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GAP Intro Exam

Gov test 1

Locke Believed that the purpose of government was to protect the right to life, the right to freedom ,and the right to property
Hobbes Believed that the purpose of government was to control the "evil and brutish" nature of mankind, and the only way to do this was to give all power to a king/queen
Mixed Economy
Parliamentary Democracy a system of gov in which voters elect lawmakers to represent them in the nation's parliament; the leaders of the executive branch come from the ruling party in parliament
Direct Democracy a system of gov in which public decisions are made directly by citizens meeting together in an assembly or voting by ballot
Referendum the practice of submitting a law to a popular vote at election time. The law may be proposed by a voter's initiative or by the legislature
Initiative A procedure allowing voters to submit a proposed law to a popular vote by obtaining a required # of signatures
Theocracy a system of gov headed by religious leaders
Federal system a system of gov in which power is divided between national and regional govs
Confederal system a system of gov in which power resides in the regions, which are independent states; the central gov gets power from regional govs
Unitary Sysem a system of gov in whic power is centralized in the national gov; regional govs only exercise powers given by national gov
Montesquieu Believed that the purpose of gov was to maintain law and order, political liberty, and the property of the individual
Plato Believed that the purpose of gov was to defend the natural rights of the society
Authoritarian Favoring complete obedience or subjection to authority opposed to individual freedom. Anti-democracy
Command Economy an economic system that relies mainly on the central gov to determine what goods and services to produce and how
Machiavelli Believed that the purpose of gov was to maintain itself and to extend itself
Pluralist Theory The view that competition among all affected interests shpaes public policy
Elitist Theory the theory that an identifiable group of persons who possess a disproportionate share of some valued resource- such as money or political power
Authority the right to use power
Power The ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions
Legitimacy Political authority conferred by law, public opinion, or constitution
bureaucratic view The theory that a large, complex organization composed of appointed officials who operate gov agencies from day to day
Marxist View The view of ppl who believe that those who control the economic system also control the political one
Separation of Powers A principle of American gov whereby constitutional authority is ahred by three seperate branches of gov- legislative, executive, judicial
Natural Rights
Bentham Believed that the purpose of gov was to maximize the greatest benefit for the greatest # of ppl
social contract
Limited Government
Unlimited Government
Oligarchy a system of gov in which only one political party is allowed by the constitution to govern and power is exercised by the leading memvers of the party
Traditional Economy an economic system in which decisions about what goods and services to produce and how are made on the basis of tradition
Monarchy a system of gov in which a single ruler exercises supreme a power based on heredity or divine right
Market economy an economic system that relies mainly on markets to determine what goods and services to produce and how
Dictatorship a system of gov in which a single person or group exercise supreme power based on its control of the military and police
Free and Competitive Elections
Rule of Law
Created by: AlanaR
Popular American Government sets




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