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Med term skin ch 3

med term ch3 integumentary system

albin/o white
melan/o black
bi/o life
myc/o fungus
cry/o cold
necr/o death
cutane/o skin
onych/o nail
cyan/o blue
pedicul/o lice
derm/o skin
phot/o light
dermat/o skin
py/o pus
diaphor/o profuse sweating
rhytid/o wrinkle
electr/o electricity
scler/o hard
erythr/o red
seb/o oil
hidr/o sweat
trich/o hair
ichthy/o scaly, dry
ungu/o nail
kerat/o hard, horny
vesic/o bladder
leuk/o white
xer/o dry
lip/o fat
";; -derma skin condition
-opsy view of
-tome instrument used to cut
allo- other, different from usual
xeno- strange, foreign
Organs that make up the Integumentary system skin, hair, nails, sebaceous glands, sweat glands
angi/o vessel
bas/o the base
carcin/o cancer
chem/o chemical
cislo to cut
cry/o c old
cyt/o cell
diaphor/o profuse sweating
electr/o electricity
erythr/o red
esthesi/o feeling
hem/o blood
hidr/o sweat
ichthy/o scaly, dry
kerat/o hard, horny
leuk/o white
Iip/o fat
melan/o black
myc/o fungus
necr/o death
onych/o nail
pedicul/o lice
phot/o light
py/o pus
rhytid/o wrinkle
sarc/o flesh
scler/o hard
seb/o oil
system/o system
trich/o hair
ungu/o nail
vesic/o bladder
xer/o dry
-al pertaining to
-derma skin condition
-ectomy surgical removal
-emia blood condition
-ia state, condition
-ic pertaining to
-ism state of
-itis inflammation
-logy study of
-malacia softening
-oma mass
-opsy to view
-osis abnormal condition
-ous pertaining to
-phagia eating
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhea discharge
-tic pertaining to
-tome instrument to cut
-ule small
allo- other
an- without
anti- against
auto- self
de- without
epi- upon
hyper- excessive
hypo- under
intra- within
para- beside
sub- under
xeno- strange, foreign
Cutaneous pertaining to the skin
dermal pertaining to the skin
epidermal pertaining to upon the skin
epi- upon
hypodermic pertaining to under the skin
hypo- sub- under
subcutaneous pertaining to under the skin
intra dermal pertaining to within the skin
intra- within
ungual pertaining to the nails
ungu/o nail
dermatology study of skin; Branch of medicine that diagnosis & treat conditions & diseases of the integumentary system
plastic surgery Surgical specially repair, reconstruction, or improvement of body structures ( skin damaged, missing, or misshapen)
abrasion scraping away of the skin surface by friction
anhidrosis Abnormal condition of no sweat
comedo Collection of hardened sebum in hair follicle called blackhead
contusion Injury caused by a blow to the body; causes swelling, pain, and bruising; The skin is not broken
cyanosis Bluish tint to the skin caused by deoxygenated blood
cyst Fluid-filled sac under the skin
depigmentation Loss of normal skin color or pigment
diaphoresis Profuse sweating
ecchymosis Skin discoloration caused by blood collecting under the skin following blunt trauma to the skin; A bruise
erythema Redness or flushing of the skin
erythroderma The condition of having reddened or flushed skin
eschar A thick layer of dead tissue and tissue fluid that develops over a deep burn area
fissure Crack-like lesion or groove on the skin
hirsutism Excessive hair growth over the body
hyperemia Redness of the skin due to increased blood flow
hyperhidrosis Abnormal condition of excessive sweat
hyperpigmentation Abnormal amount of pigmentation in the skin
ichthyoderma The condition of having scaly and dry skin
lesion A general term for a wound, injury, or abnormality
leukoderma Having skin that appears white because the normal skin pigment is absent; May be all the skin or just in some areas
lipoma fatty mass
macule Flat, discolored area that is flush with the skin surface (eg a freckle or a birthmark)
necrosis Abnormal condition of death
nevus Pigmented skin blemish, birthmark, or mole; Usually benign but may become cancerous
nodule Firm, solid mass of cells in the skin larger than 5 cm in diameter
onychomalacia Softening of the nails
pallor Abnormal paleness of the skin
middle layer also called corium Dermis
Which layer of skin houses hair follicles, sebaceous & sweat glands, blood & lymph vessels, sensory receptors, nerve & muscle fiber the middle layer dermis (corium)
Composed of connective tissue and collagen fibers Corium, (dermis)
The ridges of this layer produces finger prints dermis (corium) layer
Outer layer of skin, with flakey dead cells & contains no blood supply or connective tissue also depends on nourishment from other layers epidermis
This layer has a basal layer rich with blood cells epidermis
The stratified squamous layer (flat scale like cells called strata) of skin is called epidermis
what Skin layer and what is this layer called that cells continually grow and proliferate basal layer
Special cells that produce black pigment (melanin) that produces skin coloring & protects from sun melanocytes
When new cells are formed, older cells are pushed to surface, shrink , and are filled with _____ a process called ______ protein called keratin; keratinization
Name the 5 accessories of the epidermis skin layer basal layer, keratin, melanin, melanocytes, stratified squamous epithelium
The skin is water proof due to the epidermis layer of the skin filling with a protein called keratin
layer containing fatty tissue subcutaneous layer
The hair folicles begin to turn grey when the skin layer no longer produces melanin
An increase in blood flow & environmental temperature causes the skin to become flush & red
the epidermis is completely replaced every 25 days
which layer of the skin is the hypodermis & contains lipocytes subcutaneous layer
Fat cells that protect deeper tissues and insulates located in the subcutaneous layer are called lipocytes
Anatomical structures (accessory organs) located in the dermis are arrector pili, hair follicle, hair root, and hair shaft
The hair is made of keratin
deeper cells in the hair root force older keratinized cells to move up forming the hair shaft
The hair shaft grows toward the skin surface within the hair follicle
Which gland releases oil directly on to the hair follicle sebaceous gland
Each hair has a small slip of muscle attached to it called the arrector pili muscle
When the arrector pili muscle contracts the hair stands up causing goose bumps
deoxygenated blood is very dark purple red and gives the skin a bluish tingle called cyanosis
Because of the rich blood supply & light color, the nail bed in an excellent place to check patients for low oxygen levels in their blood
Flat plate of keratin covering the end of the nail and forms the nail body
The accessories of the nail are cuticle, free edge, lunula, nail bed, nail body, nail root
The nail body is connected to the tissue underneath by the nail bed
found at base of nail, nails grow from and is covered and protected by nail cuticle nail root
light color half moon at base of nail is called the lunula
the oil that the sebaceous glands secrete to lubricate hair and skin ; causes acne & when aging is the cause of wrinkle from less secretions is called sebum
Which gland lubricates the skin & secretes directly onto skin because they do not have ducts sebaceous glands
the accessories of the sweat glands are apocrine glands, perspiration, sudoriferous glands, sweat ducts, sweat pore
Highly coiled glands that function to cool the body, 2 mil in body located in dermis are called suderiferous glands
suderiferous glands travel to the surface of the skin through sweat ducts
sweat duct opening is called sweat pore
perspiration (sweat) contains a colorless & oderless product that has waste products
Sweat glands located under arms and pubic region produce sweat that is ____ and is called Thicker sweat & are called apocrine glands
sweat produced under the arm and public region is thicker and can cause odor when it comes into contact with bacteria
Small, solid, circular raised spot on the surface of the skin less than 0.5 cm in diameter papule
Pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin petechiae
Condition in which the skin reacts abnormally when exposed to light, such as the ultraviolet (UV) rays photosensitivity
Severe itching pruritus
pinpoint hemorrhages into skin due to fragile blood vessels, common in older adults, means purple purpura
contains pus or infection that produces pus; pus consist of white blood cells & tissue debris purulent
raised spot on skin with pus pustule
Presence of pus on or in layer of skin indicating a bacterial infection pyoderma
combine form and suffix for pus, skin condition py/o, -derma
skin condition for lost its elasticity & hardened scleroderma
Combining form & suffix meaning hard & skin condition scler/o, -derma
oily discharge seborrhea
Combining form & suffix meaning oily & discharge seb/o, -rrhea
containing or producing pus suppurative
open sore or lesion in skin or mucus membrane ulcer
Hives, skin eruption of pale reddish wheals that severely itch, associated with food allergy, stress, drug reactions uticaria
Blister, fluid filled raised spot on skin vesicle
Combining form & suffix meaning bladder & pertaining to vesic/o, -le
small round swollen area on skin from allergic skin reactions like hives accompanied by uticaria wheal
abnormally dry skin xeroderma
Combining form & suffix meaning dry skin condition xer/o, -derma
collection of pus in the skin abscess
inflammatory disease of sebaceous glands & hair follicle that results in papules & pustules acne
chronic adult acne causing redness, tiny pimples, broken blood vessels on nose and cheeks acne rosacea
Teenage acne characterized by comedo, papules, & pustules acne vulgaris
genetic condition, body does not make melanin skin/hair white & eyes are red from no pigment albinism
Combining form & suffix meaning state of white albin/o, -ism
cancerous tumor of epidermis basal layer, rarely metastasizes or spreads, usually from sun exposure basal cell carcinoma
Combining form & suffix meaning pertaining to cancer tumor at the base bas/o, -al, carcin/o, -oma
Superficial burn affecting the epidermis first degree burn
burn that causes blister and affects the dermis second degree burn
Burn that charred the full layers of the skin, affects the epidermis, dermis & subcutaneous layer third degree burn
amount of the body burned is calculated using the rule of 9, what is percentage of 1 side of arm, thoracic, abdomen, leg, full arm, full leg, pubic area 1 side arm 4.5%, thoracic 9%, abdomen 9%, leg 9%, full arm 9%, full leg 18%, pubic 1%
diffuse, acute infection & inflammation of connective tissue in skin cellulitis
means decumbo (lying down) decupitus
open sore from pressure over boney areas cutting off blood flow to skin, bed ridden people laying in same position too long suffer from, difficult to heal decubitus ulcer
Another word for bed sore or pressure sore decubitus ulcer
inflammation of the skin dermatitis
presence of abnormal skin condition dermatosis
dried, blacken, & shriveled skin referred to as mummified, is a late stage of tissue necrosis dry gangrene
a form of dermatitis that is superficial with reddness, vesicles, itching and crusting eczema
Tissue necrosis due to deficient blood supply gangrene
combining form and suffix meaning scaley dry & abnormal condition ichthy/o, -osis
skin condition that causes dry, scaly & keratinized skin icthyosis
Highly infectious bacterial infection of skin with pustules that rupture & is crusted over impetigo
combining form and suffix meaning flesh & tumor sarc/o, -oma
skin cancer that is brownish purple papules that spread from skin and metastasize to internal organs, (AIDS patients get) kaposi's sarcoma
Raised thick hypertrophic scar from injury or surgery keloid
combine form and suffix meaning hard or horny & abnormal condition kerat/o, -osis
skin condition with over growth & thickening of epidermis layer keratosis
Torn or jagged wound, incorrectly used to describe a cut laceration
Dangerous form of skin cancer caused by uncontrolled growth of melanocytes, quickly metastasizes/spreads into internal organs also called black tumor malignant melanoma
Infestation of lice, eggs are called nits that cling to hair pediculosis
chronic inflammatory condition consisting of papules that form silvery scales patches (white patches) with circular borders psoriasis
Contagious skin disease caused by mite burrowing in skin and laying eggs, causes redness, intense itching (children get) scabies
Contagious viral skin infection, both names rubella, German measles
sac under skin usually filled with sebaceous oil (sebum) from sebaceous gland that grows and has to be excised sebaceous cyst
Scar cicatrix
Epidermis layer cancer that may invade deeper tissues & metastasize begins with a sore that does not heal squamous cell carcinoma
congenital collection of dialated blood vessels causing red birth mark that fades in few months after birth strawberry hemangioma
combining form and suffix that means blood, vessel & tumor (strawberry hemangioma) hem/o, angi/o, -oma
auto immune condition & disease of connective tissue that injures skin, joints, kidneys, nerve tissue and mucus membranes cause red, scaly butterfly rash accross cheek and nose systemic lupus erythematosus
fungal skin disease resulting in itchy scaly lesions tinea
fungal infection of scalp (ringworm) tinea capitus
fungal infection of foot (athletes foot) tinea pedis
Contagious viral infection (chicken pox) varicella
benign growth caused by virus, has rough surface called warts verruca
disappearance of pigment in skin patches, are milk white called two names vitiligo (leukoderma)
area of gangrene that becomes infected again or secondarily infected by pus producing bacteria wet gangrene
absence or loss of hair(baldness) alopecia
furuncle(boils) involving several hair follicles carbuncle
bacterial infection of hair follicle causes redness, pain, & swelling also called boil furuncle
abnormal condition of hair fungus trichomycosis
combining form and suffix meaning abnormal condition, hair, fungus trich/o (hair), myc/o (fungus), -osis (abnormal condition)
infected nail bed onych/o, -ia; onychia abnormal condition of nail fungus
Nail biting (eating) onychophagia; onych/o, -phagia
infection of the skin fold around nail paronychia; para- (beside), onych/o (nail); -ia (state of, condition)
lab test that grows bacteria removed from infected area, to id bacteria and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics culture and sensitivity (C&S) tests
piece of tissue remove by syringe & needle, knife, punch, or brush to examine under microscope; used to aid diagnosis biopsy
scraping cells from tissue & examining under scope exfoliative cytology
thin piece of tissue cut from frozen speciman for rapid examination under scpoe frozen section (FS)
tissue scraping taken from curette (scraper) from lesions placed on growth medium & examined under scope to id fungus fungal scrapings
skin graft from one person to another ( donor is cadaver) both names allograft (homograft)
Skin graft from own body autograft (donor skin is usually perforated first so it stretches)
instrument to cut skin or thin transplants of skin dermatome; derma/o, -tome (to cut)
skin grafting, transplanting skin dermatoplasty; -plasty (skin repair)
transfer skin from one area to another, used to treat burns & some surgical procedures skin graft (SG) also called dermatoplasty
skin graft from animal or other species to a human speies 2 names xenograft; xeno (strange, foriegn) and heterograft; heter/o (other, different)
surgical procedure that destroys tissue by using caustic chemicals, electrical current, heat or freezing cauterization
surgical procedure that uses extreme cold to freeze & destroy tissue cryosurgery; cry/o (cold)
surgical procedure that removes superficial skin lesions with surgical instrument shaped like a spoon or scraper, procedure and name of instrument curettage; instrument is a currette
surgical procedure that removes foriegn material & dead damaged tissue from wound debridgement
surgical procedure that uses electrical current to destroy tissue electrocautery
surgical procedure that makes an incision to create an opening for drainage (eg pus) incision and drainage (I&D); cis/o (to cut) surgical procedure that removes a finger or toe nail
plastic surgery procedure that causes abrasion using chemicals chemabrasion (also called chemical peel)
plastic surgery procedure that causes abrasion or rubbing using wire brush or sand paper to remove acne, scars, tattoos, & scar tissue dermabrasion
plastic surgery procedure removes skin lesions & birth marks using laser beam that emits intense heat & power at close range; laser converts frequency of light into one small beam laser therapy
plastic surgery procedure that sucks out fat beneath skin lipsuction; lip/o (fat)
plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin to eliminate wrinkles also called facelift rhytidectomy; rhytid/o (wrinkle), -ectomy (surgical removal)
lidocaine, xylocaine, procaine, novocain are all forms of skin applied anesthetics
applied to the skin to deaden pain; pertaining to without feeling pain anesthetic
bacitracin/neomycin/polymixinB, neosporin ointment are topical antibiotics
pharmaceutical that kills bacteria causing skin infections; pertaining to against life antibiotic
kills fungi infecting skin; pertaining to against antifungal
miconazole, monistat, clotrimazole, & lotrimin are all topicals ointments that are antifungal
lindane, kwell; permethrin, nix are all pharmaceuticals that are antiparasitic
kills mites and lice antiparasitics
reduces severe itching antipruritic
diphenhydramine, benadryl, camphor/pramoxine/zinc, caladryl are all pharmaceuticals that are antipruritic
Used to kill bacteria in cuts and wounds or surgical site antiseptic
isopropyl alcohol & hydrogen peroxide are examples of antiseptics
treats herpes simplex infections antivirals
valacyclovir, valtrex; famcyclovir, famvir; acyclorvir, & zovirax are examples of antivirals
abbreviation for basal cell carcinoma BBC
abbreviation for malignant melanoma MM
abbreviation for biopsy BX, bx
abbreviation for squamous cell carcinoma SCC
abbreviation for culture and sensitivity (C&S)
abbreviation for skin graft SG
abbreviation for decubitus ulcer decub
abbreviation for dermatology Derm, derm
abbreviation for systemic lupus erythematosus SLE
abbreviation for split-thickness skin graft STSG
abbreviation for frozen section FS
abbreviation for subcutaneous subcu, subq, SC, sc
abbreviation for herpes simplex virus HSV
abbreviation for incision and drainage I&D
abbreviation for intradermal ID
abbreviation for ultraviolet UV
The gland that lubricates the skin by producing oil sebaceous gland
typical sweat gland of the body sudoriferous gland
Created by: larue10510



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