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drug name, effects and interaction

What is drug? It is a substance used to prevent or treat a condition or disease.
Who is a a pharmacist? Prepares and dispenses drugs through a pharmacy on written orders from a physician.
What is pharmacology? It is the study of the preparation, properties, uses and actions of drugs.
Medicinal Chemistry The study of new drug synthesis and the relationship between chemical structure and biological effects.
Pharmacodynamics It involves the study of drug effects in the body
Pharmacokinetics Drug concentration in tissues and blood measured over a period of time
Molecular Pharmacology It involves the interaction of drugs and subcellular entities, such as DNA, RNA, and enzymes.It provides information about the mechanism of action of drugs.
Chemotherapy The study of drugs that destroy microorganisms, parasites, or malignant cells within the body. Use of drugs in treatment of cancer and infectious disease.
Toxicology Study of the harmful effects of drugs and chemicals on the body.
3 Names of Drugs chemical name-specifies the chemical makeup of the drug. generic name-non-commercial name of a drug and identifies the drug legally and scientifically brand name or trademark-commercial name and is the private property of the individual drug manufacture
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) government agency that has the legal responsibility for deciding whether the drug may be disseminated and sold
United States Pharmacopeia Authoritative listing of drugs, formulas, and preparations that sets a standard for drug manufacturing and dispensing
antidote agent given to counteract harmful effects of a drug
synergism combination of two drugs is greater than the total effects of each drug by itself
additive action drug action in which the combination of two similar drugs is equal to the sum of the effects of each
aerosol particles of drug suspended in air
anaphylaxis exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered drug or foreign protein
antagonistic action
What is drug? It is a substance used to prevent or treat a condition or disease.
Who is a a pharmacist? Prepares and dispenses drugs through a pharmacy on written orders from a physician.
What is pharmacology? It is the study of the preparation, properties, uses and actions of drugs.
Medicinal Chemistry The study of new drug synthesis and the relationship between chemical structure and biological effects.
Pharmacodynamics It involves the study of drug effects in the body
Pharmacokinetics Drug concentration in tissues and blood measured over a period of time
Molecular Pharmacology It involves the interaction of drugs and subcellular entities, such as DNA, RNA, and enzymes.It provides information about the mechanism of action of drugs.
Chemotherapy The study of drugs that destroy microorganisms, parasites, or malignant cells within the body. Use of drugs in treatment of cancer and infectious disease.
Toxicology Study of the harmful effects of drugs and chemicals on the body.
3 Names of Drugs chemical name-specifies the chemical makeup of the drug. generic name-non-commercial name of a drug and identifies the drug legally and scientifically brand name or trademark-commercial name and is the private property of the individual drug manufacture
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) government agency that has the legal responsibility for deciding whether the drug may be disseminated and sold
United States Pharmacopeia Authoritative listing of drugs, formulas, and preparations that sets a standard for drug manufacturing and dispensing
antidote agent given to counteract harmful effects of a drug
synergism combination of two drugs is greater than the total effects of each drug by itself
additive action drug action in which the combination of two similar drugs is equal to the sum of the effects of each
aerosol particles of drug suspended in air
anaphylaxis exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered drug or foreign protein
antagonistic action combination of two drugs gives less than an additive action
contraindications factors that prevent the use of a drug or treatment
controlled substances drugs that produce tolerance and dependence and have potential abuse or addiction.
Created by: RomeliaL.
Popular Pharmacology sets




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