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Physical Agents


Types of Pain (General) Acute, Chronic, Referred Pain
Describe Acute Pain well localized, caused by noxious stimulus, increased sympathetic response, less then 6 months duration
Describe Chronic Pain more generalized. Can be caused by noxious stimuli, hypersensitivity, or psychological
Describe Referred Pain pain felt at a location distant from its source. Caused by same dermatome, same embrionic segment, or from nerve to innervation
What are C-fibers and what kind of pain do they sense. small unmylinated nerve fibers that respond to mechanical, chemical, and thermal sensation. Pain is diffusely localized, described as burning or aching
What are A-delta fibers and what kind of pain do they sense Small mylinated nerve fibers that are most sensitive to high-intensity mechnaical stimulation. Sensation lasts for short time, localized to area of stimulus
What are A-beta fibers and what do they sense. Lareg mylinated fibers, with receptors located in the skin, bone, and joints. Normally transmit sensations of stretch and vibration.
Describe Gate Control Theory of Pain 1. pain is determined by excitatory or inhibitory input to the T-cell. 2. Increased activity of nonnociceptor sensory afferents cause pre-synaptic inhibition of the T-cells and effectively close the spinal gate to the cerebral cortex and decrease pain.
What does substance P do on the transmission of pain? Can excite pain transmitting neurons in dorsal horn and involved in nociceptors processing at spinal level. May also contribute to excite afferent pain fibers, localized inflmmation, increase production of inflammatory mediator cytokines prostaglandins.
What is the substantial gelatinosa and what is its role on pain Its an inhibitory interneuron that acts as a gate for pain. Excited by A-beta input, inhibited by A-delta and C-fibers. When excited has an inhibitory effect on the T-cell
What is the T-cell and its affect on pain It is the gate in the spinal cord. Responds to balance of excitatory and inhibitory input to decide what gets through to ascend the spinal cord to the thalamus.
Created by: 503060960
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