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part A


abandon total lack of inhibition (n)
abate to decrease (v)
abet to aid; to act as an accomplice (v)
abjure to renounce under oath; abandon forever; to abstain from (v)
abnegate to give up; to deny to one self (v)
abortive ending without results (adj)
abrogate to abolish by authoritative action (v)
abscond to leave quickly in secret (v)
abstemious done sparingly; consuming in moderation (adj)
accede to express approval; to agree to (v)
acclivity an incline slope, ascending side of a hill (n)
accretion a growth in size, an increase in amount (n)
acme the highest level or degree attainable (n)
actuate to put into motion, to activate,to motivate or influence to activity (v)
acuity sharp vision or perception characterized by the ability to resolve fine detail (n)
acumen shrewd judgment (n)
adamant stubbornly unyielding (adj)
adept extremely skilled (adj)
adjudicate to hear and settle a matter (v)
adjure to appeal to (v)
admonish to caution or warn gently in order to correct something (v)
adroit skillful (adj)
adulation excessive flattery or admiration (n)
adumbrate to give a hint or indication of something o come (v)
aerie a nest built high in the air, an elevated secluded dwelling (n)
affected phony, artifical (adj)
aggregate a collective mass, the sum total (n)
algortihm an established procedure for solving a problem/ equation (n)
alimentary pertaining to food, nutrition, or digestion (adj)
allay to lessen, ease, reduce in intensity (v)
amity friendship, goodwill (n)
amorphous having no definite form (adj)
animus a feeling of animosity or ill will (n)
anodyne a source of comfort, a medicine that relieves pain (n)
anomaly a deviation from the common rule, something that is difficult to classify (n)
anthropomorphic suggesting human characteristics for animals and inanimate things (adj)
antiquated too old to be fashionable or useful (adj)
aphorism a short statement of a principle (n)
aplomb self-confident assurance; poise (n)
apostate one who renounces a religious faith (n)
apposite strikingly appropriate or well adapted (adj)
apprise to give notice to, inform (v)
appropriate to assign to a particular purpose, allocate
arable suitable for cultivation (adj)
arcane secret, obscure; only known to a few (adj)
archipelago a large group of islands (n)
arrears unpaid, neglected obligations (n)
arrogate to claim without justification (v)
askance with disapproval; with a skeptical sideways glance (adv)
assent to agree (v)
atavistic characteristic of a former era; ancient (adj)
autocrat a dictator (n)
aver to declare to be true; to affirm (v)
avuncular like an uncle in behavior; especially in kindness and warmth (adj)
awry crooked, askew, amiss (adv)
Created by: 88do
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