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Bio Vocab Unit2 Wk 8-9 partial
Bio Vocab. | Def. | Origion | Pre./Meaning | Root/Meaning | Suf./Meaning | Alt. Words |
plasma membrane | the outer portion of cytoplasm; ectoplasm —called also cell membrane | Gk | N/A | plassein /"to mold," originally "to spread thin,"; membrum/ "limb, member of the body" | N/A | plasmatic, plasmic, plasmagene, plasmin |
dynamic equilibrium | changing yet finely-balanced condition which requires continuous adjustments in order to maintain its present or stable state | Gk/Lt | N/A | dynasthai/ "be able to have power,"; aequus "equal" + libra "a balance, scale, plummet," | N/A | dynamical, dynamically, dynamics, equilibriums |
diffusion | a mixing together of the atoms or molecules of gases or of liquids as a result of their random motion | Lt | dif- "apart, in every direction" | fundere "pour" | N/A | diffusional, diffusible, diffusibilty, diffusional |
hypertonic solution | any solution which has a higher osmotic pressure than another solution | Gk/Lt | hyper/over, beyond, overmuch, above measure | tonikos/ "of stretching,"; solvere "to loosen, untie, solve, dissolve | N/A | hypertonicity, hypertonism, hypertonically, hypertonic |
hypotonic solution | has a lower concentration of dissolved materials | Gk | hypo/under | N/A | N/A | hyptonic, hypotonicity, hypotonism, hypotonically |
isotonic solution | a solution having the same osmotic pressure as blood | Gk | isos/equal : homogeneous : unifrom | N/A | N/A | isotonic, istonicity, isotonism, istonically |
osmosis | movement of a solvent (as water) through a semipermeable membrane (as of a living cell) into a solution of higher solute concentration that tends to equalize the concentrations of solute on the two sides of the membrane | Fr/Gk | endo-/ "inward" | osmos/ "a thrusting, a pushing," from othein "to push, to thrust" | -sis/suffix in Gk. nouns denoting action, process, state, condition, | osmose, osmotic, osmotically, osmotic pressure |
passive transport | means moving biochemicals and other atomic or molecular substances across membranes | Lt | trans- "across" | passivus "capable of feeling or suffering; portare "to carry" | N/A | passive, passivate, passively, passivism |
chromosome | any of the rod-shaped or threadlike DNA-containing structures of cellular organisms that are located in the nucleus of eukaryotes, are usually ring-shaped in prokaryotes (as bacteria), and contain all or most of the genes of the organism | Gk | N/A | khroma "color" | soma "body." | chromosomal, chromosomally, chromosome number, chromoplast |
cytokinesis | the changes occuring in the cytoplasm of a cell during mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization | Gk | kytos/ "a hollow, receptacle, basket" | kinesis /"movement, motion" | N/A | cytokinetic, cytoplast, cytogeny, cytolist |
mitosis | a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the | Gk | mitos /"warp thread" | N/A | sis/ denoting action, process, state, condition | mitotic, mitotically, mitoses, mitotically |
cancer | a malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systemically by metastasi, an abnormal bodily state marked by such tumors | Gk | N/A | karkinos/crab, tumor, and the zodiac constellation | N/A | cancerous, cancerously, cancerate, cancered |
adenosine triphosphate | ATP, a phosphorylated nucleotide composed of adenosine and three phosphate groups that supplies energy for many biochemical cellular processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis especially to ADP | Gk | treis/ three | adenos/gland; phos /"light"; phoros/ "bearer" | N/A | adenosine, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine deaminase, adenosine monophosphate |
photosynthesis | formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (as water) in the chlorophyll-containing tissues of plants exposed to light | Germ | photo / "light" | synthese/ "synthesis" | N/A | photosynthesize, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, photosynthesizig |
aerobic respiration | is the release of energy from glucose or another organic substrate in the presence of oxygen. | Gk/Lt | aero- "air" ; re- "again" | bios "life; spirare "to breathe" | -tion/suffix forming nouns from verbs | aerobic, aerobically, respiratory, respirable |
anaerobic respiration | respiration occurs when oxygen is not available, in anaerobic respiration the glucose is only partially broken down, and lactic acid is produced - together with a much smaller amount of energy | Gk | an-/ not, without | N/A | N/A | anaerobic, anaerobically, respiratory, respirability, |
glycolysis | the enzymatic breakdown of a carbohydrate (as glucose) by way of phosphate derivatives with the production of pyruvic or lactic acid and energy stored in high-energy phosphate bonds of ATP | Gk | N/A | Lysis/a loosening | N/A | glycolytic, glyconic, glycolic, glycolate |
fermentation | an enzymatically controlled anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid | Lt | N/A | fervere / to boil, seethe | N/A | fermentability, fermentable, fermentative, fermentive |