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words root-webster

TOXI poison
TEN/TENU thin or pretend
TECHNI/TECHNO art,craft,skill
PYR fire
LONG long
IDIO one's own or private
BIOS life
CAD to fall
TRIB to give,to pay
NECRO dead body
-POLIS city
PALEO ancient.older than old
LITHOS stone
ZO- animal
MESO- middle
CEN recent
MINI/MINU small,least
INTER between
CEDERE to go
SUR/SUPER- over,higher,more than
CO with,together
SYN together or at the same time
SPECT- look
ENDO within
DERM skin
EPI outer
RE back
RE again
mordere to bite
PRO before,in front of
phylax guard
PRO for,favoring
TRANS through,across or beyond
scandere to climb
SCOP to look at
anthron joint
laparo- wall of the abdomen(stomach,belly)
oscillare- to swing
OID appearance or form
rhobm- parallelogram-shaped
delta- triangle-shaped
dendr- tree
MEDI middle
IATR healer,physician
TOM cut
GASTR belly
LATER side
STRAT spread or bed
SURG to rise,spring up
ARM weapons,tools
DE down,away
NANO dwarf,small
ITIS disease of inflammation
hepat- liver
HEM/HEMO blood
-emia blood
PHOB fear
agora crowds,public places
xenos stranger,guest,foreigner
arachne spider
akron height
PAR equal
MULTI many
MICRO small
KILO thousand
NUMER number,to count
HYDR water
SOLU/SOLV to loose,free.release
FALL to deceive
circum- around
in- in,on
pro- before
ONYM name,word
pseudo- false
SCEND to climb
SIMIL/SIMUL like,resembling,similar
VERB word
FUS to pour out or to melt
CRE/CRET to come into being,to grow
VAL strength,to be wealthy,healthy or strong
VIR man
LOQU to talk
solus alone
MUR wall
SANCT holy
UND wave,to rise in waves,to surge or flood
MAND entrust or order
POT able,powerful,effective
PUNC point
demos people
theos god
aristos best
PLAC to please or be agreeable to
ploutos wealth
CLAM/CLAIM to shout or cry out
pro forward,out
GRAT pleasingmwelcome or agreeable
AUTO/AUT same,sekf
TEXT to weave
CLUS to close
se- apart
SERV to be subject to
VIV to live or be live
TORT to twist,wind or wrench
STRU/STRUCT to put together,build,arrange
STRICT to draw tight,bind,or tie
ACER/ACR sharp,sour
CONTRA anti,against,contrary
ABT/ANTI against
-gen producer
PER throughout,thoroughly
META behind,beyond
Created by: sh1neshine
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