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8th grade Chp1

American Citizenship 8th grade

allegiance devotion or loyalty owed by a citizen to a government
anarchy state of political disorder resulting from the absence of government
baby boomers people born in the post-World War II period from 1946-1964
census count of the population
citizen person who owes allegiance to a government and who is entitle to government protection
civics social science dealing with the rights and duties of citizens
coup (KOO) sudden, volent overthrow of a government by a small group. coups are nonpeaceful way of changing a government's leaders.
democracy government in which power is held by the people and exercised either directly or through representation, usually determined by elections
dictatorship government in which the ruler has absolute power and unlimited authority
diverse made up of different parts
government organization that controls and directs the making and administration of a society's policies
immigrant person born in one county who goes to another country to live
inalienable impossible to be taken away by people or government, such as our natural rights
jury group of ordinary citizens chosen to decide the guilt or innocence of the person accused in a trial
loyalty allegiance, affection,devotion, and attachment
monarchy government in which the ruler is a hereditary head of state who rules for life
native person born in a particular place or country. A native citizen is someone who receives citizenship by being born in a country.
naturalize to admit to or grant citizenship to someone who was born in another country
natural rights theory that a certain inalienable rights of all people come from nature or God.
society voluntary association of people bound together by common interests and standards
Created by: Mrs. Rich
Popular American Government sets




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