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Mood Altering Meds

What is recommended for chronic anxiety? SSRI's
What are the short-acting Benzodiazepines? Alprazolam (Xanax), 3A4 subs. Oxazepam (Serax)
Which Benzos can be used by the elderly patients? Lorazepam (Ativan) Oxazepam (Serax) Temazepam (Restoril)
What is Librium? Chlordiazepoxide, for alcohol withdrawal
What is Buspar? Dosing? Max? Buspirone Dose: 15mg/day, titrate by 5mg Max: 60mg/day
What drug interactions would you look out for with Buspirone? Avoid use with MAOi & inhibitors (3A4 substrate)
What is Celexa? Dose? Citalopram, 10-60mg/day
What is Lexapro? Escitalopram
What is Flouxetine? Dosing? Prozac, Sarafem 10-80mg QAM
What is Luvox? Dosing? Fluvoxamine, for OCD QHS
What is Paxil? Dosing? Paroxetine 10-80mg QAM Don't DC abruptly = severe anger
What is Zoloft? Dose? Sertraline Max: 200mg QD
Major SE for SNRI's? Hypertension
What is Venlafaxine? Effexor
What is Pristiq? Max dose? Desvelanfaxine Max: 400mg
What is the Pristiq dose for renal patients (CrCl <30mL/min)? 50mg QOD
What is Cymbalta? Dose? Duloxetine Dose: 60mg QD/BID
What is the dose for Cymbalta for renal patients (CrCl<30mL/min)? Avoid in patients with renal, hepatic & high alcohol use.
What is Savella? Indication? Milnacipram, for fibromyalgia
List the meds approved for fibromyalgia (3) Savella (milnacipram) Cymbalta (duloxetine) Lyrica (pregabalin)
What is the max dose for regular Bupropion? Bupropion ER? 450mg/day ER: 300mg/day
What is Desyrel? Trazodone
What is Desyrel indicated for and dose? MDD Sleep: 25-50mg
What does Bupropion work on? Dopamine agonist Norepinephrine agonist
What is Serzone? Nefazodone
What is Remeron? Mirtazipine
Remeron SE? Weight gain Somnolence
What is Tofranil? Imipramine (TCA)
What is Elavil? Amitriptylline (TCA)
What is Sinequan? Doxepin (TCA)
What is Anafranil? Indication? Clomipramine (TCA), for OCD
What is Norpramine? Indication? Desipramine, for ADHD
What is Nortriptyline? Pamelor Aventyl
SE of TCA's? Anti-cholinergic effects CV effects Arrythmia
What is Parnate? Tranylcylpramine (MAOi)
What is Nardil? Phenelzine (MAOi)
What is Marplan? Isocarboxazid (MAOi)
Why should Tyramine be avoided when on MAOi meds? Tyramine releases catecholamines (NE) which results to HTN crisis when combined with MAOi's.
What is Emsam? Selegiline (MAOi) patch, QD
What are the anti-psychotics approved for MDD (3)? Abilify: <15mg Symbyax (Olanzapine + Fluoxetine) Lithium
Dosing for Symbyax? QHS, very sedating
What is Bipolar? Characterized by alternating episodes of Mania (euphoria) and Depression
What is Depakote? Indication?VaLProic acid Indications: migraine, seizure, bipolar
What is Zyprexa? Indication? Max dose?Olanzapine, for bipolar Max: 20mg QD, very long acting
What is Equeto? Carbamazepine, for bipolar & seizure
What is Lamictal? Monitor what? Lamotrigine Monitor liver and watch out for rash!
What is Topamax? Indication? Topiramate, used for seizure and unapproved for bipolar
What is Risperdal? Risperidone
What is Ziprasidone? Dose? Geodon, 80mg BID with food
What is Abilify? Aripiprazole
What is Saphris? Asenaphine, ODT
What is the dose of Olanzapine for acute mania? 10mg IM
What is Stavzor? Valproic Acid
Production of _______ goes up with the use of Lithium. WBC, similar in action to steroids
Lithium serum concentrations should be between _________ 0.6 - 1.2 mmol/L
What is the Lithium dose? 900 - 1800mg div into 3 doses
What is the Lithium dose for the Elderly and renally impaired? Serum concentration? Start: 300mg QD Serum: 0.4 - 0.6mmol/L
Therapeutic levels for Lithium? Acute: 0.8 - 1.5 meq/L Maintenance: 0.6 - 1.2 meq/L
Lithium Toxicity S/S? >1.5 meq/L = tremor, vomiting, ataxia,slurred speech, confusion >2 meq/L = arrhythmias, seizures, coma
Monitoring parameters for Lithium Bun & CrCl Urine specific gravity CBC Electrolytes TSH EKG Glucose
What is schizophrenia? There is too much Dopamine which results to a mental disorder.
Diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia 2 of the following 5 symptoms - hallucinations - delusions - disorganized speech - disorganized behavior - negative symptoms (symptoms you can see)
SE of Anti-psychotics? Weight gain Anti-cholinergic effects Sedation Hypotension Movement disorders (Tardive Dyskenisia) EPSE Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
What are the EPS? Dystonia Akathisia Pseudoparkinsonism
What is Dystonia? Treatment? Painful muscle spasm - laryngospasm Benadryl IV 25-50mg
What is Akathisia? Treatment? Restlessness Tx: propranolol 30-100mg
What is the treatment for Pseudoparkinsonim? Increase dopamine or decrease acetylcholine
What is Tardive Dyskinesia? Hypersensitivity due to prolonged blockage of dopamine. Characterized by tongue, lip, jaw & extremity movement
What is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome? Depletion of DA in the CNS resulting to RIGIDITY, FEVER, DIAPHORESIS, altered consciousness, INCREASE IN BP & HR
What labs do you monitor with NMS? inc. CPK (muscle breakdown) LFT inc. WBC (CBC)
What is Dantrolene? A muscle relaxant to treat malignant hyperthermia in NMS Tx: 1mg/kg rapid IV push
What is Thorazine? Chlorpromazine
What is Mellaril? Thioridazine
That is Trilafon? Perphenazine
What is Stelazine? Triflouperazine
Created by: oparaMK
Popular Pharmacology sets




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