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Pharmacology 080912

What phase is in the clinical trial where the study design is double-blind/cross-over? Phase 3
Not a non-receptor mediated interaction Ligand-gated channels
Type of test done to determine gross and histologic pathology Carcinogenic potential testing
Not extracted from quantal-dose response curve Potency (EC50)
Drug that's located within the cell nucleus Steroid receptors
Drug whose N-terminal is extracellular and C-terminal is intracellular Metabotropic receptor
Drug that prevents storage of acetylcholine Vesamicol
Enzyme that catalyzes transfer of an acetyl group from acetylcoenzymeA to Choline is Choline acetyltransferase
Adverse drug reaction that has physical and emotional dependence on drug Addiction
Primary neurochemical mediator of sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons Acetylcholine
Non-classical neurotransmitter Adenosine triphosphate
Inhibitor of catechol-o-methyltransferase Entacapone
Not an attribute of the sympathetic division of ANS short, unmyelinated postganglionic fibers
Conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine is mediated by the enzyme Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase
Rate limiting step in NE synthesis is mediated by enzyme Tyrosine hydroxylase
Not a monoamine oxidase inhibitor Metyrosine
Organ that doesn't have alpha1 adrenergic receptors Medulla oblongata
Organ that doesn't have multiple adrenergic receptors with opposing response Gastrointestinal muscle
Alpha1 agonist drug that's not clinically used to treat shock Phenylephrine
Alpha1-antagonist drug helpful in diagnosing pheochromocytoma at bedside Phentolamine
Alpha2-agonist drug whose effect results to hypotension and bradycardia Clonidine
Not a clinical manifestation of cholinesterase inhibitor intoxication attributable to muscarinic receptors Weakness
Not a beta antagonist Isoproterenol
Not an indirectly acting cholinergic agent Choline esters
Nicotinic receptors are located in Central Nervous system
Muscarinic agonist clinically used to treat open-angle glaucoma Pilocarpine
Clinical manifestation of cholinesterase inhibitor intoxication attributable to nicotinic receptors Fasciculations
Not a bezold-jarisch reflex Sweating
Uptake 1 Blocker Tri-cyclic anti depressant
Catecholamine release inhibitor Guanithidine
Dopa decarboxylase blocker Carbidopa
NE storage blocker Reserpine
Ach storage blocker Vesamicol
Promotes Ach release Latrotoxin
Precursor transport blocker Disulfiram
Baclofen Partial GABA agonist
Dantrolene Malignant hyperthermia
Tubucurarine Non-depolarizing NM blocker
Succinylcholine Depolarizing NM blocker
Sarin War nerve gas
Neostigmine Quarternary amine
Nicotine Bezold-jarisch reflex
Yohimbine Aphrodisiac
Propanolol Thyrotoxicosis
Tyramine Cheddar cheese
Therapy of Cholinesterase Inhibitor Intoxication for Severe Poisoning 1. Artificial Respiration 2. Atropine sulfate (2-4g intravenous at a 5 minute interval) 3. Pralidoxine (1g infused slowly) 4. Termination of exposure 5. Diazepam for if there's convulsion 6. Supportive Care 7. Hospitalization for 2-3 days
Phase II metabolism of the drug that involves all of the following reaction types but not Deduction
Not a type of major bonding Atomic
Not a major plasma protein important for drug binding Flavoprotein
Not a parenteral route of drug administration Transdermal
Drug that enters body and is converted into an active form by biologic process is Prodrug
Branch of pharmacology that deals with undesirable effects of chemicals on living system Toxicology
Study of substances that interact with living system through chemical processes Pharmacology
Ability to predict appropriate molecular structure of a drug on the basis of information about its biologic receptor Rational drug design
Principal organ of biotransformation of drug liver
Time required to change amount of drug in the body by one-half during elimination half-life
If two preparations of a drug are the same in all intent and purposes, they are bioequivalence
Characteristic of a drug that permits binding to its receptor sites via complementary bond Drug shape
Fraction of unchanged drug reaching the systemic circulation is Bioavailability
Intrathecal route of administration means the drug is through Spinal cavity
Oral Route Most convenient
Intravenous Most rapid onset
Rectal route Less 1st pass effect
Subcutaneous Smaller volume and painful
Transdermal Slow absorption, prolonged duration of action
Administration Appropriate route
Distribution Site of action
Absorption To the blood stream
Biotransformation Liver
Elimination Thru feces and urine
Slow absorption Transdermal
After rapid onset inhalation
Intramuscular may be painful
Inalation 5 - less than 100%
Intramuscular 75 - less than 100%
Rectal 30 - less than 100%
Oral 5 - less than 100%
Transdermal 80 - less than 100%
Intravenous 100%
Subcutaneous 75 - less than 100%
Created by: happymatcha
Popular Pharmacology sets




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