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Meds for pain and inflammation

Action of NSAIDs is inhibition of ____, decreases inflammation, pain, fever COX-2
Action of NSAIDs in the inhibition of COX-1, decreases _____ _____ platelet accumulation
Therapeutic Action of NSAIDs Suppress inflammation, Analgesia for mild-moderate pain, Reduce fever, Low level suppression of platelet accumulation
Side/Adverse Effects of NSAIDs GI discomfort, Renal dysfunction, increase BUN and creatinine levels, Salicylism, tinnitus, sweating, respiratory alkalosis, Reye's syndrome
Aspirin is contraindicated in PUD, Bleeding disorders, Pregnancy (Category D), Children who have virus (chicken pox)
Med/Food Interactions of NSAIDs Coumadin (risk for increased bleeding), Glucocorticoids (risk for gastric bleeding), Alcohol, Ibuprofen (decrease anti-platelet effects)
Interventions for NSAIDs Take with food, milk, or full glass of water; pts unable to take aspirin due to GI ulcers should take 2nd generation NSAIDS
1st Generation NSAIDS (COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor) ____, ____, ____, ____, ____ aspirin, motrin, advil, naproxen, Toradol
2nd Generation NSAIDS (selective COX-2 inhibitor) ____, ____ Celebrex, Bextra
Class: Acetaminophen Drug: ______ Tylenol
Action of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) - slows production of ___ in CNS prostaglandins
Therapeutic Action of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Analgesic effect, Antipyretic effects (main function)
Side/Adverse Effects of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Constipation
Contraindications/precautions of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Caution in patient taking Coumadin
Med/Food Interactions of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Coumadin, Alcohol (increase risk of liver damage)
Interventions of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Do not exceed 4g/day
Antidote of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
Class: Opioid Agonists, Drugs (6) Morphine Sulfate, fentanyl, Demerol, methadone, codeine, oxycodone
Action of Opioid Agonists Drugs Acts on mu receptors and to a lesser degree kappa receptors
action of Mu receptors produce analgesia, respiratory depression, euphoria, sedation
action of Kappa Receptors produce analgesia, sedation, decrease GI motility
Therapeutic Action of Opioid Agonists Drugs Relieve moderate-severe pain, Sedation, Reduce BM, Codeine: cough suppression
Side/Adverse Effects of Opioid Agonists Drugs Respiratory Depression, Constipation (admin stimulant laxative), Sedation, Biliary colic, Emesis, Opioid Overdose Triad
What is the Opioid Overdose Triad and what would you do coma, respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils – admin opioid antagonist
If patient is suffering from respiratory depression while on opioid agonists, stop if patient respirations are less than ___/min 12
therapuetic action for pts on opioid agonists with Sx of emesis and biliary colic admin antiemetic
Contraindications/precautions for Opioid Agonists Drugs premature infants and biliary tract surgery
Repeated use of Demerol can lead to ____ and ____; Do not admin more than ____mg/24hr; limit use to less than ____hr seizures, neurotoxicity, 600, 48
Med/Food Interactions of Opioid Agonists Drugs CNS depressants, Anticholinergic agents, MAOIs (avoid Demerol), Antihypertensives (further lowers BP)
Interventions for Opioid Agonists Drugs Pts respiratory rate less than 12/min hold med, Admin IV slowly over a period of 4-5min
Class: Antagonists Opioids, Drugs (3) Narcan, naltrexone, nalmefene
Action of Antagonists Opioids (Narcan) Interfere with action of opioids by competing with opioid receptor sites. Have no effect in absence of opioids.
Therapeutic Action of Antagonists Opioids (Narcan) Treatment of opioid overdose, Reversal of effects of opioids (i.e. respiratory depression), Reversing respiratory depression in infants
Side/Adverse Effects of Antagonists Opioids (Narcan) Tachycardia and tachypnea, Abstinence syndrome (occurs in pt that are physically dependent on opioids)
Contraindications/precautions for Antagonists Opioids (Narcan) Pregnancy Category B, Opioid Dependency
Interventions for Antagonists Opioids (Narcan) Rapid first-pass, Narcan should not be admin PO
Class: Adjuvant Meds for Pain (6) Antihistamines, Glucocorticoids, Bisphophonate, Anticonvulsants, CNS stimulants, Tricylic antidepressants
Action of Adjuvant Meds for Pain Enhances effects of opioids
Therapeutic Action of Adjuvant Meds for Pain Used in combination with opioids (not substitute), used in cancer-related conditions – increased ICP
Side/Adverse Effects of Antihistamines Sedation
Side/Adverse Effects of Glucocorticoids Osteoporosis (VitD sup), Hypokalemia (potassium sup), Glucose intolerance, PUD (with meals), Prophylactic use of H2 antagonist, Adrenal insufficiency with prolonged use
Side/Adverse Effects of Bisphophonate Flu-like symptoms, Venous irritation at injection site
Bisphophonate used for relief of ____-_____ _____ pain cancer-induced bone
Anticonvulsants are used to relieve what type of pain? neuropathic
side effect of anticonvulsants Bone marrow suppression
Side/Adverse Effects of CNS stimulants Weight loss, Insomnia
Side/Adverse Effects of Tricylic antidepressants Orthostatic hypotension, Sedation, Anticholinergic Effects (dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation)
Administer stimulant ____ to counteract decreased BM and stool softener to prevent ____ laxative, constipation
Tricylic antidepressants are used to relieve what type of pain? neuropathic
Interventions for Adjuvant Meds for Pain pain management program
Tricyclic Antidepressants for pain (1) Elavil
Anticonvulsants for pain (3) Tegretol, gabapentin, Dilantin
CNS Stimulant for pain (2) Ritalin, Dexedrine
Antihistamine for pain (1) Vistaril
Glucocorticoid for pain (2) dexamethasone, prednisone
Bisphosphonates for pain (2) Didronel, Aredia
Class: Antigout (4) Colchine, Indocin, Allopurinol, Probenecid
Action of Colchine and Indocin decrease inflammation by preventing infiltration of WBC
Action of Allopurinol inhibits uric acid production
Action of Probenecid inhibits uric acid reabsorption by renal tubules
Therapeutic Action of Colchine and Indocin treat acute attacks of gout or if given early enough can abort attack
Therapeutic action of Allopurinol and Probenecid hyperuricemia
Therapeutic Action of Probenecid prolongs penicillins and cephalosporins by delaying elimination
Side/Adverse Effects of antigout meds Colchicine-GI toxicity (take with food; provide antidiarrheal); Probenecid -Renal Injury (encourage fluids)
Contraindications/precautions of antigout meds Avoid use during pregnancy
Med Interactions of antigout meds Coumadin and Salicylates – lessens effectiveness of probenecid
Interventions for Antigout meds Avoid foods high in purine (red meat, scallops, liver, organ foods)
Other Medications for antigout Colchicine, indocin, zyloprim
Class: Migraine Meds, Types (6): Imitrex, Inderal, Divalproex, Elavil, Verapamil, Ergot alkaloids
Action of Migraine Meds Prevent inflammation and dilation of intracranial blood vessels
Therapeutic Action of Migraine Meds prevention/ceasing migraines
Side/Adverse Effects of Imitrex Chest symptoms (heavy arms or chest pressure), Coronary vasospasm/angina – don’t give to pt with CAD
Imitrex is a serotonin receptor ____ antagonist
Side/Adverse Effects of Inderal Extreme fatigue
Inderal is a ____-blocker beta
Side/Adverse Effects of Divalproex Neural tube defects – avoid during pregnancy
Action of Divalproex anticonvulsant
Side/Adverse Effects of Elavil Anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention)-Increase fluids and physical activity
Action of Elavil is tricyclic antidepressants
Side/Adverse Effects of Verapamil Orthostatic hypotension, Constipation
Verapamil is a ____ channel blocker Calcium
Side/Adverse Effects of Ergot alkaloids GI discomfort (admin Reglan), Ergotism (muscle pain, paresthesias in fingers, toes) – stop med, physical dependence, abortion
Contraindications/precautions for migraine meds Ergotamine – avoid in pts with renal/liver dysfunction, sepsis, CAD; Triptans – avoid in pts with ischemic heart disease, hx of MI, uncontrolled BP, pregnancy
Med/Food Interactions migraine meds Ergostat, Imitre, Triptans w/MAOIs
Interventions with migraine meds Avoid triggers (alcohol, fatigue, tyramine-containg foods)
Migraine Meds Ergostat, Imitrex, Inderal, divalproex, Elavil, Verapamil, Estrogens
Created by: BrandiLynn
Popular Pharmacology sets




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