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week 5 pharmaco

chp 15,16,17

Thiazides most commonly used diuretic
Loop diuretics acts on the kidneys, tinnitus
Potassium sparing diuretics potassium depletion becomes dangerous
Osmotic agents CNS-central nervous system; vertigo
Gout arthritis in which uric crystals are deposited in joints, usually feet or knee
Uricosuric promotes excretion of uric acid
Uric Acid was produced during breakdown of purine
Bulk forming laxative fiber / supplements; e.g, Metamucil, bran, psyllium
Stool softener moistens stool through a detergent action
Detergent Action cleansing action of water, an emulsifier
Emulsifier binds non-combinative substances such as oil and water
Emollient promotes stool movement through the intestines while softening / coating
Saline laxatives Milk of Magnesia, promotes secretion of water into the intestinal lumen
Stimulant laxative habit forming, may lose normal bowel functions, rapid evacuation of the bowels is needed
Osmotic laxative glycerin, glycol – draws water from tissue into feces and stimulates evacuation; e.g. suppositories
Chloride Channel activator unique treatment of constipation, increases intestinal fluid secretion by activating chloride channels in the intestinal epithelium
Antiemetic prevents nausea, vomiting and motion sickness
Anticholengeric scopolamine; dries out mouth, throat and stomach
Serotonin receptor antagonists neurotransmitter involved in emesis in the gut, prevents nausea and vomiting assigned with chemotherapy
Acute Sudden onset of symptoms
Chronic History of symptoms
Chloride channel activator unique medicine for treatment of constipation, lubiprostone (Amitiza). Increases intestinal fluid secretion.
Antiemetic treats nausea, vomiting and motion sickness
Anticholengeric Scopolamine
Antidopaminergics blocks brain messages to the Gastro Intestinal tract, Phenergan, relief of pre & post-op nausea & vomiting
Serotonin receptor antagonists neurotransmitter involved in emesis in the rut, helps prevent nausea & vomiting with chemotherapy, Zofran
Adverse Cautions possible, unpleasant or dangerous secondary effects, other than desired
Aminoglycoside’s used in combination with other antibiotics to treat infections caused by gram positive / negative bacteria
Anaphylaxis hypersensivity to a foreign substance or drug, symptoms include death
Antifungal used in the treatment candida (yeast infection & other fungi)
Antituberculosis agents medications used to treat asymptomatic TB infection and active clinical TB, prevents relapse
Antiviral treats viruses such as HIV, herpes, etc.
Broad spectrum antibiotic effective against a large variety of viral organisms, tetracycline is very common
Cephalosporin antibiotic derivative produced by a fungus, Cefuroxime, Keflex treats skin infections, otitis media and infections of the GI tract.
Culture & sensitivity identifies exactly which organism, bacteria or yeast and what medicine is best to treat the infection
Direct toxicity drugs that result in tissue damage, may or may not be permanent, e.g., some analgesics can cause kidney damage
Hypersensitivity allergic or excessive response of the immune system to a drug or chemical
Macrolides treats infections of respiratory tract, acne, STD’s (penicillin replacement)
Opportunistic infections infection/ pathogen that occurs because of a depressed immune system and would not occur otherwise
Penicillin’s antibiotics produced from a certain species of fungus
Quinolones treats Urinary Tract Infection, Respiratory tract, GI tract, skin, bones & joints
Resistance a lack of response to antibiotics, staph infection,
Sulfonamide anti-infective, slow development of resistance, UTI, enteritis, & AIDS opportunistic infections
Tetracycline broad spectrum antibiotics, treats infections caused by rickettsia, Chlamydia, uncommon bacteria’s
Urinary Anti-infective’s treats UTI, bacteriostatic, bactericidal
Antispasmodic (anticolengerics) blocking parasympathetic nerve impulses, reduce bladder contractions
Neurogenic formation of nervous tissue
Cholengeric bethanechol (Urecholine) – stimulates parasympathetic nerves, brings about bladder contractions for non-obstructive urinary retention
Urinary Analgesics local anesthetic for urinary mucosa, relieves symptoms associated with cystitis
Antiandrogens BPH (benign prostratic hypertrophy
Alpha-blockers causes smooth muscles in the bladder, neck and prostate, causing relaxation and urine flow. Also treats hypertension
Antacids neutralize stomach acid
GERD (gastroesophogeal ) reflux disease & ulcer
Anti-spasmotic/ anticholengerics help calm the bowel, including irritable bowel syndrome & other functional disturbances to GI motility / function – dicyclomine (Bentyl)
motility spontaneous movement
Antidiarrheal reduces the number of loose stools- bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol), have anitisecretory & anti-infective properties
Anti-flatulents used in treatment of gastric bloating, post-op gas pains. They break up gas bubbles in the GI tract
Laxatives promote the evacuation of the intestine, include cathartics, purgatives, promote alteration of stool consistence
Created by: atif786
Popular Pharmacology sets




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