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Abbreviations for PT

hospital abbreviations for PT program

SCI spinal cord injury
TB tuberculosis
TBI traumatic brain injury
THR total hip replacement
TIA transient ischemic attack
TKR total knee replacement
1degree initial, primary
2degree secondary
- negative, minus, inhibitory
+ positive, plus, facillitory
Dep dependent
DF dorsiflexion
DIP distal interphlangeal joint
DME durable medical equipment
DS distant supervision
DTR deep tendon reflex
ER emergency room;external rotation
eval evaluation
ex exercise
ext external;extension
ext rot, ER external rotation
F fair muscle grade
freq frequently;frequency
Fx function;fracture
G good muscle grade
h hour
HEP home exercise program
H/O history of
HOH hard of hearing
hx history
I, ind, circled I independent
I&O intake and output
inf inferior
int internal
int rot, IR internal rotation
jt joint
KAFO knee-ankle-foot orthosis
L, circled L left
LBP lower back pain
LE lower extremity
LLE left lower extremity
LLL left lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
lig(s) ligament
LOB loss of balance
LOC loss of conciousness
LTG long term goal
LTC long term care
LUE left upper extremity
LUL left upper lobe
LUQ left upper quadrant
MCP metacarpophalangeal joint
med medical
A, circled A assisistance
A assessment
AFO ankle foot orthosis
AAROM active assistive range of motion
Abd, ABD abduction
abn abnormal
ADL activities of daily living
ad lib at discretion
Afib atrial fibrillation
AK above knee
ant anterior
AP anteroposterior
A&O alert and oriented
AROM active range of motion
assist assistant, assistance
B, circled B, bil bilateral
B&B bowel and bladder
BE below elbow
BK below knee
BS breath sounds
CG contact guarding
c/o complained of, complains of
CT computed tomography
D, circled D dependent
min minute, minimal
MMT manual muscle test
mo month
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MVA motor vehicle accident
N normal muscle grade
NBQC narrow base quad cane
NC nasal canula
NG nasogastric
OOB out of bed
OR operating room
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
p dash above after
p poor muscle grade
PA posteranterior
PET positron emission tomography
PF plantar flexion
PIP proximal interphalengeal joint
PMH past medical history
post posterior
post op postoperative
prox proximal
PSH past surgical history
q every
R, circled R right
re regarding, concerning
RLE right lower extremity
RLL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
RML right middle lobe
R/O reports of, rule(d) out
RR respiratory rate
R/T related to
RUE right upper extremity
RUL right upper lobe
RUQ right upper quadrant
RW rolling walker
Rx prescription, treatment, orders
S, circled S supervision
SAQ short arc quads
SBQC small-based quad cane
sig significant
SLR straight leg raise
SOB short of breath
s/p status post
SPT stand pivot transfers
staph staphylococcus
stat immediately, at once
STG short term goals
strep streptococcus
supp supported
sx symptoms
T trace muscle grade
TBA to be assessed
TDWB touch down weight bearing
trach tracheostomy
TTWB toe touch weight bearing
Tx treatment
UE upper extremity
unsupp unsupported
V/O verbal order
VS vital signs
Vtach ventricular tachycardia
WBQC wide based quad cane
W/C wheelchair
WFL within functional limits
WNL within normal limits
WS weight shift
x times (e.g.6xd)
x dash above except
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
CA cancer, carcinoma
CAD coronary artery disease
CHF congestive heart failure
CHI closed head injury
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA cerebrovascular accident
DVT deep vein thrombosis
DJD degenerative joint disease
GBS Guillain-Barre syndrome
GSW gun shot wound
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
MI myocardial infarction
MS multiple sclerosis
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
OA osteoarthritis
PVD peripheral vascular disease
RA rheumatoid arthritis
Created by: gueromendoza13
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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