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Intro_CH.4 Key Terms

Introduction to OT (4th ed.) O'Brien & Hussey - CH. 4 terms

aging in place staying in the home as one ages
assistive technology adaptive technology; refers to devices or equipment that are used to maintain, increase, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities
centennial vision (AOTA's current vision statement) "We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, & evidence-based profession with a globally connected & diverse workforce meeting society's occupational needs."
driver rehabilitation specialists an OT practitioner who evaluates & intervenes in physical, social, cognitive, & psychosocial aspects of functioning that affect driving skills
ergonomics the science of fitting jobs to people
evidence-based practice basing practice on the best available research evidence
licensure laws aka practice acts, give legal def. to OT & the domain of OT practice that differentiates it from other professions; these laws provide important guides for consumers, facilities, & providers, especially with regard to the min. qual. for practitioners
participatory research involves the clinician, client, & faculty member in the research process
vision leads the future direction or organization
Created by: sheaton
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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