins have many routes True: PO/topical/SQ/IM/vaginal gel/ring/intrauterine/transdermal patches
PMS/PMDD will show sx in __ phase until __ post-menses luteal; 4 days post-menses
PMS/PMDD is a combination of ____ and ____ Sx Physical, psychological
True or false: women with PMS/PMDD have different hormone levels from typical woman False. Hormone levels similar
PMS/PMDD is thought to be an issue of ____ r/t changes in hormones Sensitivity
Recommendation of PMS/PMDD Tx includes a ___ intervention that has the following: Stepwise intervention: 1) stress relief, 2) diet changes (temp. increase complex carbs), 3) Mg/Ca supplement, 4) exercise
What drugs are most effective for PMS/PMDD? SSRIs for psychological Sx and decrease of physical Sx
PMS/PMDD drugs have ______ compliance d/t ______ Poor; AE
PMS/PMDD pts. should avoid what type of Tx? Hormone Tx. Exception with COC, black cohosh, red clover, evening primrose
HRT begins at ___ years when loss of estrogen is greatest 48-55 yrs.
Symptoms of estrogen loss will impact QOL and manifest in: Hot flashes, sleep, atrophy of genitals, bone loss, worsening of lipid profile
Main Tx goal of HRT is to _______ Improve QOL
HRT is protective for bones, lipids, and _____ Colon cancer
HRT can be given with ______ to suppress ______ cancer Progestin; E-mediated uterine
True or false: long-term HRT is recommended False. Short term OK
AE of HRT: May worsen CVA/MI/PE/DVT.. Does NOT decrease atherosclerosis and increase risk of Alzhemiers
True or false: there is still much unknown about HRT True
Bioidentical hormones are ________ and requires _______ Hormones grind up and put into lotion to use topically. Still requires full medical oversight and Px
HRT should be ordered how? Lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time
Estrogen + progestin causes these AE Increase CV events, dementia
HRT should NOT be used for _____ protection CV
Natural hormone products for HRT carry ___ risks Same
Contraceptive drugs: unwanted pg rate in US (adults and teens) 50% adults, 82% teens
Contraceptive drug types (list 2), drug routes (list 7) Hormonal/spermicidal. Routes: PO/IM/IU/vag/cervical/transdermal/implant
True or false: typical use of contraceptives have higher rate of pg than perfect use True
Safety regarding contraceptives often as ___ data. Poor, older
True or false: contraceptive use has higher morbidity/mortality rates than pg/birth False!
True or false: PO contraceptives more dangerous than other BC drugs False
Criteria for contraceptives in order of priority: 1) Personal habits/taste, 2) effectiveness, 3) reversibility, 4) AE, 5) frequency of sex
____ is the most commonly chosen form of contraception, followed by these two Sterilization; OC & condom after it
Contraceptive effectiveness is often tied with... Methods that require LEAST memory/habit: implants, IUDs, IM depot
Guidelines for women choosing contraceptives include: Women who are over 35 who smoke or who have CV disease should avoid combo OC. Progestin-only pill or IUD may be okay
Combined oral contraceptives (COC) ___ progestin through cycle. Other OCs may be ______ Alter; progestin only
Typical use for COC is often less for these women: Overweight/obese
COC typical use is usually __% 92
Contraindications for PO contraceptives: Not for 35+yo smokers, CV Hx/illness, Hx/problems with clotting, pts. unlikely to adhere
Oral contraceptives are category ___ X
PO contraceptive ADE: Thromboembolic problems, breast cancer risk, HTN, breakthrough bleeding/spotting, reduced lactation if used first 2 mo after birth, increase glucose in diabetics, worsen gallbladder disease
PO contraceptive beneficial effects: Improve menstrual cramps, decrease risk of some cancers (ovarian, uterine), improve PMS/PMDD sx, improve acne
The following drugs DECREASE the efficacy of PO contraceptives: Dilantin, rifampin, Ritonavir, St. John's wort
Drugs INHIBITED by PO contraceptives: Warfarin, insulin, PO hypoglycemics
Drugs POTENTIATED by PO contraceptives: Theophylline, tricyclics, diazepam
If missed dose on COC: Missed 1: take next pill; missed 2: take 2 for 2 days, missed more: wait 1 wk and start new cycle
If on a minipill/progestin only and miss dose: Missed 1: take it right away and use backup x 2 day. Missed 2: restart cycle and use backup x 2d
Transdermal patch is used __/wk, with __ days on and __ days off once a week; 3 days on and 1 day off
Transdermal patch has ___ hormones Combination
If patch comes off for >24h, then you should do what? Restart cycle, backup x 7d
True or false: the patch has same contraindications, ADE, DDIs as OC True (somewhat more cramping)
True or false: typical use of patch is lower than pill True. 82% vs. pill's 92%
Vaginal ring is ___ hormone and has ___ contraindications/ADE/DDIs as OC Combined hormone; same
Vaginal ring is inserted __, left in for __, and removed Inserted once a month, left in for 3 weeks, and removed
If vaginal ring is out for more than __ hrs, need backup x 7day 3
Vaginal ring ADE: Vaginitis, leukorrhea
Typical use for vaginal ring is: 85%
Implants are __-term BC that is also ___ Long-term; reversible
True or false: implants have combination hormonse False! Only progestin
Implants are put in for __ before being removed. 3 years
Implants' effectiveness decreased by ___ Liver enzyme inducers
Implant ADE include Irregular bleeding (34%), norplant removed from market; amenorrhea in 22%
Implants are __ with lactation and have typical use that is ___ Safe;99.5%
IM/SQ Depot is known as... and protects for this long Depo-Provera; 3 months
Depo-Provera is reversible __ after last dose 9 months
ADE of M/SQ depot: Irregular bleeding, HA, wt gain, decreased libido, decreased bone density (initially)
IM/SQ depot effectiveness typical use is: 90%
True or false: IUD can be placed inside for 5-10 years and is highly reversible True
Mechanism of action for IUD Slight inflammation that is spermicidal and increases cervical mucus density
ADE of IUD: PID r/t STI (9/1000), cramping, change in menses
IUD have typical use of __% 99%
Spermacide is __% effective, meaning typical use alone is often __ 70%; poor
Spermacide/nonoxynol 9 may __ HIV transmission d/t irritation causing nonintact skin Increase
Spermacide should be administered when? How should it be administered? Within an hour before sex foam must be shaken. Wait 15'' to dissolve. Reapplied with each encounter. (Sponge effective for 24h)
Spermacide ADE include: Vaginal irritation and dryness
Medical abortion can be induced with the following meds for early, uncomplicated ectopic pregnancy: Methotrexate (cytotoxic)
Within 7 weeks of conception, would use ____ with misoprostol Mifepristone
Mifepristone + misoprostol is NOT intended for: Ectoptic pregnancy
Mifepristone + misprostol's mechanism of action: Blocks receptors for progesterone
ADE of medical abortion drugs: Cramping, uterine bleeding, N/V
Emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy up to __ days 5
Mechanisms of emergency contraception: 1) delay/stop ovulation, 2) inhibition of fertilization/implantation
True or false: emergency contraception does not determinate a pregnancy but it does hurt an embyro if pregnancy has occurred False. DOES NOT hurt embyro
Emergency contraception is legal in WA for people who are __ or older 17
Emergency contraception effectiveness is: __% and can be bought by women AND men behind the counter 98
Plan B is known as _____ Levonorgestrel - 1 pill as soon after sex as possible
Plan B/levonorgestrel has ___ and outcome measure is: progestin only; menses in 21 days
When on HRT, estrogen-only meds can increase risk of Uterine cancer
Created by: choel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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