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flow properties

not very good don't waste a lot of time

powders with low angle of repose flow freely
powders with high angle of repose flow poorly
very fine or very large flow freely large
particles size in the subsieve ragne can be obtained by ? and expressed a ? gravity sedimentation/ stoke's law
equation for angle of repose tan@=h/r
the closest packing is a rhombohedral
1-(true volume/bulk vol.) is = to void
void times 100 = porosity
weight of sample/volume of bulk apparent density D=m/v
weight of sample/volume of true volume true density ( the density without void)
volume of bulk/weight of sample bulkiness
what does it mean to have a low apparent density for the amount of volume it takes up, it doesn't weight much
bulk volume is what you see or the volume occupiced by a powder placed in a graduated cylinder
the formula for bulk is true volume of the solid + void
how do you find true volume plug actual mass into the true density equation
powders wiht low apparent density and a large bulk volume are considered light
powders with high apparent density and small bulk volum are heavy
what is a good indicatior of packagina comparing app density vs true density
medicated powders are for local effects, systemic effects or both local and systemic
medicated powders are for internally, external,inhaled or what combination external and internal and inhaled
crstalline alpha lactose monohydrate inert propellant and diluent to aid the frmulations flow properties adn to protect the poweder from humidity
what method is used for potent substance to make individual dosing units geometric dilution medthod
what method is used for non potent drugs block and divide
headache powders, powdered laxative, douche powders are examples of bulk or divided powders divided powders
a transparent waterproof paper waxed paper
a glazed, transparent paper, also with limited moisture resistance glassine
a thin semi opaque paper with limited moisture resistance vegetable parchment
simple powder paper bond paper
fluid massing or fluid bed processing is type of wet or dry wet
what is the most common type of granulation dry
compression of powder into large tablets is slugging which is a dry method
when fine powders are forced between counter rotating rolls to form solid compact or sheet then reduced in size using mills or sieve granulators roll compactor by dry granulation
what advantage do granules have over powders flow better,more commonly used in tablets, more stable to the effects of atmospheric humidity, less likely to cake or harden upon standing, more easily wetted by liquids
examples of granulated products lactines granules for diarreah due to antibiotic therapy, zantac efferdose tablets
effervescent salts are granules of what types of powders (like coarse or fine) coarse to very coarse
effervescent salts contain medicinal agents in a dry mixture usually composed of sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, and tartaric acid
when adding water to effervescent what is liberated to result in effervescent carbon dioxide
in the dry method for preparing effervescent granules what acts as the binding agent the one molecule of water present in each molecule of citric acid
in the wet method the source of binding agent is the water added to alcohol as teh moistening agent forming the pliable mass for granulation
Created by: lainylaina
Popular Pharmacology sets




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