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Pharmacy Abbreviations

AbbreviationMeaningLatin Translation
cc ** cubic centimeter (milliliter) (USE mL!)
fl, fld fluid (ounces)
g gram
gal gallon
gr grain
gtt(s) drop(s) gutta(e)
kg kilogram
lb pound
mcg microgram (USE mcg)
meq milliequivalent
mOsm milliosmole
mg milligram
ml (mL) milliliter
oz ounce
pt pint
qt quart
Tbsp (tbsp) tablespoon
tsp teaspoon
h, hr hour (DO NOT USE DEGREE SIGN) hora
min minute
mo month
y, yr year
yo years old
ss ** one-half (1/2)
i, ii, iii, iv, etc 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
cap capsule capsula
EC enteric coated
elix elixir
emul emulsion
lot lotion
MDI metered dose inhaler
pulv powder pulvis
soln ,sol solution
supp suppository suppositorium
susp suspension
syr syrup syrupus
tab tablet tabella
troche lozenge trochiscus
ung ointment unguentum
aa affected area
a.d. ** right ear (USE "right ear"!) aurio dextra
a.s. ** left ear (USE "left ear"!) aurio sinister
a.u. ** both ears (USE "both ears"!) aurio utrae
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
inj injection injectio
IV intravenous
IVPB intravenous piggyback
NPO nothing by mouth nil per os
o.d. ** right eye (USE "right eye"!) oculus dexter
o.s. ** left eye (USE "left eye"!) oculus sinister
o.u. ** both eyes (USE "both eyes"!) oculus uterque
po by mouth per os
pr rectally
pv, vag vaginally
SL sublingually (under the tongue)
SQ, SC ** subcutaneously (USE "subcut" or "subcutaneously"!)
Subcut subcutaneously
top topically
ac before meals ante cibum
AM morning ante meridiem
A.T.C. around the clock
bid twice a day bis in die
hs ** at bedtime (USE "bedtime"!) Hora somni
noct at night nocte
pc After meals post cibum
PM in the evening post meridiem
prn as needed pro re nata
q every quaque
q1h every 1 hour (also q2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24h) quaque 1 hora
qd ** every day (USE "every day"!) quaque 1 die
qhs ** every night at bedtime (USE "nightly"!) quaque hora somni
qid four times a day quarter in die
ac & hs four times a day (before meals and at bedtime)
qod ** every other day (USE "every other day"!)
stat immediately statim
tid three times a day ter in die
TUD take as directed
UD as directed ut dictum
UG until gone
WA while awake
x times or for (x 3 days)
aa of each
ad up to
aq water aqua
div. divide
d.t.d. give of such doses denture tales doses
F, ft make
M mix misce
qs a sufficient quantity quantum sufficiat
qs ad a sufficient quantity up to
amp ampule
c with cum
DAW Dispense as Written
D/C ** discontinue
disp dispense
LCD coal tar solution Liquor carbonis detergens
MR may repeat
NMT no more than
no. number numero
NR no refills
NTE not to exceed
N&V nausea and vomiting
per by or through
s without sine
Sig., S. write on the label
SOB shortness of breath
u (IU) ** units (International Units) (USE "units"!)
U.S.P. United States Pharmacopoeia
w & w/o with and without
ABW Actual body weight
BP Blood pressure
BS Blood sugar/Bowel sounds
BSA Body Surface Area
cc Chief complaint
DOB Date of Birth
DX Diagnosis
FH Family history
GI Gastro-intestinal
GU Genitourinary
HA Headache
HPI History of present illness
HR Heart rate
HTN Hypertension
IBW Ideal Body Weight
NG Nasogastric
NKDA No known drug allergies
NPO Nothing by mouth
OTC Over-the counter
PMH Past medical history
PPI Patient package insert
ROS Review of symptoms
RR Respiratory rate
SH Social history
SOB Shortness of breath
T Temperature
VS Vital signs
APAP Acetaminophen
ASA Aspirin
HCTZ** Hydrochlorothiazide (use drug name)
MS or MSO4** Morphine Sulfate (use drug name)
NSAID Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug
NTG Nitroglycerin
PCN Penicillin
TCN Tetracycline
TMP/SMX Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole
Created by: ianray42
Popular Pharmacology sets




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