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What is the screening test for HIV called? ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay)
What is the diagnosis test for HIV called? Western Blot test
What are the blood tests done for HIV (3)? CD4 T-cell Count Viral Load Count Resistance testing
What is the normal count of CD4 T-cells in the body? 500-1500 cells
New guidelines recommend starting treatment if CD4 count is below ____? CD4 T-cell is <500
Treatment for PCP is done if CD4 count is _____. Treatment? CD4 T-cell is <200 Px: Bactrim or Dapsone or Mepron (Atovaqone) Tx: (Clindamycin + Primaquine + Prednisone) x 21 Days
Treatment for Toxoplasmosis is done if CD4 count is ____. Treatment? CD4 T-cell is <100 Tx: Bactrim or Dapsone or Mepron (Atovaqone)
Treatment for MAC is done if CD4 count is ____. Treatment? CD4 T-cell is <50 Tx: Azithro or Clarithro
Types of Resistance testing for HIV (2)? Genotypic testing - looks at the HIV present in the person's blood and examines it to see what mutations exist. Phenotypic testing - takes the virus and exposes it to different concentrations of HIV meds to determine which ones are effective.
What is Genotypic testing? Test looks at the HIV present in the person's blood and examines it to see what mutations exist.
What is Phenotypic testing? Test takes the virus and exposes it to different concentrations of HIV meds to determine which ones are effective.
What are the steps of the HIV life cycle? 1. Binding 2. Reverse Transcription 3. Integration 4. Transcription 5. Translation 6. Viral Assembly and Maturation
What are the drugs that work on the first step of HIV cycle? Binding (Entry Inhibitors) Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) Maraviroc (Selezentry)
What is Fuzeon? Where does it work? SE? Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) works on GP41 and GP120 (viral cell) Dose: 90mg SC BID (upper arm, thigh, abd) SE: may cause respiratory infection
What is Selezentry? Where does it work? Maraviroc works on CCR5 (human cell) Dose: 300mg BID (Inhibitors: 150 BID; Inducers: 600 BID)
What is Agenerase? Forms? Contraindications? Amprinavir (APV) (Agenerase) is a Protease Inhibitor. Forms: gel caps and PO soln taken BID Contraindicated: Sulfa allergy
What is Crixivan? Dosing? SE? Indinavir (IDV) (Crixivan) comes in capsules and is given on EMPTY STOMACH, drink lots of water >1.5L; with liver disease, give 600mg Q8H. SE: Protease inhibitor side effects Nephrolithiasis
What is Kaletra? Forms? Storage? Lopinavir/Ritonavir (RTV) (Kaletra) comes in tabs and PO solution (Fridge; RT: 60 days)
What is Viracept? SE? Nefinavir (NPV) (Viracept) SE: very bad diarrhea
What is Norvir? Forms? Ritonavir (RTV) (Norvir) comes in PO solution and capsules (Fridge, RT: 30 days)
What is Invirase? Forms? Must not use with what other Protease Inhibitor? Saquinavir (SQV) (Invirase) comes in hard gel capsules and tabs given BID. Antagonistic with Indinavir (Crixivan)
What is Tiprinavir? Forms and storage? SE? Aptivus (TPV) (Tiprinavir) comes in soft gell caps (Fridge, RT: 60 days) given BID. SE: Sulfa allergy Hepatotoxicity Intra-cranial bleeding
What is Lexiva? Forms? Monitor? Fosamprenavir (FPV) (Lexiva) comes in tabs and PO solution (EMPTY STOMACH) given BID. Monitor: Bleeding Sulfa allergy D/C if rash occurs
What is Reyataz? What group does it belong to? Atazanavir (ATZ) (Reyataz) comes in capsules kept at RT Dose: 400mg QD with food SE: cardiac abnormalities, monitor for bleeding
What is Prezista? Dose? Points to remember? Darunavir (Prezista) comes in 300mg tabs (RT) given BID. Points: Sulfa allergy Increases Pravastatin levels 5x; use Fluvastatin instead
Where does Protease Inhibitors work? Step 6: Viral Assembly and Maturation
What Protease Inhibitors are contraindicated in Sulfa Allergy (4)? ***DAFT Darunavir (Prezista) Amprenavir (Agenerase) Fosamprenavir (Lexiva) Tiprinavir (Aptivus)
What forms does Agenerase come in? Amprenavir (Agenerase) comes in gel capsules and solution (not interchangeable)
Agenerase dosing? Amprenavir (Agenerase) >50kg: 1200 mg caps BID : 1400 mg solution BID <50kg: 200mg/kg BID
What are the SE for Protease Inhibitors? GI intolerance Lipodystrophy Hyperglycemia Hyperlipidemia Weight Gain
Crixivan dosing? Dosing if patient has liver disease? Renal patient? Dosing: 800mg Q8H Liver Px: 600mg Q8H Take on EMPTY STOMACH!! AVOID IN RENAL PATIENTS!!!
SE for Crixivan? GI intolerance Hyperlipidemia Hyperglycemia Lipodystrophy NEPHROLITHIASIS
Px counseling when taking Crixivan? Take on empty stomach. Drink >1.5L of water Call MD if blood in urine or flank pain. Very sensitive to moisture!!!!
How do you store Kaletra? Lopinavir/Ritonavir Tabs: Room temperature Solution: Fridge : 60 days if RT
Dosing for Kaletra? With or without food? Tabs: 200mg/50mg : 2 tabs BID Soln: 80mg/20mg mL : 10mL QD with FOOD
What is the SE for Nelfinavir? Forms? Dosing? Viracept, VERY BAD DIARRHEA Forms: tabs & PO powder Dosing: 750mg TID
What is EMS found in Viracept? Ethyl methanesulfonate that has shown to be teratogenic, mutagenic & carcinogenic.
What forms does Norvir come in? Dosing? Forms: caps and solution Dosing: 600mg (6 caps) BID TITRATE!!!!!
Storage for Norvir? Caps: Fridge : 30 days if RT Soln: Room temperature
What form does Invirase come in? Dosing? Hard gel capsule Dose: 1000mg + 100mg Ritonavir BID
Can you use Rifampin with Ritonavir + Saquinavir? No, use is contrainidicated due to risk of HEPATOTOXICITY.
Invirase is contraindicated in what allergy? Lactose allergy
Dosing for Aptivus? Storage? Dose: 500mg (2 soft gel caps) + 200mg Ritonavir BID Storage: Fridge before opening : RT for 60 days
SE for Aptivus? FATAL HEPATOTOXICITY Intra-cranial bleeding (black box)
Lexiva comes in what forms? Dosing? Tabs: 700mg Susp: 50mg/mL (2-18 YO) Dose: 1.4mg BID or 1.4mg + 200mg Ritonavir QD
Reyataz dosing? Storage? 400mg QD with FOOD!!! Storage: Keep at ROOM TEMP
Precautions when using Reyataz? Cardiac abnormalities Bleeding
Reyataz drug interactions (4)? Atazanavir is a substrate & inh. Crixivan, when combined can increase bilirubin. Viread, can decrease Reyataz and Reyataz can increase Viread. Clarithromycin levels are increased by Reyataz.
Prezista dosing? Storage? Dose: 600mg BID + 100mg Ritonavir BID Storage: Room temp
Can you use Prezista with Pravachol? No, because Pravachol levels will be increased 5x. Use Fluvastatin.
Where does NRTI's work? Metabolized where? Step 2: Reverse Transcription Renal
What is Ziagen? SE? Abacavir (ABC) (Ziagen) is given 300mg BID SE: Hypersensitivity
What is Didanosine? How do you give it? SE? Didanosine (Videx, Videx EC) must be given on EMPTY STOMACH or with Mg antacid. SE: Peripheral neuropathy, Pancreatitis, Eye defects
What is Lamivudine? Dose? Similar to what meds (2)? Lamivudine (Epivir, Epivir HBV) (3TC) HIV dose: 150mg BID Hepatitis dose: 100mg QD x 1 year Similar: Tyzeka (Telbivudine), for Hepatitis Emtricitabine (Emtriva)
What is Zerit? Don't use with? Storage? Stavudine (d4T) (Zerit) is antagonistic with Zidovudine. Storage: RT, Fridge after reconstitution and good for 30 days SE: Lipodystrophy (similar to Protease Inh)
What is Retrovir? What group does it belong? Form? Zidovudine (AZT, ADV) (Retrovir) is the only one to come in IV form Forms: IV, caps, PO solution Headache/Nausea => #1 SE Bone marrow depression = neutropenia, anemia Myopathy Purple toenails
What is Emtriva? Emtricitabine (FTC) (Emtriva) is chemically similar to Epivir (Lamivudine).
What is Combivir? Dosing? Zidovudine 300mg + Lamivudine 150mg Dose: 1 PO BID
What is Trizivir? Zidovudine 300mg + Lamivudine 150mg + Abacavir 300mg
What is Epizicom? Abacavir 600mg + Lamivudine 300mg
What is Truvada? Tenofovir 300mg + Emtricitabine 200mg
What is Atripla? Dose? Efavirenz 200mg + Emtricitabine 200mg + Tenofovir 300mg Dose: 1 PO QHS
SE of NRTI's (2)? Metabolized where? SE: Lactic Acidosis & Headache Metabolized: Renal With or without food EXCEPT FOR Didanosine which is ON EMPTY STOMACH
What do you give with Videx? Didanosine is given with Mg antacid bec stomach needs to be alkaline. EMPTY STOMACH.
Videx storage? Dose for renal patient? Room temperature Dose adjust in patients with CrCl <50mg/mL
What do you monitor Q3 months when using Protease Inhibitors (4)? LFT's Glucose Cholesterol Look for fat redistribution
Didanosine SE (4)? Pancreatitis Peripheral neuropathy Lactic acidosis Retinal pigmentation
Lamivudine dosing? Epivir: 150mg BID Epivir HBV (Hep B): 100mg x 1 yr
Stavudine dosing? Storage? <60kg: 15-30mg BID >60kg: 30-40mg BID Storage: Room Temp : Fridge after reconstitution, good for 30d
Stavudine SE (5)? LIPODYSTROPHY GI intolerance Pancreatitis Peripheral neuropathy Lactic acidosis
Retrovir comes in what forms? Caps, IV solution, PO solution.
Retrovir dosing? 200mg (2 caps) TID with FOOD to decrease nausea 100mg TID with severe anemia or CrCl <25mL/min
Zidovudine SE (4)? Myelosuppression (anemia & neutropenia) Purple toenails Headache Myopathy (>6mos of use) Lactic acidosis & hepatic steastosis (black box)
Patient counseling for Zidovudine? Advise Px of S/Sx of Neutropenia: fever, chills, sore throat, unusual weakness/tiredness
Treatment for Anemia? Erythropoietin (Procrit, Epogen) Darbepoietin (Aranesp)
Created by: oparaMK
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