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Literature LCC WGU11

Literature-Notes Chapter 11

Couplet two consecutive lines of verse with end rhymes. it is ta two-line stanza with both grammatical structure and idea complete within itself
Anapest Consisting of three syllables, with two unaccented syllables followed by an accented one (ex. Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb, I arise and unbuild it again.-Shelley "The Cloud")
Consonance the relation between words in which the final consants in the stressed syllables agree but the vowels that precede them differ, as "add-read," "mill-ball", and "torn-burn"
Dactyl a foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented
Enjambment the continuation of the sense and grammatical construction of a line on to the next verse or couplet it occurs in run-on lines and offers contrast to end-stopped lines
End Rhyme rhyme at the ends of lines in a poem. The most common kind of rhyme.
Eye Rhyme rhyme that appears correct from the spelling but is not so from the pronunciation, as "watch" and match" or "love" and "move"
Iamb (Iambus) A fott consisting of an unaccented syllable and an accented. The most common rhythm in English verse for many centuries
Foot the unit of rhythm in verse, whether quantitative or accentual-syllabic
Hexameter a line of six feet
Heptameter a line consisting of seven feet
Internal rhyme rhyme that occurs at some place before the last syllables in a line
Meter The recurrence in poetry of a rhythmic pattern, or the rhythm established by the regular occurrence of similar units of sound. (kinds: quantitative, accentual, syllabic, accentual-syllabic)
Monometer a line of verse consisting of one foot
Octameter a line of eight feet. it is fairly rare in English verse.
Octave an eight-line stanza
Pentameter a line of verse of five feet. serious verse in English since the time of Chaucer-epic, drama, meditative, narrative-and many conventional forms
Pyrrhic a foot of two unaccented syllables.
Quatrain a stanza of four lines.
Rhythm the passage of regular or approzimately equivalent time intervals between definite events or the recurrence of specific sounds or kinds of sound
Stress (stressed syllable) the emphasis given a spoken syllable
Stanza a recurrent grouping of two or more verse lines in terms of length, metrical form, and often, rhyme scheme
Sestet the second, six-line division of an Italian sonnet
Scansion a system for describing conventional rhythms by dividing lines into feet, indicating the locations of binomial accents, and counting the syllables.
Slant rhyme near rhyme; usually the substitution of assonance or consonance for true rhyme
Spondee (Spondiac) a foot composed of two accented syllables
Tercet a stanza of three lines, a triplet, in which each line ends with the same rhyme
Rhythm the assage of regular or approximately equivalent time intervals between definite events or the recurrence of specific sounds or .kinds of sound
Trochee (Trochaic) a foot consisting of an accented and an unaccented syllable as in the word "happy". they are generally unpopular for sustained writing, because they soon degenerate into rocking rhythm
Tetrameter a line consisting of four feet
Verse used in two senses--1 as a unite of poetry, 2 as a name given generally to metrical composition
Created by: DanceLots
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