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complete alphabet and some questions

a as in father
Ya as in yacht
Short o (sounds like uh), as in mother, or cu t
Yo, as in young,
Long o, as in awkward, or oh, or order
Yo as in yawn, or yo-yo, or Yoda
Long u, as in buoy, or Luke
Yu, as in Yukon
Short u, or oo sound, as in good, or book, or le chateau
i, as in beet, or easy
ae, as in at, add. This sound may sometimes sound like a cross between a and eh
Yae, as in yak, or yam The vowel in this may sound like a cross between ya, and yeh
e, as in bet, or editor
Ye, as in yet
wa, as in wander
wae, as in wangle, or wagon, wet The vowel in this sound may sound like a cross between a and eh Way, Wehh, Way-eh
we, as in west A dry, weh. Almost a cross between wehh, and wihh. This is usually pronounced like the German umlaut vowel (oe), but it is generally pronounced as (we), not usually distinguishable from the sound of the dipthong 웨
wo (short o), as in wonder, or one
we as in west
wi, as in wiener, we, or oui,
Sounds like, oo-ee said together. In most words, this letter is pronounced as if it were either 이 or 으, or in the case of a certain grammatical element, e
기역 (kiyok) K/g as in kin, or begin A soft k, but a harder g.
니은 (niun) n as in now
디귿 (tigut) t/d, as in tidy Sometimes sounds like a soft t sound.
리을 (riul) r/l, as in attitude, or leaf The sound is a cross between an r/l Depending on the word, this character may also make the tt sound, like in butter
미음 (mium) m, as in me
비읍 (biup) p/b public More of a b sound than a p sound.
시옷 (shiot) s/sh as in sun, or sheep
이응 (iung) ng, like in sang
지읏 (ch'iut) ch/j as in chin, or agile More often a j, than a ch
치읏 (chi'ut) ch, as in achieve
키읔 (kiuk) k as in akin
티읕 (tiut) t as in atomic
피읖 (piup) p as in repay
히읗 (hiut) h as in home
쌍기역 (ssang-giyok) unaspirated, accented k/g, as in skate
쌍디긋 (ssang-tigut) unaspirated, accented d/t, as in state
쌍비읍 (ssang-piup) unaspirated, accented b/p, like in spoon, or Bang!
쌍시옷 (ssang-shiot) unaspirated, accented s, as in assign
쌍지읒 (ssang-jiut) unaspirated, accented jj/tch/tz, as in pretzel
Created by: camzy1231
Popular Korean sets




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