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yellow reading 11

incubates to provide an environment for growth and development
maligned to speak harmful untruths about
irretrievable irreplaceable
immaculate spotlessly clean
reiteration repetition excessively
shaky trembling
underrated evaluated to low; underestimated
abstruse hard to understand
done finished
dilapidated fallen into partial ruin or decay
squandering to spend extravagantly or wastefully
instilling to infuse slowly into the mind or feelings
augmenting enlarging;
detested to hate
aesthetic having a sense of the beautiful
bland gently; agreeable
adhere to stay attached
overzealous too devoted
conglomerated anything composed of heterogeneous materials
annihilating destroy utterly; annul
soporific tending to cause sleep
veneration the act of showing respect
stagnation failure to develop or advance
dubious doubtful
disconcerted disturbed; bewildered
dismayed sudden and complete loss of courage
astute clever; cunning; sagacious
timid shy
sedate calm, quiet or composed
conducive contributive; helpful
homogeneity composition of things/elements that are alike
misconstrued to misunderstand
irreparable incapable of being rectified
garrulous excessively talkative
ample plentiful; more than needed
paradox a self-contradictory and false proposition
servitude slavery or bondage of any kind
disorder lack of regular arrangement; a disturbance in physical or mental functions
ambivalent having mixed feelings about something
euphoric intensely happy or confident
prophetic predictive
distress great pain; anxiety; sorrow
wanton done; shown, used
debauched depraved; debased
itinerant traveling from place to place.
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