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Endocrine Medication


cosyntropin (Cortrosyn) anterior pituitary drug Anti-inflammatory effect Promotes renal retention of Na Used in the DIAGNOSIS of adrenocortical insufficiency...If given and there's no response then there is a problem w/the cascade.
cosyntropin (Cortrosyn) Nursing implications, route IM, SQ, IV, gel forms hydrate decrease Na intake avoid vaccinations
cosyntropin (Cortrosyn) adverse effects, contraindications edema, HTN Caution w/migraine HA, epilepsy, asthma
Somatropin and Somatrem Growth Hormone Anterior Pituitary...for children Mimic growth hormone Indications...inadequate secretion of endogenous GH...Hypopituitary dwarfism, HIV wasting
Somatropin and Somatrem (growth hormone) nursing implications Parents should keep growth journal Monitor therapeutic response rotate injection site
Samatropin and Somatrem (growth hormone) adverse effects HAhyperglycemia Hypothyroidism Inflammation at injection site Flu-like sx
octreotide (Sandostatin) Anterior Pituitary antagonizes the effect of natural GH
octreotide (Sandostatin) indications alleviates the sx of secretion of Vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP), esopageal varices, acromegaly
octreotide (Sandostatin) nursing implications Gallbladder studies Assess liver/renal fx Monitor glucose
octreotide (Sandostatin) adverse effects HA fatigue increased or decreased glucose
vasopressin action, class, indication Posterior Pit...mimics natural ADH POWERFUL vasoconstrictor!!!! Diabetes Insipidus
desmopressin action, class, indication Posterior Pit...mimics natural ADH Tx for blood disorders, nocturnal enuresis Diabetes insipidus
vaso+desmopressin adverse effects increased BP fever HA Nausea tremors
vaso+desmopressin therapeutic response should reduce severe thirst and decrease urinary output
levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levothyroid) Indications synthetic thyroid hormone T4 Achieve a euthyroid condition Hypothyroidism Tx w/thryroidectomy
levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levothyroid) contraindictations recent MI adrenal insufficiency hyperthyroid (if overdosed) Cardiac dysrhythmia...MOST SIGNIFICANT
levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levothyroid) nursing implications baseline vs weight continue Tx during pregnancy Teach pt...take at same time Qday, do not switch brands w/out asking md. Do not take over-the-counter meds w/out approval. Therapeutic effects may take several months.
methimazole (Tapaxole) propylithiouracil (PTU) thiomide derivatives Antithyroid Prevent surge in thyroid hormones that occur during surgical or radioactive iodine therapy
Antithyroid drugs adverse effect Liver and bone marrow toxicity
Antithyroid drug interactions oral anticoagulants increased activity
Antithyroid drugs nursing implications Give w/food Same time Qday Avoid high amts of iodine (seafood, soy sauce, tofu, iodined salt)
Glucocorticoids class adrenocortical horomone
mineralcocorticoid class adrenocortical hormone
adrenal steroid inhibitor class adrenocortical hormone
Adrenocortical Hormone contraindications -Serious infections (except tuberculosis meningitis) Caution w/pt w/gastritis, reflux disease, ulcer disease, diabetes, cardiax/renal/liver dysfunction
Adrenocortical Hormone Adverse Effects HF, HTN, convulsions, Ha, vertigo, mood swings, nervousness, insomnia, growth suppression, mentrual irregularities, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, abd distention, fragile skin, petechaie, ecchymosis,facial erythema, etc...
Popular Pharmacology sets




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