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Words 101-151

Deface to mar the appearance of; to vandalize
Deference respect, courtesy
Deleterious subtly or unexpectedly harmful
Demagogue a leader, rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejedice
Demur to express doubts or objections
Deride to speak of or treat with contempt, to mock
Desiccate to dry out thoroughly
Desultory jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
Diaphanous allowing light to show through; delicate
Diatribe an abusive, condemnatory speech
Dictum authoritative statement
Diffident lacking self-confidence
Dilate to make larger, to expand
Dilatory intended to delay, procrastinating
Dilettante someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
Dirge a funeral hymm or mournful speech
Disabuse to set right, to free from error
Discern to perceive, to recognize
Disparate fundamentally different; entirely unlike
Dissemble to present a false appearance, to disguise one's real intentions or character
Dissonance a harsh and disagreeable combination, especially of sounds
Distaff the female branch of a family
Distend to swell, inflate, bloat
Dither to act confusedly or without clear purpose
Diurnal existing during the day
Divine to foretell or know by inspiration
Doctrinaire rigidly devoted to theories without regard for practicality; dogmatic
Dogma a firmly held opinion, especially of religious belief
Dogmatic dictatorial in one's opinions
Droll amusing in a wry, subtle way
Dupe to deceive
Dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
Ebullient exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high spirits
Eclectic selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
Edify to instruct morally and spiritually
Efficacy effectiveness
Effigy stuffed doll, likenss of a person
Effrontery impudent boldness; audacity
Elegy a sorrowful poem or speech
Eloquent persuasive and moving, especially in speech
Embellish to add ornamental or fictitious details
Emulate to copy, to try to equal or excel
Encomium warm priase
Endemic belonging to a particular area; inherent
Enervate to reduce in strength
Engender to produce, cause, or bring about
Enigma a puzzle, a mystery
Enumerate to count, list, itemize
Ephemeral lasting a short time
Epicure person with refined taste in food and wine
Created by: RosenSweetie
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